Sunday 28 February 2016

Holiday in Malaysia

For those who are thinking of a holiday in Malaysia, Tourism Malaysia has revamped their web site, which contains a lot more useful information for your planning purposes.

Please log in to:

Under tab "Niche Products", you probably could find a short holiday for you and your family..

 :) :) :) H A P P Y.  H O L I D A Y. :) :) :)

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Nestle Identification Certificate 2016

In case you have not received the form from Nestle, you may print one below.
To print the form: Right click on the form, select "Print target"

Thursday 18 February 2016

Good Reasons to celebrate 2015

MNRA celebrates 2015 at Chef Ismail’s Restoran Rebung
by Leong Ming Chee

A great year in 2015, ushering in 2016 and  a pre-Chinese  New Year Celebrations are all good reasons to celebrate at Chef Ismail’s Restoran Rebung at Taman Botanic Perdana.

Chef Ismail who is very familiar with Nestlè Retirees, helped us organize a buffet feast in his newly opened restaurant on 17th January 2016.

More than 105 participants attended, feasting their eyes on the elaborate variety of dishes and desserts. Chef Ismail mingled with the crowd as he greeted old friends, obliged with photo shots and as usual made all laughed with his jokes.

Also there was Chef Florence Tan including Puan Zainun Andul Rauf..

We had another successful Good Food, Good Life event with only good memories in our minds.

MNRA Newsletter - 2016 Feb

16th  February 2016

Dear Members

On behalf of the MNRA Management Committee, we wish  our members Gong Xi Fa Cai and may the Year of the Monkey bring us all Good Health, Happiness and Peace throughout the year.

We ended the year very well with an active Q4/2015 and we are pleased to give you a summary:

1) A celebration of friendship at Restoran Simpang Tiga on 22nd November 2015 –

Members in Northern Region (Penang and Ipoh regions combined) came together, joined by friends from Central Region. 

Mohamad Noor bin Mohd Taib remained as Chairman
– Northern Region whilst Chang Fook Weng was
 elected as the new Secretary for 2016.

We thank Jerry Lee Ooi Beng, outgoing Secretary for his efforts in carrying out his duties.

It is wonderful to know that members make the effort to come for these get-togethers. It is also a good opportunity to recruit new members and inform them about MNRA activities.

2) Steamboat and BBQ at Pak John’s  @ E-Curve on 28th November 2015 - 

A combination of  steamboat and Korean–style BBQ at Pak John’s makes our meals a lot more fun as we cooked the ingredients ourselves, the way we wanted or how we liked it. Surprisingly, a few of us had no idea how to use the Korean BBQ.  Looking to our left and right,  we soon learnt quickly how to cook our meat.

Pictures below epitomizes happy retirees amidst friends and good food.

It was so nice to see everyone enjoying themselves and to catch up with each other.

3) Sabah, the Land Below the Wind launches MNRA on 20th December 2015 –

At last we have the final region joining MNRA. Sabah was not going to be left out. At the launch, the President Leong Ming Chee explained the history behind the formation and the activities organized so far, plus assistance which can be given to Retirees.

Jason Chong and Thien Kim Siong were unanimously elected as Chairman and Secretary respectively.
One of the pioneer executives for East Malaysia, Mr Yapp Chee Hen joined for the first time and so did Jimmy Wong. We had the pleasure of Mr Raymond Teo and Salleh Ibrahim who flew all the way from Sarawak to attend the inaugural launch. Our Secretary Lau Phaih Yean also attended.
Seated : Yapp Chee Hen, Mat Sin, Anna Shen, Lau Phaih Yean, Leong Ming Chee
Standing: Raymond Teo, Chin Kui Jin, Thien Kim Siong, Angela Soo, Salleh Ibrahim, Jimmy Wong, Jason Chong

Already the Committee has started to look for places the members can go or visit. More news soon on this.

4) Ushering in 2016 and pre CNY celebrations –

Held at Chef Ismail’s Restoran Rebung located at Taman Botanic Perdana where over 105 people attended the specially prepared buffet by Chef Ismail and his team.

Smile, you are on candid camera. The group was too big for 1 photo.

What a wonderful gathering as Chef Ismail went around greeting all the Nestle Retirees, many whom he has worked with. He joked and made us all smile. Also there was Chef Florence Tan.

5) Next Activities -

8th March 2016  – MNRA AGM
3rd May 2016      - Factory visits to Sri Muda and Batu Tiga new noodle line
  (please contact Teoh Gim Eong hp 012 3093171)
May 2016            - Lunch /Hi Tea for Factory Retirees
  (please contact Kuah Cheng Hock   hp 012 3159114)

Other activities  which may take place in Quarter 3 and 4 include a visit to Chili Farm on the East Coast, and Kinabatangan , Sabah – Project Rileaf.

The various MNRA in the regions were asked to propose activities for their members and to inform all ahead of time.

For more details on the above events with photos and future activities , please log onto .

Once again because of the support given by all our Members and Nestlè Management, we were able to have these activities, help our members when they needed help and ended on a very good note.

Everyday we count our blessings with wishes of good health, happiness and memorable moments with our loved ones.

See you at our next AGM on Tuesday 8th March 2016.

Leong Ming Chee - President         Lau Phaih Yean  - Hon.