Wednesday 15 April 2020

Message from President MNRA - April, May 2020

3rd May, 2020

Dear MNRA members,

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our muslim members “Selamat menyambut Ramadhan Al Mubarrak and Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa” and thank the Almighty also for the good health to all our members.

Well tomorrow is the fourth of May (4th May, 2020) in which the MCO will be slightly relaxed.  But I also heard a few argue whether we should allow businesses to open or whether it is too soon to open. When will it be SAFE to end the lockdown, to re-emerge? Our Health DG also says, “For those who have no business out there please stay home.  It is the safest place in the world right now.  It will never be “SAFE”, because the best vaccine that is currently available is to stay HOME.”  Either we are under lockdown or otherwise it is clearly understood that nothing changes the virality of Covid-19; or how it spreads from one person to another.

However when the country start to ease the MCO on 4th May to Controlled Movement Controlled Order (CMCO), we need to practice the new normal but more important is to continue to obey the SOP issued by the Ministry of Health (MOH).  So what is this new normal?  Continue to maintain social distancing, wear your masks all the time when you are out of the house until we have a vaccine or definite standardized proven medicine that ensures rapid cure.  Have healthy nutritious food to improve your immune level and a good rest and night sleep. Do have some light exercises at home . It's as simple as this!!!

Hope you all understand that this is just the beginning & not the end.  And if any of you would like to get in touch with your ex-colleagues or friends but do not have their contact number, do reach out to any of the committee  members and we will try to get the contact for you.  Yes we understand the lockdown sometimes brings back old memories and it’s ok to get in-touch and say hello to our friends.  Thanks to technology we can now have video call and chat groups.   So keep yourself busy whilst at home.  Let’s continue to hope and pray that we are safe so that we will be able to meet each other again.

Till then, stay healthy ! Stay Indoors ! Stay Safe !

Yours sincerely,

President of MNRA


April 2020

Dear MNRA members,

It’s been a month since I last communicated with you about the postponement of most of our get together and our 10th AGM and how COVID-19 have impacted on our day to day activities. Sadly, since that time, we’ve all borne witness to how this insidious virus is impacting our families, our communities and our very way of life. What we’re facing is daunting, but I am heartened by the moments of triumph in everyday acts of courage, humanity and love shared by all through the mass media, Facebook, Instagram and our group Whatsapp chat. Although these are trying times for us all, I remain optimistic that our country and the world at large will thrive once again.

Given the unprecedented disruption to all industries, I was also informed that Nestle as a company have come forward to support the frontliners all over the country with food supplies.  

Whilst we all are awating the time when we can travel and meet again, please follow the guidance from the authorities.

Thank you for being a good citizen by staying at home and at the same time, maintain safe distancing to cut-off the spread of the virus in our community and together we hope and pray we will be able to see each other soon. 
Till then, stay safe and stay well.

Yours sincerely,



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