Tuesday 4 June 2013

Minutes - AGM June 22, 2011




Minutes of the First Annual General Meeting of Persatuan Pesara Nestle Malaysia (Malaysia Nestle Retirees Association)

Date                            :           Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Time                           :           10:00 am

Venue                         :           Training Room 1, Nestle Head Office, Menara Serian, 22-1, No.                                                      1 Jalan PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya,                                                    Selangor D.E.
Total Attendance       :           35 members and 4 observers


Abdul Wahab Bin Lasin         Airiffin Buranudeen               Azizah Binti Abdul Rahman 

Chan Chiau Khiang                Chan Yee Onn            Cheng Chong Hua

Chong King Sing                    Chung Choh                            Dina Rizal, Dato

Goh Seng Chai                        Henry Lin                               Kuah Cheng Hock

Lee Chee Poo                          Lee Nam Huat                        Lee Poh Goek

Leong Ming Chee                   Liew Chee Seong                    Lim Ho Choy

Lim Lai Thim                         Mohd Jamil Mat Shah            Ng Poh Ann

Ram Lebayah Bungah            See Sek Teng                          Sharifah Zaibidah Binti Syed Alwi

Siew Keng Hong                     Taib Bin Hashim                    Tan Ghee Cheow

Tan Kim Loy                          Tay Chiang Lip                       Wong Ah Kin

Wong Wai Man                      Yahaya Bin Osman                 Zaiton Binti Mohamad

Yang Kalsom Binti Mohamed Omar                                     Mohamad Fathil Bin Mohd Doyah


Choy Tsoi Fook                      Lim Ping                                 Lee Qui Fah

Lim Kim Sun

By Special Invitation:

Mr. Peter R Vogt                       -      Managing Director, Nestle Malaysia Berhad

Puan Zainun Nur Abdul Rauf    -        Human Resources and Group Corporate Affairs Director



Before the commencement of the meeting, the Protem Hon Secretary confirmed that there were enough quorums for the meeting as the attendance stated above.

1.     Commencement of Meeting

The Meeting commenced at 10:15 am with Mr. Chong Kin Sing, the Protem President in the chair.

2.     Address by the Protem President
The Protem President, Mr. Chong King Sing welcomed all the members to the 1st Annual General Meeting of Malaysia Nestle Retirees Association (MNRA) and thanked the members for their presence.

He said the MNRA which is a non-profit, non-government, non political and national voluntary organization was setup with the support of Nestle Malaysia Berhad under the Malaysian laws.  It was approved by the Registrar of Societies on 29 March 2011.

MNRA was setup for the purpose of fostering social networking, social activities, encouraging and fostering goodwill, understanding and the welfare of the members.

3.     Address by Mr. Peter R Vogt, Managing Director of Nestle Malaysia Berhad

Mr. Peter Vogt, Managing Director of Nestle Malaysia Berhad said that he was very pleased and honored, as the first Managing Director to be invited to this first Annual General Meeting of Malaysia Nestle Retirees Association (MNRA).

On behalf of the Company, he expressed his congratulations to those retirees who have taken steps to form up the Malaysia Nestle Retirees Association and in particular those who have worked very hard for the past months to get the Malaysia Nestle Retirees Association formed.  A lot of hard work has been put in by the Protem Committee to get the Malaysia Nestle Retirees Association registered.  From a small idea and is now become a reality.  The formation of the Malaysia Nestle Retirees Association is excellent and timely initiatives as 2012, Nestle will be celebrating its 100 years anniversary.  The formation of Malaysia Nestle Retirees Association is an excellent decision and timely which is just a year ahead of the celebration.

He paid tribute to all the retirees for their contributions to the progress of Nestle Malaysia Berhad and for that reasons when the ideas of the formation came to him, without much hesitation he gave the green light to the formation.

As 2012 is the 100 years celebration of the company and he would welcome ideas from members of MNRA so as it can be incorporated in the program.  All ideas and proposals are to be sent to Puan Zainun who is the coordinator for the celebration. 

He concluded his speech by expressing his thanks and appreciations to MNRA for inviting him.

4.     Interim Report by the Protem Hon Secretary

Protem Hon Secretary, Mr. Goh Seng Chai presented a brief report to the meeting as follows:

  • MNRA was formed by about 20 Nestle retirees on 14th October 2010 with the following aims and objects:

1.      To foster continuous links and interaction with the company

2.      To provide platform for social networking to meet old          colleagues and meet the new ones

3.      To organize social activities for its members

4.      To encourage, foster and develop the qualities of goodwill and         understanding, and

5.      To provide welfare services where and when necessary

  • The above aims and objects speaks for itself that the MNRA as an NGO and not a Union.
  • The MNRA is opened to only the official retirees of Nestle Malaysia Berhad as per the list supplied by the Human Resource Department and must be 55 years and above.
  • Currently, 80 retirees including the founders have signed up as members and approved by the Protem Committee on 20 April 2011.  Few more applications have been received and pending approval.
  • The subscription is very cheap.  The Life Membership subscription is only RM50.00.  I think is the cheapest in town.  Those retirees who have yet to sign up are requested to sign up immediately.  Come next AGM in March 2012, there is a possibility to amend the Constitution to increase the subscription to RM100.00 or RM150.00.
  • We are a new organization and need money to run its activities.  He appeals to members who were present at the meeting to come forward to donate to the fund besides their subscription.  Our income at the moment is only the subscription of RM50.00. 
  • Acknowledgement
The Protem Management Committee wishes to in record it’s since thanks and appreciation to the following:

1.     Mr. Peter Vogt, Managing Director of Nestle Malaysia Berhad for his value time and presence at our First Annual General Meeting despite of his heavy schedules

2.     Puan Zainun, Director of Human Resource for her presence and support and without forgetting that today’s refreshment is sponsor by her.

3.     Encik Mohd Shah, Company Secretary for his support and encouragement in the setting of MNRA.

4.     Nestle Malaysia Berhad for all the support, cooperation and assistance extend to MNRA and also the use of the meeting facilities for our Protem Management Committee meeting and today’s AGM.

5.     Nur Ashikin Che Amat and her staff for all the support and assistance to ensure the room are ready for use today.

6.     All the 80 members of the MNRA for the support and cooperation

7.     Last but not the least, all those who have in one way or another contribution to the success of MNRA.

He urged the members to give their continuous support to its progress.

5.     Pledge of Donation from Nestle Malaysia Berhad

Mr. Peter Vogt, Managing Director of Nestle Malaysia Berhad made a pledge of RM5,000 donations to Malaysia Nestle Retirees Association on behalf of the Company to start off the activities. 

6.     Election of Committee for the Period 2011/2013

According to Article 9 of the Constitution, the Annual General Meeting elected the following members as members of the Management Committee for the period 2011 – 2013:

President                           :           Encik Taib bin Hashim         

Vice President                  :           Encik Anthony Chong                       

Hon Secretary                   :           Encik Goh Seng Chai            

Asst Hon Secretary           :           Puan Zaiton Binti Mohammad

Hon Treasurer                   :           Encik Lim Ho Choy

Committee Members       :           Cik Leong Ming Chee

                                                            Encik Ariffin Buranudeen

                                                            Encik Chan Chiau Khiang

                                                            Dato’ Dina Rizal

                                                            Puan Yang Kalsom Mohamed Omar

                                                            Puan Lee Poh Geok

7.     Appointment of Two Hon Auditors 2010 – 2011
The meeting appointed Mr. Henry Lee and Mr. Lee Chee Poo as Hon Auditors for the period 2011-2012.

8.     To discuss any other matter of which (3) clear days notice shall have been given to in writing to the Hon Secretary.
Hon Secretary informed the meeting that he has received a proposal from Mr. Lim Ho Choy through email dated 17 June 2011 to be tabled for discussion at the meeting.  The proposal was seconded by Mr. Wong Wai Man.  Since the proposal was received within six clears day before the meeting.  This qualified for discussion.  The proposed resolution read as follows:

To pay the Secretary the following allowance or any amount the members deemed fit:

·       Hand phone allowance of RM30 per month.

·       Printer ink allowance of RM30 per month.

a)   The main mode of communication is email which is fast and free. But there are occasions where we have to call/sms members/contacts urgently, thus this allowance is needed. It is strongly recommended that members communicate or call the Secretary for clarification instead of wait for the Secretary to call.
b)   This allowance is necessary as it is not practical to purchase the item and change it as and when Association business is carried out. Furthermore the printer ink will dry out even it is not used. Photocopy charges to be claimed accordingly.
 The meeting unanimously adopted the resolution without objection.
 9.     Adjournment of Meeting
There being no other matters, the meeting adjourned at 11:15 am with a vote of thanks to the chair.

Disahkan oleh:

        Tandatangan Asal:                                                   Tandatangan Asal:


           ……………………………….......                          ……….………………………

Nama     :  TAIB BIN HASHIM                                 Nama             : GOH SENG CHAI, PJK

Jawatan :  PENGERUSI / PRESIDENT                  awatan              : SETIAUSAHA KEHORMAT

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