Sunday 16 February 2014

Annual Report - 2013

Patron: Mr. Alois Hofbauer, Managing Director, Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad
Third Annual Report 2013
The Management Committee of Malaysia Nestlé Retirees Association (MNRA) is pleased to present the Third Annual Report for 2013, together with the Audited Financial Report for the year ended 31st December 2013 and the MNRA Activities Report for 2013.

1.         Third  Annual General Meeting – 21st March 2013

The Third Annual General Meeting was held at Nestlé Head Office, Menara Surian, attended by  50 Members and 2 Observers.
Present from Nestle Management were Mr. Alois Hofbauer,  the new Managing Director, Nestlé (Malaysia) Berhad, Puan Zainun Abdul Rauf, Group Corporate Affairs Director and Encik Mohamad bin Abu Bakar, the new Human Resource Director. Mr. Alois Hofbauer met the MNRA members for the first time. He gave a quick update of Nestlé Malaysia performance for 2012 and some insights into 2013. He also announced the continued financial support of RM 5000 for 2013. He encouraged all members to bring up any issues or concerns that they have to MNRA Committee and that the Nestle management will address them, where possible.
A General Election for new Management Committee for the term 2013 – 2015 was held. Please see details in Item 2.
The Minutes of the Third Annual General Meeting is attached as Annexe 1.

2.         Management Committee 2013-2015

 The new Management Committee of MNRA was elected at the Third General Meeting held on 21st March 2013 for a term of 2 years, from 2013 to 2015.  The members of the new Management Committee are as follows:

President                                            :  Ms Leong Ming Chee
            Vice President                                   :  Encik Ariffin Buranudeen
            Hon.  Secretary                                 :  Mdm Lee Poh Goek
            Assistant Hon. Secretary                  :  Cik Zaiton Mohammed
            Hon. Treasurer                                  :  Mr. Lim Ho Choy
            Committee Members                        :  Puan Azizah bt Amir Hamzah
                                                            : Dato’ Dina Rizal
                                                            : Mr. Kuah Cheng Hock
                                                            : Tuan Hj Nawi bin Sideq
                                                            : Encik Taib bin Hashim
                                                            : Puan Yang Kalsom binti Mohamed Omar
                                                                   : Mr. Chan Chiau Khiang (Co-opted on 17th April 2013)
                                                            : Mr Lee Chee Poo (Co- opted on17th April 2013)
           Encik Abdul Rahman Senayan and Mr Wong Toon Say were appointed as Honorary Auditors for the year 2013.

3.       Meetings of the Management Committee for 2013

Attendance of the Members of Management Committee is as follows:

4.       Membership
The objective for 2013 was to drive recruitment and to expand to the other states to form Local Chapters so that all Retirees will have an opportunity to get together and organize activities on their own with the support of funds from MNRA and the Management Committee.
We are pleased to report that we had a very successful recruitment drive during the year, and 4 new Regions/Local Chapters were formed i.e. Johore Bahru Chapter, Sarawak Chapter, Penang/Ipoh Chapter and Malacca Chapter.  Members were pleased as they had the opportunity to meet some of the Management Committee Members and they were able to bring up some of their problems faced such as:
                 ·        Staff Purchase in the branches – no staff price, no Distributor in their area.
                 ·        Retiree Card replacement and upgrade to reflect Nestlé’s image.
                 ·        Placement of children as Interns in Nestlé Head Office and its factories.
                 ·        Medical Insurance and ride on Corporate Medical Rates in hospitals.
The Management Committee promised to help resolve some of these issues where possible. If not, these will be brought up to the Nestlé Management. It is anticipated that it may take time as we need to meet up with HR Management on these issues.
The membership for MNRA increased by 36% from 251 members to 359 as at 31stDecember 2013. The increase is across the board with details are as follows:

           Life Members         :   342
          Associate Members :     10
          Honorary Members :       7
           TOTAL                  :   359

           Of which Life Members are:

               Selangor/Klang Valley -  269    Penang         - 11    Sarawak    - 8      
               Negri Sembilan             -   10    Kedah           - 5      Sabah        - 4
               Malacca                         -   12    Perak            - 7
              Johore Bahru                  -   15    Kelantan        - 1

         There will be continued efforts to recruit Retirees from the factories as they make up a major proportion of the Retirees population.

5. MNRA Logo
The MNRA logo was introduced in April 2013 to create an identity for the Association and is now used on our letterheads and other communication materials including T-shirts.

6. MNRA Communication
6.1 Since 2013, MNRA news has been featured in The Nestlé Edge (previously known as Berita Nestlé) covering the latest activities.
6.2 Apart from the MNRA newsletters sent out in June and October, we continue to provide other forms of communication, namely MNRA BLOG. This blog was developed to bring news of our activities to Members in case they missed reading the newsletter. In addition, there are articles on health, finance, travel stories, jokes, quizzes – enough to keep our minds active. We welcome contributions which might be of interest to all Members.
Visit MNRA Blog at

7. Activities for 2013 (*** denotes new activities)
7.1 High Tea at Cititel Cafe, Mid Valley on 20th January 2013 with 80 Retirees enjoying the excellent buffet spread and meeting Encik Adnan Pawanteh .

7.2 Family “Bowling For Fun” Carnival rolled off on 24th Aug 2013*** at Sunway Pyramid with Mr Alois Hofbauer leading his team to win first prize. Nestlé employees and Retirees clearly demonstrated the Nestlé Family spirit in this event. A huge success which we would like to repeat in 2014.
 7.3         High Tea for Factory Retirees on 29th Sept 2013 *** at  Rumbia Coffee House, De Palma Hotel, Shah Alam was well attended by more than 80 members and family. Again, we had the presence of Encik Adnan Pawanteh, Technical Director and Ms Hee Seijian, Factory Manager - Batu Tiga.

 7.4         Recruitment Drive and Formation of Local Chapters ***
 Each local Chapter is given a grant of RM500 to start off with activities to recruit more members and to get together. They can request for a bigger budget if so needed. So far, it has been difficult to organize any activities as numbers are small but we are hopeful for 2014.

               Johore Bahru with Mr Yeap Swee Lin as Chairman and Encik Rahman Mansor as Secretary.

            Sarawak with Mr Raymond Teo as Chairman supported by  Mr Laurence Batin.

                Penang and Ipoh is lead by Mr Lee Choo Yang and supported by Mr Goh Seng Nam.

Malacca Chapter has Mr Tee Tiong Chye as Chairman supported by Mr Lim Kee Yong.

 7.5          3rd Stepping Forward Walk for Wellness – 7th Dec 2013
MNRA organized the 3rd Stepping Forward Walk for Wellness at Taman Jaya, Petaling Jaya on 7th December 2013. Despite a threatening sky, we were surprised by a high registration of  203 participants. After a warming up exercise, the walk started round the lake and ended with a cooling down exercise. Breakfast served by Nestlé sampling teams followed. This year’s telematches required some balancing and sharp shooting skills from the Retirees. Nevertheless, all enjoyed themselves and went home with goody bags and lucky draw prizes all donated by Nestlé Brands and 3rd parties.

8. Finance
Per Audited Finance Report for the year ended 31st December 2013 
9.         Acknowledgement of Thanks
The Management Committee of Malaysia Nestlé Retirees Association (MNRA) wishes to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to:
a.      Mr. Alois Hofbauer, Patron of Malaysia Nestlé Retirees Association (MNRA) for his strong support and encouragement to the Management Committee and its Members.
b.      Puan Zainun Abdul Rauf, Group Corporate Affairs Director and Ms Usma Butt, Human Resource Director who continuously supported all MNRA activities.
c.      Nestlé Management  and all the Brands for its continued support in cash and in kind. Our appreciation for allowing the use of the company’s address as the registered address and the meeting/conference rooms whenever we have monthly meetings or Annual General Meeting.
d.      External Sponsors and Associates who have given us support in all our activities.
e.      All MNRA Members, their families and friends who continued to participate or volunteered their services in all our events.
We deem 2013 to be a successful year with very satisfactory results and we hope to continue fostering our relationship with all Retirees through our regular activities.
On behalf of the Management Committee
Leong Ming Chee                                      Lee Poh Goek
………………………………..                                              …………………………………
Ms Leong Ming Chee                                                                                    Mdm Lee Poh Goek
President                                                                                                             Hon. Secretary

Stepping Forward Walk for Wellness - 2013

Seniors putting their Skills to the Test
by Leong Ming Chee

As with usual practice, MNRA organized the 3rd Stepping Forward Walk for Wellness (SFWFW - 3) at Taman Jaya, Petaling Jaya on 7th December 2013. The night before, we had heavy downpour but when morning came ,the drizzle came to a halt.

Despite a threatening sky, we were surprised by a high registration of  203 participants. After welcoming members, their families and friends, a warming up exercise started followed with a walk round the lake led by Leong Ming Chee and Chan Chiau Khiang. A sea of red T-shirts with NESTLE® OMEGA PLUS heart was seen from afar.

Long queues formed quickly just by the MILO®  and MAGGI® sampling vans which was serving breakfast. This was quickly followed by the start of Telematches sponsored by NESCAFE®.

Age is no barrier to the Retirees as they put their skills to the test. Many together with their children and grandchildren formed teams to participate. We had

1.     Caterpillar Walk
      2.     Brick Walk
      3.     Bowling with a Coconut
      4.     Water Sponge Race
      5.     Balloon Drop

Balancing well, skills in aiming and shooting were key to success.
Everyone demonstrated they could still do so in the telematches.
It was like in our younger days cheering for our teams, laughing and jumping for joy for the winners.

This is a yearly event where Retirees look forward to receive the gift boxes and T-shirt. Thanks to the generosity of the brand teams, we received MAGGI Magic Meals, MAGGI Curry Noodles, NESTLE Fitnesse Clusters, MILO flask and from third parties we received Fragrant white rice, brown rice, sugar from Hock Ju Edar Sdn Bhd; free tickets to Golden Screen Cinema, vouchers for Chicken Rice Shop and Pancake House.

Lucky draws and prizes for winners also were sponsored by Nestle brands.

Some of the lucky winners....

A big thank you to all our sponsors and MNRA Committee members and volunteers who put all this together.

Together, let’s get fit and healthy for a great start to 2014.

More photos.....