Sunday 17 May 2015

EGM April, 2015

Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of
Persatuan Pesara Nestlé Malaysia (Malaysia Nestlé Retirees Association)

Date   : Thursday, 30th April 2015
Time   : 2:00 pm
Venue   : Respect Training Room, 22nd Floor, Nestlé Head Office, Menara Surian,    No. 1, Jalan PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara, 47810, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan

Total Attendance : 32  members

                 1.   Ariffin Buranudeen                  17. Lim Yoke Lan
                 2.   Chong Min Sin                        18. Lim Hui Thim Catherine
                 3.   Choy Tsoi Fook                      19. Loke Woh Kam
                 4.   Cheng Chong Hua                 20. Loo Toon Yong
                 5.   Foong Yoke Chun, Ellen        21. Michael Ang
                 6.   Khoo Yow Mai, Amy               22. Ng Poh Ann, Johnny
                 7.   Lai Chong Keong                   23. Rahmah Ibrahim
                 8.   Lau Phaih Yean                      24. Ram Lebayah Bangah
                 9.   Lee Chin Neer                        25. G.D.P. Rama Rao
                10.  Lee Chee Poo                        26. Mohd Shah Bin Hashim                     
                11.  Lee Poh Goek                        27. Suhaila Merican
                12.  Leong Ming Chee                   28. Teoh Gim Eong
                13.  Lim Chin Aik                           29. Wong Wai Man
                14.  Lim Ho Choy                           30.  Yahaya Bin Osman
                15   Lim Kim Sun                            31. Yee See Chin
                16.  Lim Kim Yong                          32.  Zaiton Mohammad 


Before the commencement of the meeting, the Hon Secretary confirmed that there was enough quorum for the meeting as per the attendance stated above. The meeting commenced at 2.00pm

1. Address by the President

The President, Ms Leong Ming Chee welcomed all the members before presenting the agenda for the meeting. She thanked Mr Goh Seng Chai and Encik Mohd Shah Hashim for advising the committee on the changes of the constitution.

Objectives of the Extraordinary General Meeting

Hon Secretary explained that this EGM was called to pass 2 resolutions:-

Resolution 1:   That Nestlé Malaysia Bhd.  to appoint the President of Malaysia Nestlé  Retirees Association to be represented on the Nestlé  Pension Fund Trustee Board.

Resolution 2:   Changes in the Constitution.
  - To conform to Registry of Societies Electronic System (eROSES) format.
  - To amend MNRA Constitution to cater for new requirements.
  - To correct the input errors made to eROSES, which must be done within 6 months from last update

Resolution 1 - That Nestlé  Malaysia Bhd.  to appoint the President of Malaysia Nestlé  Retirees Association to be represented on the Nestlé  Pension Fund Trustee Board.
Proposer : Lim Chin Aik     Seconder : Johnny Ng

The resolution is confirmed and we will write to the management of Nestlé Malaysia Bhd. requesting for the appointment.

Resolution 2:


To amend as                    Proposer                                Seconder

Constitution Heading and Clause 1
The Association shall be known as “Persatuan Pesara Nestlé Malaysia” (Malaysia Nestlé Retiree Association) and the abbreviation is MNRA, Hereinafter refer to the Association.
                                        Lee Chee Poo                        G.D.P. Rama Rao

Clause 2:1

The registered address is
or at such other place as may from time to time be decided by the Committee.
                                     G.D.P. Rama Rao                     Michael Ang

Clause 2:2

The registered address shall not be changed without the prior approval of the Registrar of Societies.
                                     Michael Ang                              Ariffin Buranudeen

Clause 4.1 Ordinary Member

Membership shall be opened to all Malaysian citizens, who were employees of Nestlé Malaysia and have retired from the Company according to the records kept by the Company.
                                    Ariffin Buranudeen                     Wong Wai Man


To amend to our original version as:                Proposer                   Seconder

Clause 5.4

Before the Management Committee expels or suspends a member, the member shall be informed of the grounds for such an action in writing and be given an opportunity to explain and clear oneself in person. Such suspension or expulsion shall be enforced unless otherwise reversed by General Meeting upon appeal by the said member.
                                                                         Mohd Shah                 Lim Ho Choy

Clause 8.8

In the event of the death or resignation of a member of the Committee, the candidate who received the next highest number of votes at the previous election for the post affected shall be invited to fill the vacancy. If there is no such candidate or if such candidate declines to accept office, the Committee shall have the power to co-opt any other member of the Association to fill the vacancy until the next election in Annual General Meeting.
                                                                       Mohd Shah                    Leong Ming Chee

Clause 9.3

Hon Secretary shall conduct the business of the Association in accordance with the rules and shall carry out the instructions of the general meeting and of the Committee. He shall be responsible for conducting all correspondence and keeping all books, documents and papers except the accounts and financial records. He shall maintain a proper membership register of the members consisting of details such as name/address of employer and residential address. In conjunction with the President and the Treasurer, he shall sign all cheques on behalf of the Association. He shall file annual returns within 60 days from the date of the annual general meeting to the Registrar of Societies.
                                                                     Lim Ho Choy                    G.D.P.Rama Rao

Clause 10.5

 As soon as possible after the end of each financial year i.e. 31st of December, a statement of receipts and payments and a balance sheet for the year shall be prepared and audited by the Auditors appointed under Clause 11. The audited accounts shall be submitted for the approval of the next annual general meeting and copies shall be made available at the registered place of business of the Association for the perusal of members.
                                                                   Mohd Shah                         Lim Chin Neer

Clause 10.6

The financial year of the Association shall commence on the first day of January and end on the 31st of December annually.
                                                                  Mohd Shah                           Zaiton Mohammad


These rules may be altered or amended by resolution of a general meeting. Such alterations or amendments shall take effect from the date of their approval by the Registrar of Societies. Any amendment to the rules shall be forwarded to the Registrar of Societies within sixty days of being passed by the general meeting.

                                                                Mohd Shah                             Rahmah Ibrahim

As the members have voted in favor for all the above amendments, amendments will be carried out and changes to be made as voted.

2. Questions and Answer Session by Members

For Resoulution 1, it was suggested by Encik Mohd Shah that we write to Nestlé Malaysia Bhd that “The House requests that Nestlé  Malaysia Bhd. appoints the President of Malaysia Nestlé  Retirees Association to represent the members of the MNRA on the Nestle Pension Fund Trustee Board.”   The President will just be an observer with no voting rights.

Encik Mohd Shah also suggested that we write to Nestlé Malaysia Bhd Management for a Town Hall Meetings with all retirees in order that they may raise any concerns related to retirees especially on pension fund.

Encik Ariffin Buranudeen explained that MNRA does meet with Nestlé Malaysia Bhd Human Resource twice a year to discuss on issues brought up at AGM and on the Pension Fund. The first meeting of 2015 will be held on 11th May 2015.

Mr. Ram informed the members that even though that he had personally handed in the 2015 Certificate of Identification Form duly signed by a member of HR Division, his April pension was stopped until he called HR. He suggested that HR check with the retiree before they stop payment of pension.

There was a proposal to request Nestlé to either create an on-line process or accept scanned copies of the identification form.

Ms. Leong shared with the floor that HR already accepts scanned copies of the Certificate of Identification Form  sent via email as was done by Mr. Raymond Teo in Sarawak.

Ms. Leong briefly shared MNRA‘s proposed activities such as Stepping Forward in August and a trip to Sri Lanka. Details of these events will be communicated later.

It had also been proposed that the 2015 annual high tea for retirees be organized by the MNRA. Ms. Leong has contacted Nestle Corporate Affairs department on the planned date for this event.

Ms. Leong informed the meeting that to-date there had been no official communication on adjustment of pensions. The MNRA will try to request for pension increase at least to meet inflation rate. The concern is for pensioners who are receiving very low monthly pensions. There was a suggestion to request for minimum pension amount.

On Mr Lai Chong Keong’s question – How is the pension fund sustained? Encik Mohd Shah volunteered to explain that the fund is managed according to Statutory (IRB) guidelines. Investments have to be ethical-compliant and are made with the assistance from NCA (Nestlé Capital Advisory). Equities in the pension fund is managed by Schroders. Pensioners were reassured that they need not worry about their pensions as in the event, that there is a shortfall in the pension fund, Nestle Malaysia will top up.

Mr. Lim Chin Aik – Requested the Management to look into a higher adjustment for older retirees due to inflation as their payout was lower at the time they retired.

 The meeting was adjourned at 3:10pm and all present proceeded to refreshments.

Leong Ming Chee                                      Lau Phaih Yean
President                                                   Hon Secretary     


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