Saturday 2 June 2018

Minutes of the 8th Annual General Meeting

Minutes of the 8th Annual General Meeting of
Persatuan Pesara Nestlé Malaysia (Malaysia Nestlé Retirees Association)

Date: 29th March 2018
Time: 10:00 am

Venue: 1st Floor, MAGGI® Kitchen, Nestlé Head Office, Menara Surian,  

            No. 1, Jalan PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara, 47810, Petaling Jaya,  Selangor

Total Attendance: 55 members

1. Abd Rauf Majid                                   2. Lim Yok Ha
3. Chong King Sing, Anthony                 4. Low Hock Lai
5. Leong Li Chan, Peggy                        6. Lyn Low
7. Albert Ng Ah Ngan                             8. Manonmany d/o Kuppusamy
9. Azizah Abd Rahman                         10. Mohd Shah bin Hashim
11. Chew Lye Hock                               12. Nazariah Bt Zambahari
13. Chin Shin Yew                                 14. Ooi Yu Peck
15. Chong Min Sin                                 16. Oong Ping Tiong
17. Choy Tsoi Fook                               18. Pauziah Bt Mohammed
19. Claude Rennie Jeremiah                 20. Seow Yok Kuan
21. Fauzilan Abu Bakar                         22. Sharifah Zabidah Syed Alwi
23. Foong Yoke Chun, Ellen                 24. Soo Seng Chong
25. Gwee Foo Chow                             26. Suganthini Masilamoney (Sugi)
27. Hamidah Othman                            28. Suhaila Emma Merican
29. Johnny Ng Poh Aun                        30. Sundraletchumy a/p Thankadurai
31. Khoo Boo Keong                            32. Suzanne Chua Beng Chu
33. Khoo Yow Mai,Amy                        34. Tan Chee Seang
35. Koh Dau Kwang                              36. Teo Yoke Lan
37. Kuah Cheng Hock                           38. Teoh Gim Eong
39. Kuok Mee Poh                                40. Thiagarajan Annamalai
41. Lau Phaih Yean                               42. Wong Teik Sung @ Aloysius
43. Lee Chin Neer                                  44. Yahaya Osman
45. Lee Poh GoekManonnmany            46. Yang Kalsom  Omar
47. Leong Ming Chee                            48. Zaiton Mohammad
49. Lim Ewe Seng                                 50. Zaliha Mohammed
51. Lim Ho Choy                                   52. Zulkepory Bin Hussin
53. Lim Kim Yong                                 54. Zainun Nur Abd Rauf
55. Lim Lai Thim, Catherine 

By Special Invitation: Mr. Alois Hofbauer
   En Meor Dzulkarnain (representing GHRD)
   Ms. Immy Ooi Lay Imm (representing GCAD)

QUORUMBefore the commencement of the meeting, the Hon Secretary confirmed that there is a quorum for the meeting as per the attendance stated above and therefore the meeting will proceed accordingly.

1. Commencement of Meeting
The Meeting commenced at 10:05 am with Ms. Leong Ming Chee, the President in the chair. 

1.1. Address by the President
The President, Ms. Leong Ming Chee in her address, welcomed Mr. Alois Hofbauer and Nestle Management for their continuous support as well as financial contribution. She congratulated Nestlé on the sterling performance for 2017, surpassing the RM 5 bio mark.  She also acknowledged En Meor Dzulkarnain and Cik Jamaliah for their assistance on HR matters, Ms. Nirmala Thurai and Ms. Immy Ooi for including write-ups in the Nestle Edge, and last but not least, all the members to the 8th Annual General Meeting of Malaysia Nestlé Retirees Association (MNRA).

2. Address by Mr. Alois Hofbauer, Managing Director, Nestlé (Malaysia) Bhd

2.1. Mr. Alois Hofbauer started his address by thanking the President of the MNRA and all retirees for their past contributions and  being the ambassadors for Nestlé Malaysia especially during crisis mode e.g. the recent MILO crisis. 
2.2. Mr Alois Hofbauer shared the company‘s 2017 performance and indicated 2018 to be favourable. He also announced that Nestlé is in the KL Stock Index (for those who still holds the Nestle share).   Nestlé is currently in the close period thus Mr Alois Hofbauer was not able to share more about the company’s performance than what he had mentioned earlier.
2.3. Highlights for 2018
       2.3.1. Nestlé Malaysia have just launched Nestlé Water.  So far the sales is very encouraging.
       2.3.2. A new distribution center in Sijankang will be opened after Hari Raya.  It’s size is equivalent to about 9 football fields.  It will be the biggest warehouse for Nestle worldwide and invites the MNRA to visit the new NDC once opened, in the 2nd half of 2018.
      2.3.3. The new Nestlé Global Procurement hub (NESTRADE) was officially opened recently and is currently creating new employment opportunities for Malaysians
     2.3.4. Globally Nestlé is growing by 2%.  Though the number look small, it is still a good growth.
     2.3.5. Issue on fake news is a daily issue now for Nestlé.  The company is adjusting to this new social digital media. He requested MNRA members to continue to act as Nestlé Ambassadors if they come across any negative news or rumours on Nestlé via social media. Members can refer to GCAD for relevant information.
     2.3.6. For example MILO the brand that is recently attacked through the social media will be launching a nationwide campaign ‘Active NegaraKu’

3. Q&A by Mr Alois Hofbauer, Region Head Nestle Malaysia/Singapore

The following questions were posed to Mr. Alois Hofbauer

3.1. Ms. Suganthini – Will there be a likelihood of a share split
Ans:  Mr A Hofbauer is unable to answer this due to closed period.

3.2. Oong Ping Tiong – Was MILO sales affected during the recent crisis?
Ans:  No, we have not seen any sales drop

3.3. Leong Ming Chee – We see less and less MAGGI product variants now other than the instant noodles.  Any plans to increase the range?
Ans:  MAGGI has grown more than 10% in 2017 contributed mainly by the noodles category.  Bowl noodles now contributes at least 35mio Ringgit.  As for the mixes range, the company needs to do an investment but ‘Cukup Rasa’ is growing very well

3.4. Abd Rauf Majid – Any Halal issue?
Ans:  Not so much.  Its more about wellness

3.5. Lau Phaih Yen – MILO price is increasing, so would the company be increasing our pension payout?
Ans:  I will let HR to answer this later

3.6. Teoh Gim Eong – Was there an issue on MAGGI noodle distribution?  NSK outlet have no stocks and the staff member said that the factory is closing down thus why there are no stocks available
Ans:  No issue but will bring up the comment to our Sales Director, Mr Chew Soi Ping to look into this

3.7. Leong Ming Chee -  Will the company be looking into reducing the sugar level of Nestlé products further?
Ans:  We are always working to reduce the sugar level but will follow the WHO standards and  especially with the upcoming ‘Sugar Tax’ policy to in place.  For the retirees information, MILO is currently under the ‘Malaysian Healthy Choice’ group by MOH

4. Presentation by Ms Leong Ming Chee, President for MNRA – presented on the 2017 activities

Another good year for MNRA.  Recruitment drive – 8.4% increase, from 452 to 491 members.  Helped by Nestle Malaysia to pay for newly retired employees.  Sadly, we bid farewell to 4 deceased members.  Another year full of activities- 13 altogether. 

4.1. Regions carried out 7 get-togethers/lunches/hi tea
4.2. 2 activities on wellness walk and gardening
4.3. Visit to Chembong Factory
4.4. Discovering Sandakan – Kinabatangan and Danum Valley
4.5. Wellness Talk at Surian
4.6. Annual General Meeting
4.7. As for 2018, we have already planned out the whole year events. The next 2 events are   - Visit to the Mulu Caves and Rombongan Cik Kiah to Malacca. The form will be sent out soon

5. Confirmation of the Minutes of the 7th General Meeting held on 15th March 2017

The Minutes of the Seventh Annual General Meeting held on 15th March, 2017 at 10:00 am at Nestlé Head Office, Menara Surian, 22-1, No. 1 Jalan PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, was taken as read, duly confirmed and unanimously adopted, as proposed by Mr Mohd Shah Hashim and seconded by Ms Lau Phaih Yean.

6. To receive and adopt the 7th Annual Report for the period 1st January to 31st December 2017Ms Zainun Abd Rauf, Hon Secretary, tabled the 7th Annual Report ending 31st December 2017 on behalf of the Management Committee after which, the Report was unanimously adopted, as proposed by Mr Lim Ewe Seng and seconded by Mr Johnny Ng Poh Aun.

7. To receive and adopt the Audited Statement of Accounts ending 31st December 2017.
Hon Treasurer, Mr. Lim Ho Choy, tabled the Audited Statement of Accounts for the period ending 31st December 2017 for discussion and approval.
The Audited Statement of Accounts ending 31st December 2017 was unanimously adopted, as proposed by Mr Mohd Shah Hashim and seconded by Ms Suganthini Masilamoney

8. Appointment of Two Honorary Auditors 2018The meeting appointed Ms Suhaila Merican and Ms Suganthini Masilamoney as Honorary Auditors for the year 2018.  Proposer for Ms Suhaila Merican was Mr Mohd Shah Hashim and seconded by Ms Yang Kalsom, and proposer for Ms Suganthini Masilamoney was Ms Lim Moi Heng and seconded by Ms Suhaila Merican

9.  To discuss any other matters of which 3 clear days notice shall have been given in writing to the Hon. Secretary

Since there was no questions raised earlier, the committee took the opportunity to invite Mr Meor Dzulkarnain to explain further on the adjustment to the retirees pension for 2018 as pointed out by Mr Alois Hofbauer earlier

9.1. Lau Phaih Yen – Any adjustment to our pension for 2018 ?
Ans:  No adjustments was budgeted for 2018.  However, the company will give a onetime payment  of Ringgit $600 to the pensioners only in 2018 and does not include the lumpsump retirees.
9.2. Anthony Chong – wasn’t there a clause in the pension that there will be adjustment every 3 years once.
Ans:  There is no clause in employment letter nor retirement stating this.

There being no other matters, the meeting adjourned at 11:20 am with a vote of thanks to the chair.

Leong Ming Chee                                      Zainun Nur Abd Rauf
President                                                  Hon. Secretary

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