Saturday 11 February 2017

Annual Report - 2016

Patron: Mr. Alois Hofbauer, Managing Director, Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad
Sixth Annual Report 2016
The Management Committee of Malaysia Nestlé Retirees Association (MNRA) is pleased to present the Sixth Annual Report for 2016, together with the Audited Financial Report for the year ended 31st December 2016 and the MNRA Activities Report for 2016.

1. Sixth Annual General Meeting – 8th March 2016
The Sixth Annual General Meeting was held at Nestlé Head Office, Menara Surian, attended by 42 members.  Present from Nestle Management were Mr. Alois Hofbauer - Managing Director, Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad,  Mr. Shahzad Umar - Group Human Resource Director, Ms Eliza Mohammad - Group Corporate Affairs Manager,  and Encik Meor Zulkarnain Ahmad Tarmiz - HR Services and Control Manager.

The Minutes of 6th Annual General Meeting is attached as below:


2. Management Committee 2015 – 2017 and Attendance

There were no elections for the year and all Committee Members remained the same.

Altogether there were 11 meetings. There were representations from the local MNRA when we had a meeting with GHRD on the Lump Sum offer. Mr. Rama Rao asked for special leave as he relocated to Johore Bahru.

3. Appointment of Honorary Auditors

The meeting appointed Mr. Raymond Lim and Encik Azhar Abdul Aziz as Honorary Auditors for 2016.

4. Membership Status

Effective 2nd February 2016, Nestlé Malaysia agreed to pay for the lifetime subscription of all Retirees who signed up as MNRA members. We have also sent out close to 520 membership recruitment letters to all other Nestlé retirees who are not yet MNRA members. These recruitment exercises helped to surpass our goal set at 450 members. The increase of 9.15%  registered our total membership of 479 by 31st  Dec 2016, with

452   Ordinary Life Members
14     Associate Members
13     Honorary Members

However, we are sad to advise that 7 Members passed away during the year.

5. MNRA Activities for 2016

We are pleased to report that 2016 was an exceptional year with a total of 12 activities.

a) 17th Jan 2016 Pre Chinese New Year @ Chef Rebung, Taman Botanic Perdana. 105 pax attended.
b) Jan 2016  MNRA JB CNY lunch
c) 8th Mar 2016 MNRA AGM
d) 17th-18th April 2016 Trip to Terengganu and Kelantan to visit Kebun MAGGI® Dapur, Chilli Collection Centre, Coffee experimental Farm.
e) 23rd April 2016 MNRA JB organized visit with lunch at Zenxin Organic Park, Air Hitam
f) 3rd May 2016 Visit to Nestlé factories – Sri Muda and Batu Tiga.
g) 22nd May 2016 Hi Tea at Hotel Concorde , Shah Alam with 88 pax in attendance.
h) 26th May 2016 MNRA Penang organized a durian party at Balik Pulau, attended 18 members.
i) 29th May 2016 MNRA Kuantan held their yearly lunch.
j) 19th – 20th  Aug 2016 MNRA Kuching organized a visit to the Kuching MAGGI®  and Ice Cream factory with lunch the next day.
k) 5th -7th Sept 2016  An educational visit to Kedah Rice Bowl, Rice Milling plant, Nina Maju factory and Free the Seed factory producing biodegradable packaging products.
l) 29th -30th Oct 2016 MNRA Sabah held an overnight stay at Kokol Hill with BBQ.

A lot of preparation work went into the organizing of these activities and the Management Committee wishes to thank all who were involved.

6. Meetings with Nestlé Management

We met up with Mr Martin Krugel- Executive Director, Finance and Control, Encik Elvi Sazali Jaafar, Head of Accounting and Consolidation and GHRD represented by Mr Shahzad Umar and Encik Meor  to discuss on the Lump Sum Offer Proposal to all Pensioners. The MNRA Committee  (plus invited Committee members in the region) assisted by pre-empting questions which would be asked by Pensioners and making suggestions how this could be communicated to all by letter and to have Roadshows in Head Office and North/South Regions where they are more pensioners.

We believe all pensioners should have received their Lump Sum Offer letter by now.

The other pending issue is the Handbook for Pensioners which is due to be sent out by Quarter 1/2017.

7. Financial Report

Per Audited Finance Report for the year ended 31st December 2016 . Please see Annexe 2. (to request from MNRA)

8. Acknowledgement of Thanks

The Management Committee of Malaysia Nestlé Retirees Association (MNRA) wishes to thank the following people and parties for their support through the year.

a. Mr. Alois Hofbauer, Patron of Malaysia Nestlé Retirees Association for his strong support.

b. Mr Shahzad Umar- Group Human Resource Director and his team, Puan Zainun Abdul Rauf, Group Corporate Affairs Director(retired) and Puan Eliza Ahmad  Group Corporate Affairs Director who continuously supported all MNRA activities.

c. Nestlé Management and all the Brands for its continued support in kind. Our appreciation for allowing the use of the company’s address as the registered address and the meeting/conference rooms whenever we have monthly meetings or Annual General Meeting.

d. External Sponsors and Associates who have given us support in kind or cash for all our activities.

e. A special thanks to those MNRA Committee members who helped organize all the activities in 2016, all Members, their families and friends who continued to participate in all our events.

It was an exceptionally active year and we ended well.  It is heartening to see members active in our events. MNRA is committed to foster relationship with all our Members throughout the country.

On behalf of the Management Committee, we wish all a Great Year for 2017 with blessings of everyday good health and happiness.

 Leong Ming Chee - President                        Lau Phaih Yean  - Hon. Secretary

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