Sunday 16 February 2014

Stepping Forward Walk for Wellness - 2013

Seniors putting their Skills to the Test
by Leong Ming Chee

As with usual practice, MNRA organized the 3rd Stepping Forward Walk for Wellness (SFWFW - 3) at Taman Jaya, Petaling Jaya on 7th December 2013. The night before, we had heavy downpour but when morning came ,the drizzle came to a halt.

Despite a threatening sky, we were surprised by a high registration of  203 participants. After welcoming members, their families and friends, a warming up exercise started followed with a walk round the lake led by Leong Ming Chee and Chan Chiau Khiang. A sea of red T-shirts with NESTLE® OMEGA PLUS heart was seen from afar.

Long queues formed quickly just by the MILO®  and MAGGI® sampling vans which was serving breakfast. This was quickly followed by the start of Telematches sponsored by NESCAFE®.

Age is no barrier to the Retirees as they put their skills to the test. Many together with their children and grandchildren formed teams to participate. We had

1.     Caterpillar Walk
      2.     Brick Walk
      3.     Bowling with a Coconut
      4.     Water Sponge Race
      5.     Balloon Drop

Balancing well, skills in aiming and shooting were key to success.
Everyone demonstrated they could still do so in the telematches.
It was like in our younger days cheering for our teams, laughing and jumping for joy for the winners.

This is a yearly event where Retirees look forward to receive the gift boxes and T-shirt. Thanks to the generosity of the brand teams, we received MAGGI Magic Meals, MAGGI Curry Noodles, NESTLE Fitnesse Clusters, MILO flask and from third parties we received Fragrant white rice, brown rice, sugar from Hock Ju Edar Sdn Bhd; free tickets to Golden Screen Cinema, vouchers for Chicken Rice Shop and Pancake House.

Lucky draws and prizes for winners also were sponsored by Nestle brands.

Some of the lucky winners....

A big thank you to all our sponsors and MNRA Committee members and volunteers who put all this together.

Together, let’s get fit and healthy for a great start to 2014.

More photos.....

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