Tuesday 4 June 2013

Report from the Hon Secretary, Protem Committee

Report from the Hon Secretary, Protem Committee


·       MNRA was formed by about 20 Nestle retirees on 14th October 2010 with the following aims and objects:
  1. To foster continuous links and interaction with the company
  2. To provide platform for social networking to meet old    colleagues and meet the new ones
  3. To organize social activities for its members
  4. To encourage, foster and develop the qualities of goodwill and   understanding, and
  5. To provide welfare services where and when necessary
·       The above aims and objects speaks for itself that the MNRA as an NGO and not a Union.

·       The MNRA is opened to only the official retirees of Nestle Malaysia Berhad as per the list supplied by the Human Resource Department and must be 55 years and above.

·       Currently, 80 retirees including the founders have signed up as members and approved by the committee on 20 April 2011.  Few more applications have been received and pending approval.

·       The subscription is very cheap.  The Life Membership subscription is only RM50.00.  I think is the cheapest in town.  Those retirees who have yet to sign up are requested to sign up immediately.  Come next AGM in March 2012, we will be proposing an amendment to the constitution to increase it to RM100.00 or RM150.00.

·       We are very new and need money to run the organization.  If you have spare ringgits in your pockets or handbag, you can give some donation to the organization to organize the activities.  Our income at the moment is only the subscription of RM50.00.  Please give us your support, cooperation and assistance.  Please give your donation to Mr. Lim Ho Choy and ensure you get a receipt from him.

·       Acknowledgement

The Protem Management Committee wish to to in record our since thanks and appreciation to the following:

1.     Mr. Peter Vogt, Managing Director of Nestle Malaysia Berhad for his value time and presence at our First Annual General Meeting despite of his heavy schedules

2.     Puan Zainun, Director of Human Resource for her presence and support and without forgetting that today’s refreshment is sponsor by her.

3.     Encik Mohd Shah, Company Secretary for his support and encouragement in the setting of MNRA.

4.     Nestle Malaysia Berhad for all the support, cooperation and assistance extend to MNRA and also the use of the meeting facilities for our Protem Management Committee meeting and today’s AGM.

5.     To Nur Ashikin Che Amat and his staff for all the support and assistance to ensure the room is ready for our use today.

6.     All the 80 members of the MNRA for you support and cooperation

7.     Last but not the least, all those who have in one way or another contribution to the success of MNRA.

Your support to the MNRA does not stop here!  It is just the beginning.

·       Election

The election of the Management Committee will be conducted in accordance to Rule 9.3 of the Constitution that has been given to you when you registered yourself at the counter.

For Record

I would like to put the following items for records:

  1. Inaugural Meeting - 14th October 2010 – 10 am – Nestle Head Office attended by about 20 Nestle Retirees met at the Nestle Head to form an Association for the Retirees and the Protem Committee was elected.
  2. Application for registration was submitted to the office of ROS in Shah Alam on 18 October 2010
  3. Early February 2011 - Received call from ROS office to go and meet the official to make changes to the Constitution affecting the name of organization, membership and the logo.
  4. Met the ROS official to discuss the amendment to the proposed Constitution to change the Name of the Organization in English, Membership category on the Honorary Membership and the proposed Logo.  Gave them the softcopy of the Constitution so that they can amend those items that were discussed.
  5. 7 April 2011 - Received call from the ROS Office that our application has been approved and collected the approval documents in the afternoon.  Verbal instruction from the office was to hold our AGM before end of June 2011.  The approval date was 29th March 2011.  The instruction from ROS was to hold our First AGM before end of June 2011.
  6. It is a quite a record time that our application took only 5 months to approve.
  7. Membership Recruitment - The recruitment of members for MNRA started as soon as the official approval was obtained.  Most the members signed when they attend the Chinese New Year Hi-Tea organized by the Head Office.  Majority of hose present signed up.
  8. The first Protem Committee Meeting met at the Head Office on Wednesday, 20 April 2011 to fix the date, time and venue of the First Annual General Meeting and also to approve the first batch of 80 applications for membership.  Notice of the AGM was sent out to the registered members according to Article 8 of the Constitution.
  9. For today AGM we have achieved the necessary quorum.
Protem Committee

 President                     :           Mr. Anthony Chong

Vice President              :          Encik Taib Bin Hashim

Hon Secretary             :           Mr. Goh Seng Chai

Asst Hon Secretary     :           Puan Zaiton Binti Mohammad

Hon Treasurer             :           Mr. Lim Ho Choy

Committee Members :           Mr. Chan Chiau Khiang

                                                Mr. Wong Wai Man

                                                Encik Mohamad Fathil Bin Mohd Doyal

                                                Mr. Wong Toon Say

                                                Mr. Chan Yee Onn

                                                Mr. Kuan Cheng Hock

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