Wednesday 1 July 2015

MNRA Newsletter - 2015 July

1st July 2015

Dear Members 

They say time flies as one gets older and indeed we are experiencing that now. Six months have gone by so quickly.
Nonetheless, we are all still active in our daily lives and many young at heart.

Going into it’s 3rd term since it started, MNRA will continue to live on, if more or all of its members participate and take an interest in the meetings and activities. Without your participation, it will be nothing.  Therefore, we call out to you to take part in our activities for 2015.

As a start, we wish to report our activities till end June 2015.

1.   Welcoming the New Year 2015 and the Year of the Goat

The biggest ever turnout of 153 people for Sunday Lunch cum Hi Tea at Armada Hotel on 25th Jan 2015,with Ms Uzma Qaiser Butt - Group HR Director, Encik Adnan Pawanteh - Production Director  and Mr Kumaran Nowuram - Sales Director, in attendance. With some persuasion, we managed to get a few newcomers who are members but have never turned up for any of our  previous activities. This was a wonderful occasion for all to catch up over a fantastic buffet spread comprising of local delights ranging from Malay, Chinese, Indian, Western, Vegetarian and all sorts of tempting desserts. Thanks go to Messrs Tan Ghee Cheow and Choy Tsoi Fook  (ex Food Services) who helped organize the “Thumbs Up” Buffet.

2.   MNRA 5th AGM welcomes a New Committee for a New Term (2015-2017)

Held on 11th March 2015, some 54 members attended this important meeting as elections for a new committee took place. Mr Alois Hofbauer – Managing Director  and Ms Uzma Qaiser Butt – Group Human Resource Director graced the occasion giving us good news of an increased financial support of RM 10,000 and updated on how Pension Fund was being managed. Ms Uzma also confirmed that any changes to the pension fund will not affect current pensioners. 

The new MNRA Management Committee 2015-2017 elected are as follows:

President                                Ms Leong Ming Chee 012 3953260
Vice President                        En Ariffin Buranudeen 012 3360022
Honorary Secretary                Ms Lau Phaih Yean                 012 2340811
Asst Secretary                        Ms Teoh Gim Eong          012 3093171
Treasurer                                Mr Lim Ho Choy        012 3632033
Committee                              Mr Lee Chee Poo          012 3158922
Committee                              Mr Chong Min Sin     012 3795217
Committee                              Mr Freddie Kuah Cheng Hock 012 3159114
Committee                              Mr Rama Rao          016 7779456
Committee                              Ms Yang Kalsom Omar 012 3046048
Committee                              Ms Zaiton Mohamad 012 3158851

The members appointed Mr Leong Kok Way and Mr Loke Woh Kam as Honorary Auditors.

Please log into  to access MNRA 5th AGM - Minutes of the Meeting.

3. MNRA in the Region

MNRA East Coast 1st Anniversary Lunch on 12th April 2015 attended by En Ariffin Buranudeen, Simon Toh, Rosman Abd Rahim, Abd, Halim Mohammed, Cher Ah Chat, 
And Sum Kun Ping. 

MNRA Malacca  at Restaurant L.T.P on  7th June 2015, attended by Lim Ho Choy and Malacca Retirees.

MNRA Johore Bahru on 13th June 2015 celebrating the birthdays of En Rahman Mansor and  Cheah Tiam Chye with their favourite Tiramisu Cake. During this occasion they took the opportunity to elect a new Chairman Kee Lek King and Secretary En Kadar bin Ahmad. Congratulation to both of them. We wish to take this opportunity to thank outgoing Chairman Mr Yeap Siew Lim and En Rahman Mansor for taking the lead in the past 2 years and for organizing the get-togethers with the Members in JB. Well done.

We hope that Penang and Sarawak will also organize their get-together soon. 
In the case of Sarawak, it is hoped that we could have one in Miri for a change. This is to be confirmed.

4. MNRA EGM held on 30th April 2015

A successful EGM to pass resolution on the changes made to the Constitution and also to have Members pass a Resolution to have an MNRA representative on the Board of Trustees for the Pension Fund. A copy of the Minutes is found on our blog . Please log into

5. Coming Activities and Events 

(a) Stepping Forward Walk for Wellness 8th August 2015

After a lapse of 1 year, we are now bringing back this popular activity. This time to avoid the raining season we have scheduled this to be on 

Date : Saturday 8th August 2015
Time : 7.00 – 10.30am
Venue : Taman Jaya, Petaling Jaya.

Please goto the blog page to see programme for the morning and registration form for you and your families/friends. Closing date is on 31st July 2015.

(b) Nestlé Retirees Hi Tea organized by Group Corporate Affairs

This is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday 13th October2015. More updates from Group Corporate Affairs. NOTE : THIS EVENT IS NOT ORGANISED BY MNRA.

6. Dialogue with Nestlé Management June 2015

MNRA continues to have dialogue with Nestlé Management. The President and Vice President  have regular meetings with Ms Uzma Qaiser Butt – Group HR Director. We have in June started our dialogue with the CFO Mr Martin Krugel and Ms Uzma Qaiser Butt on issues relating to Pensioners. 

Following the EGM, MNRA wrote to Nestlé Management requesting for representation on the Pension Fund Board of Trustees. The Management is of the view that there is no need for MNRA involvement on the Pension Fund Board but is open to have collaborative communication with MNRA. The President accepts the suggestion for the time being and hopes that open communication will benefit both parties.

It is also confirmed that there will be a small adjustment effective July 2015 and Nestlé will issue a letter to all Pensioners.

Other issues taken up with the Management will be communicated in due course:

- Booklet on Pension Scheme and what are the benefits for the beneficiaries.
- Request for a Townhall Meeting for Pensioners to explain the above or Q&A session.

7. My Best Moments in Nestlé

Once Nestlé always Nestlé is what we all say. We never fail to reminise all the old times, taking out photos to show each other. Social media has changed the way we communicate with each other….first it is only a text message , then Whatsapp, WeChat, Line and recently friends are communicating with each other on Telegram. The number of old photos which appear is tremendous, bringing happy and emotional moments as we appreciate these photos.

For this we are starting a project headed by Lee Chee Poo, calling all to send in “My Best Moments in Nestle” and I am sure it is not one or two but many. See the Blog page for more details and we look forward to viewing these and will publish on our blog.

In closing, we take this opportunity to wish all our Muslim friends  and Families “Selamat Berbuka Puasa and Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri”. Have a great celebration.

Ms Leong Ming Chee Lau Phaih Yean

President Hon. Secretary

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