Monday 17 June 2013

Bowling for Fun - 24 Aug 2013

Before the serious stuff..........a group photo with Mr Alois Hofbauer, MD Nestle Malaysia (in Milo green T-shirt)
Yes as the title of the carnival suggest, the inaugural Malaysia Nestle Bowling Carnival held on the 24th Aug 2013 at the Sunway Mega Lanes, Sunway Pyramid Shopping Complex was a celebration of fun, fellowship and camaraderie amongst Nestle retirees, present Nestle staff, family members, children and friends.
To officially kick off the "Bowl for Fun 2013"event, Mr Alois Hofbauer shall throw the first ball.....all eyes on him.....hmm.

The carnival was even more memorable with the presence and participation of Mr Alois Hofbauer, MD Nestle Malaysia.
Amazingly,  Mr Alois and his team mates were in top form to emerge champions beating 16 other teams in a 2 game roll-off with a massive 32 pin margin over the 2nd placed team.
In his welcome speech Mr Alois thanked MNRA for inviting him to not only grace but also take part
Mr Alois in full concentration.....the ball is rolling in 1-2 pocket!
in this carnival. He enjoyed the competition excitement and the fellowship interacting  with Nestle retirees, staff and family members. He expressed surprise of his bowling talents  which contributed  much to the team’s victory and hopes that more sports carnivals of this nature will continue to be organized by MNRA  in the future to bring the Nestle family  together.
Leong Ming Chee, President of MNRA, presented the prizes to the 10 top winners teams who won winners medals, MILO and Nestle Cornflakes hampers.
Ming Chee expressed appreciation to the MNRA team and sponsors MILO, Nestle Cornflakes, SportsUnite  and Sunway Mega Lanes for their invaluable support in making this carnival a memorable one and looks forward to a bigger participation and  a more enjoyable carnival next year.

The results of the 5 top teams:

Champion team: Team Alois   with a total of 1305 pinfalls over 2 games                                  
   Members : Mr Alois/Dina Rizal, Khairul Md Taib , David Chan, Nur Aizat Md Said
Runners Up: Team Tembak Pin with 1268 pinfalls over 2 games.        
  Members: Suhaimi Idris, Nur Anis, Jasian, Ramly Ahyat
Third: Team Zainal Abidin  with 1222 pinfalls over 2 games   
  Members:  Zainal Abidin, Nur Farrah Ain, Mohd Harmizan, Ahmad Ridzuan
Fourth: Team Kamal with 1221 pinfalls over 2 games
  Members: Kamal, Julia, Hartah , Lee Ann
Fifth: Team Wong Toon Say with 1156 pinfalls over 2 games
  Members: Wong Toon Say, Ibrahim Bulat dan Isteri , Maha Bujang.
 dina  26.8.13
The professionals....

The serious one......

The seniors.....

The young and powerful.....

The gentle ones.....

 The special one....doing the helicopter spin??


Happy ending.....

More on the following links...

Calling all MNRA members !. Dont Miss It .Sign Up Now !.

See below for details...


10 Reasons You are Not a Millionaire

10 Reasons You are Not a Millionaire
by Jeffrey Strain
There seems to be an impression that the only reason that people aren’t able to become millionaires is because they don’t work hard enough. The truth is that hard work has very little to do with becoming a millionaire. That’s not to say that you don’t have to work hard. You do. But you also need to avoid the many pitfalls and bad financial decisions which end up being the real cause that most people aren’t able to build wealth. The truth is that you don’t have to have a huge salary to gain assets in excess of a million dollars, but you do have to make good financial decisions (and avoid making bad ones).
It’s important to note that a single issue is likely not what’s keeping you from millionaire status, but a combination of several of the actions and decisions you’ve made. And, yes, there are exceptions to the rules, but then there are also people who win the lottery — and would you really bet your retirement on winning the lottery? Here are 10 reason that could very well be a contributing cause of why you’re not currently a millionaire:

You Spend More Than You Make

There are no secrets, and there certainly is nothing magical, when it comes to the basics of personal finance. In order to keep your finances in order, you need to spend less than you earn. If you fail to do this one simple thing, it doesn’t matter how much money you make, you’ll always find that you don’t have enough money to make ends meet. It also goes a step further than this. Spending less than you earn is not enough it itself to build wealth. You have to also actively save and invest a portion of all the money that you make. Most people recommend this amount to be 20% of your income. If you aren’t putting aside 20% of every paycheck you receive and placing it into long-term savings and investments, chances are you aren’t going to become a millionaire.

You Try To Meet Other’s Expectations

There is nothing which will keep you from reaching your financial goals faster than trying to live up to other people’s expectations instead of your own. This is more commonly known as trying to “keep up with the Joneses.” The simple fact is that if you’re trying to live like a millionaire before you have the resources of an actual millionaire, it’s not likely that you’re ever going to become a millionaire. Instead, you will simply be building up a lot of debt and wasting money on things to impress people who probably won’t be impressed anyway. Trying to keep up with the Joneses when your salary can’t compete with the Joneses is a sure way to sabotage the chance of building wealth.

You Don’t Pay Yourself First

One of the most fundamental steps that you can take to ensure that you put away money for yourself is to pay yourself before you pay anybody else. If your goal is to save 20% of your income, you need pay yourself that 20% from your paycheck before you pay any other bills or expenses that you may have. If you try to pay yourself after you pay all your other expenses, you’ll inevitably fall short at the end of the month from time to time (if not always), and fail to save as much as you had hoped. By paying yourself first, you make the commitment that wealth creation is an important part of your overall plan, and not something that hopefully gets accomplished after everything else.

You Have Kids

This probably isn’t going to be the most popular item on the list of why you’re not a millionaire, but the hard, cold truth is that children are expensive. Very expensive. The costs associated with kids can be mitigated to some degree if you have already built some wealth and have planned the cost of having children into your budget, but that often isn’t the case for many couples. Having children when you are young with a limited income will greatly affect your ability to build wealth. With compound interest being so important to wealth creation, and a cornerstone of it being that the sooner you begin saving and investing, the better, the fact is that it’s nearly impossible to put money aside when you’re young with children. When this is the case, all the extra money you have inevitably ends up going toward the children’s care instead of being invested for wealth creation.

Your House Is Too Big

Some people assume that purchasing a big house is a good investment. While this can be the case, purchasing more house than you can afford is a good way to make sure that you’re unable to create real wealth. The problem is that when you buy big, your expenses for the house are also bigger. A large house will mean bigger tax payments, more expensive upkeep, more stuff purchased to fill the house, higher insurance payments and all around more expenses than if you purchased a house that actually fits your needs. The real way to build wealth is to purchase a house that fits your needs and budget, and take all the savings that you gain from not buying the large house to invest and create wealth.

You Replace Things Too Soon

Just because there is a newer and shinier version of the gadget that you purchased a year or two ago doesn’t mean that you need to buy that new gadget. If you’re the type of person who is constantly replacing products that still have a useful life in order to buy the supposedly latest and greatest gadgets, chances are that you’ll have a difficult time building the type of wealth that you want. Those who create savings to invest do so by getting great value out of what they buy by using their purchases for the entirety of the items’ useful life. People who are able to afford the newest and shiniest things by upgrading every year are those who have already built their wealth, not those that are currently trying to.

You Let Others Take Charge Of Your Finances

There is nothing wrong with getting the opinions of others to help you lay out a plan to build your wealth, but it’s important to be an active participant in this planning. Giving full control to somebody else to handle your money is a sure way to make sure that you fail to build the wealth that you hope to create. Creating wealth and keeping it means that it’s necessary for you to understand the financial decisions which are being made, and periodically reevaluating them to make sure that they are meeting the goals that you have set. Giving full control of your finances to somebody else creates a situation where you’re no longer in control of your financial future, and the only one who you can truly trust to be looking out for your best financial interests is yourself.

You Fail To Take Care Of Your Health

There is nothing which will drain your wealth more quickly than getting sick. While you may not be able to control all aspects of your health, there are certainly steps that you can take to make sure that you’re as healthy as you can possibly be. Eating right, getting exercise, taking preventative measures, getting annual check-ups and taking care of medical problems before they become truly serious all put you in a position to live a healthier life. The better you take care of her health, the better the chance that you will be able to create wealth, and keep that wealth as you age.

You Get A Divorce

Just as getting married can be a wonderful way to help build wealth, getting a divorce usually has the exact opposite effect. In fact, getting a divorce is one of the best ways to destroy the wealth that you have built up to that point. That’s not to say that you should stay in a marriage solely for financial reasons, but it’s important to know that divorce is usually a giant wealth destroyer, and getting a divorce will hamper the best laid plans to become a millionaire.

You Have One Or More Bad Habits

A bad habit is anything that takes money away from you without giving more in return. The classics are smoking, gambling and drinking alcohol, but a bad habit could just as easily be that daily expensive cup of coffee or the three sodas that you drink each day. It doesn’t even have to be buying things. Being lazy and sitting in front of the TV five hours a day instead of working on making yourself better is also a bad habit that hurts wealth creation. Depending on the number of bad habits you have, and how much they cost you on an ongoing basis, these alone could be keeping you from becoming a millionaire.

Cheer Up..

This is Priceless.....

A little old lady from Wisconsin had worked in and around her family daily farms since she was old enough to walk, with hours of hard work and little compensation. When canned Carnation Milk became available in grocery stores in the 1940s, she read an advertisement offering $5,000 for the best slogan. The producers wanted a rhyme beginning with "Carnation Milk is best of all".

She thought to herself, I know everything there is to know about milk and dairy farms. I can do this! She sent in her entry and several weeks later, a black car pulled up in front of her house.

A large man got out, knocked on her door and said, " Ma'am...The President of Carnation Milk absolutely LOVED your entry...So much, in fact, that we are here to award you $1,000 even though we will not be able to use it for our advertisements!"

He did, however, have one printed up to hang on his office wall.

Here it is.....


Economic lesson for today...
$7.00 Sex 

An Arizona couple, both well into their 80's, go to a sex therapist's office.
The doctor asks, 'What can I do for you?'
The man says, 'Will you watch us have sexual intercourse?'
The doctor raises both eyebrows, but he is so amazed that such an elderly couple is asking for sexual advice that he agrees.

When the couple finishes, the doctor says, 'There's absolutely nothing wrong with the way you have intercourse..' 

He thanks them for coming, he wishes them good luck, he charges them $50 and he says good bye.

The next week, the same couple returns and asks the sex therapist to watch again. The sex therapist is a bit puzzled, but agrees.

This happens several weeks in a row
The couple makes an appointment, has intercourse with no problems, pays the doctor, then leave.

Finally, after 3 months of this routine, the doctor says, 'I'm sorry, but I have to ask. Just what are you trying to find out?'

The man says, 'We're not trying to find out anything.
She's married; so we can't go to her house.

I'm married; and we can't go to my house.
The Holiday Inn charges $98.
The Hilton charges $139.
We do it here for $50, and
Medicare pays $43 of it, leaving my net cost of $7.    


Getting married again...
A senior citizen said to his eighty-year old buddy:
'So I hear you're getting married?'


'Do I know her?'


'This woman, is she good looking?'

'Not really.'

'Is she a good cook?'

'Naw, she can't cook too well.'

'Does she have lots of money?'

'Nope! Poor as a church mouse.'

'Well, then, is she good in bed?'

'I don't know.'

'Why in the world do you want to marry her then?'

'Because she can still drive!'

Hearing aids ......
An elderly gentleman had serious hearing problems for a number of years.
He went to the doctor and the doctor was able to have him fitted for a set of hearing aids that allowed the gentleman to hear 100%.
The elderly gentleman went back in a month to the doctor and the doctor said, 'Your hearing is perfect.. Your family must be really pleased that you can hear again.'

The gentleman replied, 'Oh, I haven't told my family yet.

I just sit around and listen to the conversations. I've changed my will three times!'



Friday 14 June 2013


EPF dividend beyond age 75
See text below:

Clarification On EPF Dividend Payments From Age 75 To 100 Years

The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) wishes to clarify on the EPF Enhancement Initiative 3 pertaining to the extension of dividend payments from the current age of 75 to 100 years old as announced on Monday. This initiative only applies to members who voluntarily decide to keep their savings with the EPF post full withdrawal age.
Members who wish to maintain their savings in the EPF will continue to receive dividends up to the age of 100 years old and may withdraw them at any point in time. Subsequent to 100 years old, any unclaimed savings will be transferred to Registrar of Unclaimed Monies.
We emphasise that this proposal is not linked to the options to align the full withdrawal age with the minimum retirement age of 60 years, of which the first option is to extend the full withdrawal age from 55 to 60 years on a staggered basis over 15 years. The second option maintains the age 55 withdrawal for existing savings and introduces a new age 60 withdrawal for contributions of those working past the age of 55.
Issued by
Corporate Affairs Department
Employees Provident Fund
Date: 22 April 2015


1st Jan 2017 EPF: No Change To Age 55 Withdrawal, And Introducing Akaun Emas For Age 60 Withdrawal

News & Highlights
KUALA LUMPUR, 3 November 2016: The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) today announced that effective 1 January 2017, Akaun Emas will be introduced as a second retirement nest egg for members working beyond age 55. There is no change to the current Age 55 Withdrawal.
The Akaun Emas is one of the initiatives under the enhancement to the EPF schemes as set out under the EPF Act 1991 where all new contributions received after age 55 will be automatically parked under Akaun Emas and can only be withdrawn when members reach age 60. This is to ensure the sufficiency of members’ retirement savings upon reaching age 60.
 EPF Chief Executive Officer Datuk Shahril Ridza Ridzuan said, “During the Members Consultation Exercise held in April last year, we proposed several enhancement initiatives to the current schemes, and chief among them was the introduction of the Akaun Emas.
“Considering the reality that the average Malaysian today is working beyond the age of 55 and the minimum retirement age of 60, the EPF decided to provide a second retirement nest egg via the Akaun Emas to secure members’ savings from age 55 to 60. The extra savings accumulated during this five-year period will go a long way in serving members’ needs when they retire.” 
 The EPF assures members that the current Age 55 Withdrawal will remain. All existing balances for members above age 55 will remain available for withdrawal. The Akaun Emas will not affect the existing scheme, where members have the option to make full or partial withdrawals upon reaching age 55. Members will also continue to earn dividends for their savings in both Akaun Emas and the balance of their savings in Akaun 55. 
 In addition to the Akaun Emas and Akaun 55 initiatives, the EPF is also extending the dividend payment limit to age 100 from the current age 75. This will benefit members who choose to maintain a portion of their savings with the EPF, allowing them to benefit from the compounding effect of receiving dividend until a full withdrawal is made.
 Following the Members Consultation Exercise last year, a total of 94 per cent of respondents overwhelmingly agreed for the EPF to maintain the Age 55 Withdrawal, with new contributions from age 55 to 60 to be locked in until age 60, hence the introduction of Akaun Emas. The exercise also saw 61 per cent of respondents agreed that the dividend payments to be extended from the current age 75 to 100.
 Several other enhancement initiatives were also introduced to the EPF schemes and policies such as changes to the nomination policies, increase in the Basic Savings quantum, pre-retirement withdrawals for non-Malaysian members, and enhancements of policy administration (please see Attachment 1). All these initiatives will take effect on 1 January 2017.
For more information on the enhancement initiatives, members can also refer to the Enhancement of EPF Scheme and Policy microsite via the EPF website at or call the EPF Contact Management Centre at 03-89226000.

 1. Akaun 55 (Age 55 Withdrawal)
 • Contributions from Account 1 and 2 will be transferred to Akaun 55 for members who have reached age 55 and above starting 1 January 2017.
 • After the transfer to Akaun 55, any withdrawals can be made subject to current eligibility and procedures.
 2. Akaun Emas (Age 60 Withdrawal)
 • Any contributions received after age 55 starting 1 January 2017 will be parked under the new Akaun Emas.
 • No pre-retirement withdrawals from Akaun Emas.
 • Accumulated contributions can only be withdrawn at age 60.
 • Upon reaching age 60, balances in Akaun 55 and Akaun Emas will be combined for withdrawal.
 3. Dividend Payment and Unclaimed Savings
  • Dividends will continue to be credited into members’ account until the savings are transferred to the Registrar of Unclaimed Monies after 100 years
 •  Members will continue to enjoy annual dividend up to age 100.
 4. Nomination
  • Initial payment of Death Withdrawal has been increased from RM20,000 to 25,000 depending on balance of savings in the deceased members’ account.
 • Witness no longer required for nominations.
 • For Muslim members:
o   Clarifying the role of executor/administrator in nomination form
o   Nomination will be revoked if withdrawal application is not made within one (1) year after member’s death
o  Under-aged nominee can execute the responsibility of executor/administrator upon reaching 18 years old.
 5. New Basic Savings Quantum
  • The Basic Savings quantum will increase from current RM196,800 to RM228,000 to align with the revised minimum pension for public sector employees (RM820 to RM950 monthly)
  • Eligibility to participate in the EPF Member Investment Scheme (EPF-MIS) has been increased from 20 per cent to 30 per cent of savings in excess of the Basic Savings quantum by age in Account 1.
 6. Additional Withdrawal Options for Non-Malaysian Members
  • The enhancement initiative enables non-Malaysian members to make additional withdrawals, subject to terms and conditions, as below:
- Age 50 Withdrawal
- Housing Withdrawal – Only for property purchased in Malaysia
- Education Withdrawal
- Health Withdrawal
- Age 55 –  Lump Sum
- Leaving Country
- Incapacitation
- Death
 7. Order of Forfeiture
 • Savings will not be protected under Section 51 in the event that a forfeiture order is issued by the court under the Anti-Money Laundering Act, Anti-Terrorism Financing and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act 2001 (Act 613) where members’ savings can be surrendered and transferred to the relevant government authorities.

Akaun Emas to keep withdrawal choice

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Stepping Forward Walk for Wellness - 2011

Nestle Retirees Stepping Forward to walk for wellness....

Just before 2011 came to a close, Malaysia Nestle Retiree Association (MNRA) organised a recreational Event - Stepping Forward - Walk for Wellness to bring the Nestle retirees together for the year-end gathering. It was on a beautiful Sunday morning of 18 December 2011 at Taman Jaya lake side, Petaling Jaya when more than 200 Nestle Malaysia retirees, Nestle staff, their family

members and friends congregated to take part in a fun walk titled "Stepping Forward - Walk for Wellness".

The event was the first program of the newly formed organization of Nestle retirees known as Malaysia Nestle Retirees Association (MNRA).

Many Sunday joggers at the park joined in the spirit of the fun.

The event started with a warming up aerobics session conducted by a 72-year old Mr. K. Padmanathan, a former Sport Ministry sports and aerobics instructor.

Participants then walked twice around the lake, covering a distance of 5.5km followed by a cooling down aerobic session conducted by Mr Padmanathan.

A spirit of healthy fun and fellowship prevailed at the event as the coming together of retirees, parents, children, grand children and friends made the event truly memorable.

Light music filled the air to create a festival mood. Participants were never short of refreshments from Milo, Nestle Breakfast Cereals and Nestle Omega Plus.
CCK performing Gangnam are cool, men!

The para medical team from Nestle Omega Plus was even there to conduct cholesterol checks which attracted and drew a very encouraging response of about 100 participants.

There were lucky draws offering over 80 prizes comprising sport items and and Nestle hampers and products to the winners.
At our age, we are just as flexible...a bit of help only la.

The support from Nestle brands - Milo,  Nestle Breakfast Cereals and Nestle Omega Plus. - and friends from Bata, Figos, Active Ad, MVP Marketing, Spectra Sound System, SportUnite and MAFC-Food Supply Chain Specialist added lustre to the walk.

Nestle Malaysia group corporate affairs director Zainum Nur flagged off the event and later presented prizes to the lucky draw winners.

Taib Hashim, President of the newly formed Malaysia Nestle Retirees Association (MNRA) said: "We are touched by the support of so many friends and sponsors to make our first event a success.
The turnout was beyond our expectations. This will spur us on to organize more programs with the objectives of building fellowship amongst members, staff, families and friends."

The event was also published in our local newspaper TheStar....

MNRA 2012 - March 2013

It was a good year for Malaysia Nestlé Retirees Association (MNRA) in 2012. Our membership increased by 29% from 194 to 261 by 31st December with most  members in Klang Valley.

We organized 2 outdoor activities – Family Day on 8th September 2012 and 2nd Stepping Forward for Wellness on 8th December 2012 at Taman Jaya in Petaling Jaya. Over 200 members, family and friends gathered to have fun together. As usual we began with a walk around the lake followed by  some light aerobics. Age did not stop the Retirees from participating in the telematches, Maggi Mee Goreng contest  as well as performing the Gangnam style. Highlight as usual was the  lucky draws. Everyone went home with a goody bag in hand filled with Nestlé products, a fruit, bottle of water and some other freebies.


Maggi Mee Goreng.....siapa chepat dia dapat

MNRA Mr Gangnam


MNRA also ushered in the New Year with a Hi Tea at Cittitel, Mid Valley on 20th Jan 2013, well attended by 80 members who enjoyed the spread of food whilst catching up with friends they had not seen in years. Our special guest was En. Adnan Pawanteh who delighted Retirees from the factories with his presence.


The 3rd Annual General Meeting held on 21st March 2013 was graced by Mr Alois Hofbauer, En.Mohamad Abu Bakar and Puan Zainun Rauf. It was a  good opportunity  for the Retirees to meet the new Managing Director and HR Director.

 We are pleased to announce the new Management Committee for MNRA for 2013-2014.

 President                         : Ms Leong  Ming Chee
Vice President                 : En Ariffin Buranudeen
Hon Secretary                 : Mrs Leong Poh Goek
Hon Asst Secretary        : Cik Zaiton Mohammad
Treasurer                          : Mr. Lim Ho Choy
Commiittee members    : Puan Azizah Amir Hamzah
                                              : Dato’ Dina Rizal
                                              : Mr. Kuah Cheng Hock
                                              : En Nawi Hj Sidek
                                              : En . Taib Hashim
                                              : Puan Yang Kalsom

 MNRA will continue to organize activities and foster friendship amongst Retirees. It is also the intention to extend to other states in  due course.

 Retirees who are not yet members may write to nestlé to become part of our  Nestle Family.

Article contributed by LMC also published in Nestle Times April 2013.