Tuesday 4 June 2013

Annual Report - 2012



Patron : Mr. Peter R. Vogt, Managing Director, Nestlé Malaysia Berhad
Second Annual Report 2012
The Management Committee of Malaysia Nestlé Retirees Association (MNRA) is pleased to present the Second Annual Report for 2012, together with the Audited Financial Report for the period 1st January 2012 to 31st December 2012 and the MNRA Activities Report for 2012.

1.          Management Committee 2011-2012

The Management Committee of MNRA was appointed in 2011 for a term of 2 years. Following the resignations of the Hon Secretary Mr. Goh Seng Chai  and Hon Auditor Mr. Henry Lin in April 2012, the Management Committee  decided to invite Mr. Kuah Cheng Hock to represent Retirees from the factories and to appoint Mr. Wong Wai Man as Hon Auditor. The new Management Committee from May 2012 till 31st December 2012 is as follows:

President                                    :  Encik Taib  Bin Hashim
            Vice President                           :  Mr. Anthony Chong King Sing
            Hon.  Secretary                         :  Cik Zaiton Mohammad (appointed wef 15th May 2012)
            Assistant Hon. Secretary          : Ms Leong Ming Chee (appointed wef 15th May 2012)
            Hon. Treasurer                        : Mr. Lim Ho Choy
            Committee Members               : Encik Ariffin Buranudeen
                                                             : Mr. Chan Chiau Khiang
                                                             : Dato’ Dina Rizal
                                                             : Mdm. Lee Poh Goek
                                                             : Puan Yang Kalsom binti Mohamed Omar
                                                             : Mr. Kuah Cheng Hock (appointed wef 15th May 2012)

2.          Meetings of the Management Committee for 2012

Attendance of the Members of Management Committee is as follows:
 (click to enlarge)

*  Resigned effective 15th May, 2012

**Appointed Effective 15th May 2012

3. Membership
The Membership for MNRA stands at 261 as at 31st December 2012 from 194 in December 2011. Since June 2012 we have registered another 57 new members.  Details are as follows:

Life Members :             251
Ordinary Members :         1
Associate Members :        4
Honorary Members :        5
      of which:
              Klang Valley : 216
              Outstation :   41
              Overseas :    4
We would like to encourage more Retirees from the other states to join MNRA. We believe that many do not know of the formation of MNRA and its objectives. Therefore, the Management Committee would like to get the help of existing members to spread the word and help us recruit .
We were able to recruit new Members whenever we have MNRA activities. At the Retirees Annual Dinner in celebration of Nestlé 100 Years, Retirees from Sarawak and Sabah who were in attendance registerd as new Members.

It is also the intention of the Management Committee to embark on a recruitment drive for outstation members in due course.

4. Second Annual General Meeting
The Second Annual General Meeting was held on 7th March 2012 at Nestlé Head Office, Menara Surian., attended by 35 Members.

Mr. Peter R. Vogt, Managing Director , Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad and Puan Zainun Abdul Rauf,  Human Resource and Group Corporate Affairs Director attended the opening of the Second Annual General Meeting. Mr. Vogt announced the continued financial support of RM5000 for 2012 whilst encouraging the Association to raise more funds on their own so that more activities can be held.

Puan Zainun Abdul Rauf briefed all on the events to celebrate Nestlé 100 Years  which included the history of Nestlé  in Malaysia at Museum Negara, Celebration at Dataran Merdeka, Supermeet 2012 and the Annual Retirees dinner.

The Minutes of the Second Annual General Meeting is attached as Annexe 1.

5. Activities for 2012

a.      Family Day held on 8th September 2012 at Taman Jaya where about 200 members, families and friends participated in the walk, cholesterol checks, aerobic exercises, telematches, cooking competition and lucky draws. Everyone received goody bags filled with Nestlé products, mug and T- shirt. We had MILO, NESTLÉ Breakfast Cereals, MAGGI Mee Goreng, Nestlé Omega Plus and an apple after the walk. The telematches were a hit with the young and old, having lots of fun and laughter. Bobo, the clown kept the children happy with his special balloons.

b.     2nd Stepping Forward Walk for Wellness was again a resounding success when more than 200 participants gathered at Taman Jaya on a beautiful Saturday morning on 8th Decembers 2012. As usual, we started the morning with a walk around the lake, joined by Mr. Peter Vogt and Puan Zainun Abdul Rauf.

Participants had a lovely surprise when one of the Committee Members, Mr. Chan Chiau Khiang went on stage to join the lead Aerobic Instructress to perform Gangnam Style.

The morning continued with telematches and MAGGI Mee Goreng cooking contest. Before the event ended, we had several lucky draws and all went home happy.

Thanks to all the Members, their families and friends  who helped made these 2 events possible and successful.

6. Acknowledgement of Thanks

The Management Committee of Malaysia Nestlé  Retirees Association (MNRA) wishes to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to :

a.      Mr Peter R. Vogt, Patron of Malaysia Nestlé Retirees Association (MNRA) for his   continued support and encouragement to the Management Committee and its Members.

b.     Puan Zainun Abdul Rauf, Human Resource and Group Corporate Affairs Director who  continuously supported all MNRA activities.

c.      Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad for its continued support in cash and in kind; for allowing the use of the company’s address as the registered address and the  meeting/conference rooms whenever we have monthly meetings or Annual General Meeting.

d.     All Brands who have contributed in cash and kind towards the sponsorship of our activities.

e.      External Sponsors and Associates who have given us support in all our activities.

f.      All MNRA Members, their families and friends who continued to support us or volunteered their services in all our events.

We ended 2012 well and we hope to continue fostering our relationship with all Retirees through our regular activities.

On behalf of the Management Committee

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Encik Taib Bin Hashim                                                            Cik Zaiton Mohammad

Financial Reports...

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