Tuesday 25 January 2022

How to add MNRA blog to the home screen of your hand phone.

How to add MNRA blog to the home screen of your hand  phone. 

1. Tab on the following link to open MNRA page..


2. Go to the bottom of the page, and tab the “square” icon, circled in red....

3. On the next page, scroll down to look for “Add to Home Screen” and tab the + sign....

4. On the next page, tab “Add”..

5. You are done! You should find the MNRA Home page added to your hand phone....

How to access previous MNRA articles from your hand phone.

How to access previous MNRA articles from your hand phone.
 1. Tab on the following link to open MNRA page...

2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, to look for “View Web Version” and tab on it.....it may take a while to load....

3. On the right hand side of the page, look under “Label” to look for the desired articles, and tab on it to open the page...such as “Memories with Nestle”....

4. You are done....happy reading.

Tuesday 4 January 2022

MNRA Flood Relief Appeal for Retirees -homes flooded.

 Dear Friends

Happy New Year to you and your family. I hope that you had  a good celebration over the Christmas with your family and friends.

Unfortunately over here in Malaysia, some families were not able to celebrate due to recent flooding which started before Christmas and still continued in some parts of Selangor and other states like Malacca.

On behalf of MNRA cttee, we wish to appeal to friends of Nestle Malaysia Retirees to help in our donation drive for MNRA (Malaysia Nestle Retirees Association ) Flood Relief Appeal for our retirees whose houses were inundated with flood waters and suffered severe damages, mostly in Klang and Shah Alam. Many were previously factory employees and a few from sales/ sampling team.

Until today we continue to receive additional requests for help from those affected , exceeding 20 people. There are still a few more in Shah Alam and possibly other states not yet included. Rainy weather anticipated to continue. It is devastating to see photos submitted to us - furniture, cars, electrical appliances , books, etc. The money we will give to them is not enough to replace what they have lost and the need to get back to normal lives.

Please see the attached letter from MNRA on this. (see below)

Much efforts have gone into this drive and todate we have received  about RM 20,000 from retirees and friends, from CH, Belgium, Melbourne, Singapore etc. Apart from this MNRA will also be committing some funds to this cause. The Nestle spirit of WE CARE lives in us still. 

We continue till 7th Jan and maybe beyond as these people will need the monies to get their lives back to normal.

Again thank you and your donation will go a long way. God Bless.

Warm wishes ,
Ming Chee
