Friday 12 August 2022

MNRA 12th AGM, Wednesday, 24th August 2022, Via Zoom

1st August 2022,

To all Registered Members of MNRA


Notice is hereby given that the 12th Annual General Meeting of Malaysia Nestlé Retirees Association will be held on Wednesday, 24th August 2022, via zoom at 9:00am (see meeting invite link)

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 402 436 3874


The agenda is as follows:-


 8:45 am 

Registration of Attendance  


Commencement of the Twelve (12th) Annual General Meeting

 9:05 am












1. Address & Presentation by the President, Ms. Zainun Abd Rauf

2. Address by the CEO of Nestle Malaysia/ Singapore, Mr. Juan Aranols.  And also to answer any questions raised by the members

3. Presentation by the President, Ms Zainun Abd Rauf

4. Confirmation of the Minutes of the Eleventh (11th) Annual General Meeting held on 26th Nov 2021

5. To receive and adopt the Eleventh (11th) Annual Report for the period ending 31st December 2021

6. To receive and adopt the Audited Statement of Account ending 31st December 2021

7. Feedback on questions raised during last AGM held on 26th Nov 2021

8. To discuss any other matters of which three (3) clear days’ notice shall have been given in writing to the Hon. Secretary 

9. To appoint 2 Honorary Auditors as per Article 12.1 of the Constitution


Close of AGM


Please confirm your attendance by email to or WhatsApp to Ms. Lau Phaih Yean at 012-2340811 by 15th August 2022 for our preparations.  Please have in hand your Agenda, Minutes and Annual Report with you.


Yours sincerely,


Lau Phaih Yean

Asst. Hon. Secretary   



1hb Ogos 2022


Kepada semua Ahli MNRA yang berdaftar




Dengan ini di maklumkan bahawa Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan ke-12 Persatuan Pesara Nestlé Malaysia akan diadakan pada hari Rabu 24hb Ogos, 2022 melalui zoom (lihat pautan jemputan mesyuarat di bawah) pada 9:00 pagi. 

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 402 436 3874


Agendanya adalah seperti berikut: -


 8:45 pagi 

Pendaftaran kehadhiran  

 9:00 pagi

Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan yang ke Duabelas (12) akan bermula

 9:05 pagi












1. Ucapan & Penyampaian dari Presiden, Ms Zainun Abd Rauf

2. Ucapan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Nestle Malaysia/ Singapura, Mr. Juan Aranols, dan juga untuk menjawab sebarang soalan yang dikemukakan oleh ahli

3. Penyampaian dari Presiden MNRA, Ms Zainun Abd Rauf

4. Pengesahan Minit Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Kesebelas (11) yang diadakan pada 26hb Nov 2021

5. Menerima dan menerima pakai Laporan Tahunan Kesebelas (11) bagi tempoh berakhir 31 Disember 2021

6. Untuk menerima dan menerima pakai Penyata Akaun Diaudit berakhir 31 Disember 2021

7. Maklum balas mengenai soalan yang dibangkitkan semasa AGM yang keSebelas (11) yang telah diadakan pada 26 Nov 2021

8. Untuk membincangkan apa-apa perkara lain yang mana notis tiga (3) hari jelas telah diberikan secara bertulis kepada Yang Berhormat. Setiausaha

9. Melantik 2 Juruaudit Kehormat mengikut Perkara 12.1 Perlembagaan


Penutupan AGM


Sila sahkan kehadiran anda melalui e-mel ke atau WhatsApp kepada Ms Lau Phaih Yean 012-2340811 sebelum 15hb Ogos 2022. Sila siap sedia agenda, Minit dan Laporan Tahunan anda semasa mesyuarat berlangsung.


Yang ikhlas,

Lau Phaih Yean

Penolong Setiausaha yang Terhormat 


Minutes of the 11th Annual General Meeting of

Persatuan Pesara Nestlé Malaysia (Malaysia Nestlé Retirees Association)


Date : 26th November 2021

Time : 09.30 am

Venue : via Zoom

Total Attendance : 51 Members


1. Ariffin Bin Buranudeen               27.   Meor Zulkarnain

2. Chan Chiau Khiang                       28.   Mohd Naim Bin Ismail

3. Chang Fook Weng                          29.   Nazariah Binti Zainal

4. Chew Lye Hock                              30.   Ng Poh Ann, Johnny

5. Chin Hong Mei, Carmen              31.   Oong Ping Tiong

6. Chong Fui Khong, Jason              32.   Rahmah Binti Ibrahim

7. Chong Min Sin                                33.   Lim Leng Yaw, Raymond

8. G.D.P. Rama Rao                             34.   Raudzah Omar

9. Goh Hock Chuan                             35.   Shirley Qua

10. Hamidah Othman                         36.   Soo Seng Chong, David

11. Koay Meng Chye                          37.   Suhaila Emma Merican

12. Koh Dau Kwang                          38.   Sundralecthumy A/P Thankadurai

13. Kooi Eng Chee                              39.   Taib Bin Hashim

14. Kuah Cheng Hock, Freddie      40.   Tan Chee Seang

15. Lam Ah Chye                                 41.   Tan Hai Keat

16. Lau Phaih Yean                            42.   Tan Kong Pow

17. Lau Teik Ping                                43.   Teo Yoke Lan

18. Lee Tew Eng, Rosalind               44.   Teoh Gim Eong

19. Lee Yuen Min                                45.   Toh Seng Tong, Simon

20. Leong Ming Chee                         46.  Yang Kalsom Binti Mohamed Omar

21. Lim Gaik Choo                              47.   Yap Wah Ching

22. Lim Ho Choy                                  48.   Zainun Nur And Rauf

23. Lim Lai Thim, Catherine             49.   Zaiton Binti Mohammad

24. Loke Woh Kam                               50.   Zaliha Mohammed

25. Looi Pooi Theng                             51.   Zawiah Binti Mohammad Hashim

26. Lye Fook Keong, Roger


By Special Invitation: Mr. Juan Aranols and Mr. Shahzad Umar



Before the commencement of the meeting, the Assistant Honorary Secretary confirmed that there is a quorum for the meeting as per the attendance stated above and therefore the meeting will proceed accordingly.

Commencement of Meeting

The meeting commenced at 09.33 am with Ms. Zainun Nur Abd Rauf, the President in the chair.

1. Opening Remark by the President, Ms Zainun Nur Abd Rauf

The President, Ms. Zainun Nur Abd Rauf in her opening remark welcomed Mr. Juan Aranols for attending the MNRA 11th AGM.   She, on behalf of the Retirees also thanked Mr. Aranols, Nestlé Management and Brand Team for their continuous support. Ms. Zainun congratulated Nestlé Malaysia for an awesome Q3 performance and for winning the Zone AOA extraordinary sustainability award.

Ms. Zainun welcomed the Members who appeared in strength despite the difficulty during the 2 years.  She expressed her thanks also to the various Committee Members for their unwavering support during these years.

 2. Address by Mr. Juan Aranols, CEO Nestlé Malaysia / Singapore

2.1.  Mr. Aranols is glad to see the Retirees present in good health. He extended his welcome to the Retirees to visit the new Head Office when possible. At the moment only 20% of the staff are back using the hybrid model although all the staff are fully vaccinated.

2.2.  Mr. Aranols informed us the business environment is pretty tough but Nestlé is able to continue to supply Malaysia. Just as important is to keep our employees safe although there are a few cases encountered. Business is good with MAGGI, MILO, NESCAFE and others have strong presence on all the shelves. 2022 will be a tough year but Nestlé Malaysia has solid plans despite the uncertainty. Supply chain issues remain complex with volatility on quantity and quality. For example , ocean freight cost is now 3 to 4 times higher than usual. Other costs are also increasing prices but we will tread carefully as our products reach many families and some are basic necessities. Good news is we will continue to grow across all brands and categories together with new growth platforms like HARVEST COURMET & LIVELY TEAS. In-home consumption remains strong while RTD and Nestlé Professional are making a very good recovery.


2.3. Mr. Aranols proceeded to answer the 6 questions sent earlier as well a few questions put forward on the day itself.


a) Ms. Leong Ming Chee. - With Pandemic, costs of operations and raw materials/logistics are cinreasing, what will the company do to mitigate any rise in price increases for the coming months.

Ans: Mr. Aranols mentioned the followings:

Unlike others we will take limited price increases, with one in December 2021 and probably 2nd round in March 2022.

To mitigate the effect of increasing costs, we have to be efficient and one example is the new Head Office where we saved 20% over Surian Tower costs. Although 30% less sq ft but Nestlé is still able to accommodate everyone.

We provide more exciting products with higher value and that is our strategy going into 2022.

The Government recently announced the sugar tax and we are able to reduce below the limit with our technologies which is a competitive edge over competition.

 b) Mr Simon Toh - Retirees are always interested in new products from Nestlé.  However, communication is probably not targeted to us but to the younger target group of consumers. What can Nestlé do to keep Retirees informed of new product launches? Through a communication to MNRA?

Ans: Mr. Aranols mentioned their communication strategy is targeted to the 20-45 age group instead of the Seniors. On new product launches, HO will find ways how this information can be channelled back to Ming Chee or Zainun.

 c) Ms. Leong Ming Chee - When can we have staff purchase for Harvest Gourmet and Nestlé Ice cream via Shoppe?

Ans: On HARVEST GOURMET, Mr. Shahzad informed us that in the 1st week of Dec., we will be provided a discount voucher to Employees & Retirees via Shopee for the purchase of HARVEST GOURMET products. Juan put forward an idea of holding a contest for the winning & creative HARVEST GOURMET recipe(s).

On Ice Cream, Shahzad asked for a bit more time as this requires a cold chain delivery option and they are working this out with Shopee. The plan is to do this in a small area first once the cold chain challenge is worked out. Mr. Aranols informed us that Nestlé will launch the very first Musang King IC in sticks with real Musang King Durian in coming weeks.


d) Mr. Anthony Chong - Can the management consider giving voucher of RM100.00 or Nestlé goodie bags for Birthdays or festive seasons.

Ans: Mr. Shahzad explained that Nestlé is trying this out by going more digital with the employees. If it works Nestlé can consider to include the Retirees.


e) Dato Dina Rizal – Can the management extend the flu vaccine to the Retirees also?

Ans: Mr. Aranols agreed this can be extended to the Retirees in 2022 and it is good to have an additional layer of protection in this Covid pandemic.


f) MNRA Secretary – In view of the positive outlook for 2022 can MNRA seek financial assistance like before from Nestlé to support the various activities planned for the retirees in 2022?

Ans: Mr. Aranols has committed RM20,000 to MNRA for 2022 to support our activities.

Juan and Shahzad reminded us to adhere to SOPs when holding such activities.


g) Ms. Leong Ming Chee – for our staff purchase, the over-use of packaging materials like bubble wrap, how can we reduce it?

Ans: Mr. Aranols agreed that this is truly wasteful & bad and an issue with online delivery. Nestlé is working with Shopee or Lazada to test some other solutions to prevent excessive movement of the products during transportation. Nestlé is committed to sustainability effort such as Project RELeaf and also moving the MAGGI plastic bowl to paper bowl for example.

Ms. Leong Ming Chee – on the above issue, asked whether like NESPRESSO, they have an initiative to return the capsules and in this case, to return the plastic like bubble wrap back to the delivery company which they can be re-used.

Ans: Mr. Aranols qualified that this is worth exploring.


h) Mr. Lam Ah Chye – on KITKAT, whether there is a special delivery as today they are wrapped with “dry ice” with other Nestlé products. In such hot weather, both the product & “dry ice” melted. Suggest that KIT KAT & heat sensitive products to be delivered by air-cond van.

Ans: Mr. Aranols qualified that the special delivery suggested would be very expensive and number of confectionery sales online is very small. This online sales platform is not well equipped to handle this sort of businesses. His advice is that if one wants to enjoy a fresh KIT KAT truly, do get them from the supermarket shelves. However, Mr. Aranols stated that they will continue to look work on this, although challenging in our hot environment.

   i) Mr. Roger Lye – having touched Project RELeaf and Recycle, etc., what are the big plan or idea Nestlé Malaysia & globally looking & doing towards ESG.

Ans: Mr. Aranols pointed out that Nestlé is doing well in this area and one can refer to our published reports. He gave a latest example that on 23rd Nov, 2021, Nestlé Malaysia met up with Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, to be one of the companies to commit and source 100% renewable electricity across the company, whether solar or hydro-electric. There will be a premium but we will pay but we will be one of the very first. ESG has a broad set of objectives like child labour, working conditions and Nestlé has been working on these for many decades. For ESG, in this case it is more on Environment and Climate Change and Nestlé Malaysia is a pioneering market of the year for the Group.

j) Mr. Tan Chee Seang - of late a number of companies are taken aback with accusations of using forced labour such as of palm oil, rubber gloves and latest involving Dyson supplier. We know that Nestlé globally has always been active in area involving child labour. Is Nestlé continuously looking into this even in the supply of raw materials.

Ans: Mr. Aranols replied absolutely. It is important to Nestlé name and any accidents along the supply chain can create confusion. Nestlé Malaysia is on top of this, in ensuring our supply chain adheres to standard protocol and practices that the Group encourages. A topic of high attention at Group level. Nestlé Malaysia may have suppliers using foreign workers but we always encourage them to use Malaysian workers. We expect foreign workers to be treated equally as Malaysian workers.


k) Mr. Rama Rao – with this Covid pandemic, the consumers are the key people of our industry. When people heard the word POSITIVE, they are very scared and bad. In this case how do you intend to address marketing and commercial activities to address the people mental attitude like the consumers.

Ans: Mr. Aranols felt that he is not very sure that the word POSTIVE now is deemed NEGATIVE. Nevertheless, it is important to explain a value proposition clearly and in a very compelling way to the consumers. He said the Brands have to do so, so that consumers understand why they have to choose Nestlé. However he took note that this is an interesting insight but may not be that significant.


 3. Presentation by the President, Ms. Zainun Abd Rauf

Madam President gave an overview of the progress and activities in 2020.

3.1. Membership increased by 5% to 576 at the end of 2020.

Life Ordinary Members (LM) - 534

Associate Members (AM) - 27

Honorary Members (HM) - 15


3.2.  In 2020, we are sad that 6 of our members have passed away.


3.3. 2020 at a glance:

In March and April, we did not have our Committee meetings due to the MCO but resumed in May via Zoom.


In July, we had our Nestlé e-shop trial run and in August we assisted in the The Nest Store roll-out to Central Region for our Retirees. The Staff Shop goes DIGITAL with The Nest Store roll-out country wide in September except East Malaysia.

In September, we enlisted our Retirees to participate in the first virtual Nestlé Omega Plus Walk A Million Miles event held nationwide.

On 3rd November, we held our first virtual AGM with 40 members attending.


3.4.  2021 at a glance:

In January, we had our 1st Walking Event for A Healthier You and attracted 38 participants.

In February, we organised the MNRA T-Shirts sale and sold 116 pieces.

In September, we participated in the 2nd virtual Nestlé Omega Plus Walk A Million Miles event with 51 Retirees.

On 26th November we are holding our virtual AGM now.

In December, we will be having the 2nd Walking Event for A Healthier You and we encourage all of you to participate.

Like 2020, we are restricted to indoor activities due to the various MCOs.


3.5. On Nestlé Omega Plus Walk A Million Miles held on 1st to 30th September 2021, here are some statistics on the achievement by our 51 participating Retirees.

A big thank you from Nestlé Omega Plus in achieving a total of 29,045,046 steps, an average of ~570K steps per pax in 30 days.

Our Retirees outperformed the Staff with 55% additional participation and 182% in performance as compared to 1st event in September 2020.


3.6. Presented the outline of the 2nd Walking Event for A Healthier You in December 2021.

Starting 1st to 31st December

Beginners Category - 100,000 steps completion

Superwalkers - 300,000 steps completion

Millionaires - 750,000 steps completion


Why Millionaires, is that during Nestlé Omega Plus (NOP) Walk A Million Miles in September 2021, these Retirees did a million steps or more by pushing themselves to assist NOP to achieve their goal of A Million Miles for that event. However, for our MNRA event, we have reduced the Millionaires Category target to 750,000 steps.


Each participants will win a Nestlé hamper worth RM85 if they reach the goal

Beginners   Top 6 win RM50 each

Superwalkers Top 8 win RM75 each

Millionaires Top 5 win RM100 each


We are promoting this, as Walking is an easy form of exercise and we encourage all of you to join this event.


The President Ms. Zainun Nur Abd Rauf concluded the presentation by thanking all members for their continuous support as well the Central and Regional Committees for their invaluable support and guidance to the Association. She hopes that those who are re-elected, continue to do the same and members present to continually support events or activities organised. She reminded all to stay well and safe.

4. Confirmation of the Minutes of the 10th General Meeting held on 3rd November, 2020

The Minutes of the Tenth Annual General Meeting held on 3rd November, 2020 at 10:00 am via Zoom was taken as read, duly confirmed and unanimously adopted, as proposed by Puan Yang Kalsom Binti Mohamed Omar and seconded by Ms. Lau Phaih Yean.

5. To receive and adopt the 10th Annual Report for the period 1st January to 31st December 2020

The Report was unanimously adopted, as proposed by Mr. G.D.P Rama Rao and seconded by Mr. Kuah Cheng Hock, Freddie.

  6. To receive and adopt the Audited Statement ending 31st December 2020

Hon. Treaurer, Mr. Lim Ho Choy, tabled the Audited Statement of Accounts for the period ending 31st December, 2020 for discussion and approval. The Audited Statement of Accounts ending 31st December 2020 was unanimously adopted, as proposed by Ms. Lau Phaih Yean and seconded by Mr. G.D.P. Rama Rao.

7. Feedback on questions raised during last AGM held on 3rd November, 2020

Mr. Tan Chee Seang informed the audience that all the questions that are raised and  directed to Mr. Aranols have been answered directly by Mr. Aranols and there is nothing outstanding. However there are some questions raised which are better handled by MNRA Management Committee. Those are as below for examples:

a) Mr. Oong Ping Tiong asked for an increase on Bereavement (Pak Kam) to deceased family and we have deliberated that in our Committee Meeting. Thereafter, we had reverted directly to  Mr. Oong Ping Tiong why it cannot be done.

b) On the request for subsidized Nestlé Retirees T-Shirts, this was acted immediately as you have seen in the presentation by the President.

c) On Project RELeaf raised somewhat by Ms. Suhaila Emma Merican, this is happening this year. Started in Klang Valley with 30 participants and later extended outstations which we had 6 participants.

d) To organize Walking Challenge events requested by Mr. Chong King Sing, Anthony and Ms. Suhaila Emma Merican after the virtual NOP Walk A Million Miles in September 2020, we proceeded to hold the 1st MNRA Walking Challenge For A Healthier You in January 2021 and a subsequent one in December 2021.


8. To discuss any other matters of which three (3) clear days’ notice shall have been given in writing to the Hon. Secretary

Other than those questions raised to Mr. Aranols which have been answered, we have none whatsoever. Nevertheless, what have been answered by Mr Aranols or Mr. Shahzad today, we will definitely follow up by the newly elected Committee.


9. To announce and adopt the newly registered address of MNRA as per Article No. 2 of the Constitution

Currently in eROSES:

Clause 2.1 The registered address is HEAD OFFICE of NESTLÉ MALAYSIA BERHAD,




To amend as:

Clause 2.1 The registered address is HEAD OFFICE of NESTLÉ MALAYSIA BERHAD,




 Mr. G.D.P. Rama Rao raised a point whether we should adopt SELANGOR as SELANGOR DARUL EHSAN and we will certainly look into this in full. Mr. Tan Chee Seang mentioned that this comment will be minuted in the minutes of this meeting.

 The change is adopted by Mr. G.D.P. Rama Rao and seconded by Mr. Lye Fook Keong, Roger.






 10. To present and approve the new membership clause as per Article No. 4.1 - 4.3, Article 6 and Article 8 of the Constitution


10.1 Item 10 - Article 4.1 & 4.2

Currently in eROSES:

4.1 Ordinary Member. Membership shall be opened to all Malaysian citizens, who

were employees of Nestlé Malaysia and have retired from the Company according

to the records kept by the Company.

4.2 Life Members are those Ordinary Members who pay once in a life-time

To amend as:

4.1 Life Members. Membership shall be opened to all Malaysian citizens, 55 years and above who were employees of Nestlé Malaysia

4.1.1 and have retired from the Company or

4.1.2 left the Company due to restructuring (Mutual Separation Scheme and

Voluntary Separation Scheme) after serving the Company 20 years or more.

Reason for change:

To streamline and enhance MNRA Constitution


The Hon. Assistant Secretary, Mr. Tan Chee Seang walked through the amendments above and these are the points mentioned or discussed.


We like to take out Ordinary Member which we do not have any for now and not to collect the RM20 annually. Therefore we like to streamline all future new membership applications to Life Members.

4.1.2. was communicated to us by GHRD Nestlé Malaysia sometimes this year to be considered as Retirees and likewise we would like to streamline for such entitlement.

Mr. Oong Ping Tiong enquired whether this would cover the very old Retirees to be Life Members and Nestle Malaysia paid for them. Ms. Zainun Nur Abd Rauf and Ms Leong Ming Chee reiterated that all such Ordinary Members in the past had converted to Life Members and paid the difference. As such we do not have any more Ordinary Members. For employees retiring today and choose to apply to join MNRA, the membership fee is paid by Nestlé Malaysia. (for those retiring after 1st February 2016)

Mr. Oong Ping Tiong requested that MNRA waives the membership fees for those very old Retirees who truly wish to become Life Members. Ms. Leong Ming Chee explained that this would not be fair to current paying members. Ms. Zainun Nur Abd Rauf stated that we do for some who are truly interested but couldn’t afford and they are partially funded by some of the Committee members but not MNRA. As such if there are cases as such, do let us know and we will treat them case by case.

Mr. Chan Chiau Khiang raised a point whether those who resigned after serving 20 years or more, are they entitled to become MNRA members. Ms. Zainun Nur Abd Rauf qualified that these ex employees are not eligible as they resigned.


The above amendment and new clause 4.1, 4.1.1 & 4.1.2 are adopted and approved, as proposed Mr. Lam Ah Chye and seconded by Puan Zaiton Binti Mohammad.


10.2. Item 10 - Article 4.3 & 4.2

Currently in eROSES:

4.3 Associate Members are widow or widower of the Retirees of the Company who

have passed away, and ex Nestlé staff who have served more than 10 years in the

Company but left the Company due to restructuring and have attained 55 years of age.

To amend as:

4.2 Associate Members

4.2.1 widows or widowers of the Retirees of the Company who have passed away and

4.2.2 ex Nestlé employees who left the Company due to restructuring (MSS and

VSS) after serving the Company for more than 10 but less than 20 years and have

attained 55 years of age.

Reason for change:

To streamline and enhance MNRA Constitution


Mr. Tan Chee Seang walked through the amendments above and qualified that the changes in 4.2.2 is to provide clarity in light of the introduction of 4.1.1 above. These are the points mentioned or discussed.

Mr. Tan Kong Pow suggested that we make things simply by classifying Associate Members as Life Members for ease of managing.

 Mr. Tan Chee Seang explained that we need to segregate these two categories as by general practice Associate Members do not have voting right. Ms. Zainun Nur Abd Rauf mentioned that the category Associate Member has been around since the inception of MNRA and till now we managed the membership register rather well over the years.

Ms. Raudzah Omar asked whether Associate Member has to pay for membership fee. Mr. Tan Chee Seang replied that one has to pay RM150 to join as Associate Member.

 The above amendment and new clause 4.2, 4.2.1 & 4.2.2 are adopted and approved, as proposed Mr. Tan Kong Pow and seconded by Ms. Lau Phaih Yean.


10.3 Item 10 - Article 6.1 - 6.3

Currently in eROSES:

6.1 Ordinary members shall pay in advance a yearly subscription of RM20.00

(Ringgit Malaysia Twenty only) made payable to the Hon. General Treasurer the first month of each financial year in advance.

6.2 Life Members shall pay a lump sum of RM100.00(Ringgit Malaysia One Hundred only) 

6.3 Associate Members shall pay a lump sum of RM150.00 (Ringgit Malaysia One

Hundred Fifty Only).

To amend as:

6.1 Life Members shall pay a lump sum of RM100.00 (Ringgit Malaysia One Hundred only).

6.1.1 For those who retire after 1st Feb 2016, the life membership fee will be paid by Nestle Malaysia Bhd.

6.2 Associate Members shall pay a lump sum of RM150.00 (Ringgit Malaysia One Hundred Fifty Only).

6.3 Honorary & Honorary Associate Members shall pay a lump sum of RM250.00 (Ringgit Malaysia Two Hundred and Fifty Only).

Reason for change:

To streamline and enhance MNRA Constitution

Mr. Tan Chee Seang walked through the amendments above as a results of the earlier adoption & approved amendment to remove Ordinary members discussed under 10.1. The inclusion of 6.1.1 which is already stated in MNRA Application Form nowadays and thus like to streamline and enhance MNRA Constitution for 10.3. These are the points mentioned or discussed.

 The above amendment and new clause 6.1, 6.1.1, 6.2 & 6.3 are adopted and approved, as proposed Ms. Leong Ming Chee and seconded by Mr. G.D.P. Rama Rao.





10.4 Item 10 - Article 6.5 - 6.7

To amend as:

6.5 Any Ordinary member whose subscription is in arrears of subscription shall not be entitled to stand for election or vote.

6.6 Any Ordinary member who allows one's subscription to be in arrears to exceed two (02) years shall receive a written notification signed by or on behalf of the Hon. Secretary and shall be denied of the privileges of membership until one's account is settled.

6.7 Any Ordinary member who allows one's subscription to be in arrears for three (03) years and above shall automatically cease to be a member of the Association, with the approval of the Management Committee, provided that they are satisfied that he/she has received such due notice of his/her debts.


Mr. Tan Chee Seang walked through the above amendments above. As we had agreed to remove Ordinary member under Clause 4.1 (under 10.1) adopted and approved earlier and by virtue of that we will delete all clauses thereafter pertaining to Ordinary member.


The above amendment to delete clause 6.5, 6.6 & 6.7 are adopted and approved, as proposed Mr. Kuah Cheng Hock, Freddie and seconded by Ms. Lau Phaih Yean.


10.5. Item 10 - Article 8.0

Currently in eROSES:

A Committee consisting of the following who shall be termed the office-bearers or

Management Committee of the Association shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting:-

1. President

2. Vice-President

3. Hon. Secretary

4. Hon. Assistant Secretary

5. Hon. Treasurer

6. Six Committee Members

To amend as:

A Committee consisting of the following who shall be termed the office-bearers or

Management Committee of the Association shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting:-

1. President

2. Vice-President

3. Hon. Secretary

4. Hon. Assistant Secretary

5. Hon. Treasurer

6. Hon. Assistant Treasurer

7. Five Committee Members

Reason for change:

To create a new position to assist the Treasurer


Mr. Tan Chee Seang went through the current Committee set-up with 11 (Eleven) members. For the proposed changes we like to create a new position “Hon. Assistant Treasurer” to assist and to prepare the takeover of the Hon. Treasurer position when needed. As such we shall have 5 (Five) Committee Members so as to maintain a total of 11 (Eleven) Members.


The above amendment and the new position of Hon. Assistant Treasurer are adopted and approved, as proposed Mr. G.D.P Rama Rao and seconded by Mr. Toh Seng Tong, Simon.


11. Announcement of Election Chairman

Mr. Tan Chee Seang mentioned that in light of the Covid situation, the Committee has decided to hold this AGM virtual. As this is an election year and adequate preparation is required, so we have recruited an Election Chairman. We are pleased to announce that Ms. Suhaila Emma Merican would be the Election Chairman.


12. Briefing of Election Process by Election Chairman

Ms. Suhaila Emma Merican, the Election Chairman briefed the members present on the election process particularly on nominations. Points mentioned were:

a) One of them is the nomination forms sent to members and they are to nominate each position with a proposer and seconder.

b) Nominations forwarded must be with the consent of the nominees and believed that this has been done.

c) Nominees accepting the proposal need not be virtually present at the AGM. However the nominee must write to the Hon. Secretary to give his/her consent to accept the nomination.

d) Either the proposer or the seconder must be present which she will be asking Mr. Tan Chee Seang to verify them.


The Election Chairman Emma Merican requested Mr. Tan Chee Seang to ascertain whether we have the minimum quorum. Mr. Tan Chee Seang replied we have 48 with 10 Committee members present and for that we have the quorum.

 The Election Chairman announced the various positions to be elected.

 Polling will be via Zoom with a system in place



13. Election of new Committee Members

13.1 President

The Election Chairman announced so far there is only 1 (one) nomination which is Ms. Zainun Nur Abd Rauf.

Mr. Tan Chee Seang confirmed that at least one of the proposer or seconder is present.

The Election Chairman asked members present whether there are any more nomination and if not she asked for nomination to be close, proposed by Mr. Toh Seng Tong, Simon and seconded by Mr. Kuah Cheng Hock.

With nomination closed, the Election Chairman announced that Ms. Zainun Nur Abd Rauf is the President, MNRA 2021 - 2023.


 13.2 Vice President

The Election Chairman announced so far there is only 1 (one) nomination which is Ms. Leong Ming Chee.

Mr. Tan Chee Seang confirmed that there are more than one of the proposer or seconder present.

The Election Chairman asked members present whether there are any more nomination and if not she asked for nomination to be close, proposed by Mr. Lye Fook Keong, Roger and seconded by Ms. Zainun Nur Abd Rauf.

With nomination closed, the Election Chairman announced that Ms. Leong Ming Chee is the Vice President, MNRA 2021 - 2023.


  13.3 Honorary Secretary

The Election Chairman announced so far there is only 1 (one) nomination which is Mr. Tan Chee Seang.

Mr. Tan Chee Seang confirmed that there are more than enough proposers or seconders present.

The Election Chairman asked members present whether there are any more nomination and if not she asked for nomination to be close, proposed by Puan Yang Kalsom Binti Mohamed Omar and seconded by Mr. Lye Fook Keong, Roger.

With nomination closed, the Election Chairman announced that Mr. Tan Chee Seang is the Honorary Secretary, MNRA 2021 - 2023.


13.4 Honorary Assistant Secretary

The Election Chairman announced so far there is 2 (two) nominations which is Mr. Chong King Sing, Anthony and Ms. Lau Phaih Yean.

Mr. Tan Chee Seang confirmed that there are more than enough proposers or seconders present for Mr. Chong King Sing, Anthony and the proposer here for Ms. Lau Phaih Yean.

The Election Chairman asked members present whether there are any more nomination and if not she asked for nomination to be close, proposed by Ms. Zainun Nur Abd Rauf and seconded by Mr. Ariffin Bin Buranudeen.

With nomination closed, the Election Chairman directed for the virtual polling and reminded members to choose one of them and press SUBMIT.

The result is 49% for Mr. Chong King Sing, Anthony and 51% for Ms. Lau Phaih Yean.

The Election Chairman announced that Ms. Lau Phaih Yean is the Honorary Assistant Secretary, MNRA 2021 - 2023.


13.5 Honorary Treasurer

The Election Chairman announced so far there is only 1 (one) nomination which is Mr. Lim Ho Choy.

Mr. Tan Chee Seang confirmed that there are more than enough proposers or seconders present.

The Election Chairman asked members present whether there are any more nomination and if not she asked for nomination to be close, proposed by Mr. G.D.P. Rama Rao and seconded by Mr. Chang Fook Weng.

With nomination closed, the Election Chairman announced that Mr. Lim Ho Choy is the Honorary Treasurer MNRA 2021 - 2023.


13.6 Honorary Assistant Treasurer

The Election Chairman announced so far there is only 1 (one) nomination which is Puan Zaiton Binti Mohammad.

Mr. Tan Chee Seang confirmed that the proposers and seconders are present.

The Election Chairman asked members present whether there are any more nomination and if not she asked for nomination to be close, proposed by Mr. Lye Fook Keong, Roger and seconded by Mr. Ariffin Bin Buranudeen.

With nomination closed, the Election Chairman announced that Puan Zaiton Binti Mohammad is the Honorary Assistant Treasurer MNRA 2021 - 2023.


13.7 Committee Members

The Election Chairman announced that there are 10 (ten) of which one of them is Puan Zaiton Binti Mohammad who has been elected as Honorary Assistant Treasurer. As such we have 9 (nine) nominations remaining and they are:

1. Mr. Oong Ping Tiong

2. Mr. Ravindranath A/L Govindasamy

3. Mr. Ang Lay Meng, Michael   

4. Mr. Lee Yuen Min

5. Mr. Lam Ah Chye

6. Mr. Kuah Cheng Hock, Freddie

7. Mr. Ariffin Bin Buranudeen

8. Puan Yang Kalsom Binti Mohamed Omar

9. Mr. Chong Min Sin


With nomination closed, the Election Chairman directed for the virtual polling and reminded members to choose only 5 (five) of them and press SUBMIT.


These are the polling results by descending order with the top 5 (five) marked:        

        a. Mr. Lam Ah Chye 80%

        b. Puan Yang Kalsom Binti Mohamed Omar 76%

        c. Mr. Chong Min Sin 63%

        d. Mr. Kuah Cheng Hock, Freddie 59%

        e. Mr. Ariffin Bin Buranudeen 56%

        f. Mr. Oong Ping Tiong 51%

        g. Mr. Ang Lay Meng, Michael    44%

        h. Mr. Ravindranath A/L Govindasamy 37%

        i. Mr. Lee Yuen Min 17%

The Election Chairman announced that Mr. Lam Ah Chye, Puan Yang Kalsom Binti Mohamed Omar, Mr. Chong Min Sin, Mr. Kuah Cheng Hock, Freddie and Mr. Ariffin Bin Buranudeen as the 5 (five) Committee Members, MNRA 2021 - 2023.


14. To Appoint 2 Honorary Auditors as per Article 12.1 of the Constitution

The meeting appointed Puan Nazariah Binti Zambahari and Mr. Oong Ping Tiong for the year 2021. Proposer for Puan Nazariah Binti Zambahari was Mr. G.D.P. Rama Rao and seconded by Ms. Suhaila Emma Merican and proposer for Mr. Oong Ping Tiong was Ms. Zainun Nur Abd Rauf and seconded by Mr. Tan Chee Seang.


15. Closing Remarks from new MNRA 2021-2023 President

The newly elected and incumbent President, Ms Zainun Nur Abd Rauf thanked Ms. Suhalia Emma Merican for a splendid job in conducting the virtual election on behalf of the outgoing Committee which is also the incoming Committee of MNRA and to make this AGM happened. For 2021 - 2023, we would like to have more members and we urged every one of you to assist in recruiting new members. Through MNRA platform, we are able to get the current information of Nestlé Malaysia as well the Group and to get all of you connected to the company. An example is through MNRA we managed to reach out to those Nestlé Malaysia Pensioners requiring assistance to have their 2021 ID Certificates completed during the MCOs.

 There being no other matters, the meeting was adjourned at 11.30 am with a word of thanks by the President and a reminder to all to “Stay healthy, continue to exercise, keep youself safe and harap jumpa lagi”.



___________________                             _____________________

Zainun Abd Rauf                     Tan Chee Seang

President Hon. Secretary



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