Thursday 28 January 2016


Food glorious food at Pak John Steamboat....

The sound of happy noises filled a special section of Pak John Steamboat at E-curve on a Saturday 28th November. Better than expected attendance with last minute participants turning up after being coaxed by friends. A nice arrangement where we had steamboat and at the same time BBQ the meats. Careful not to pile our plates lest we pay penalty for leftovers, many enjoyed the variety of foods available while others stayed on to chat even after the lunch was over.

It’s not healthy if you put too much oil

“Nothing stops me from attending” , says Chong Soon Fatt

The ole gang – any resemblance?                                        

Wah, have to wait a while before I can eat.

Hey guys, you should have come for the fantastic food      

Kak Nor enjoying catching up with friends

Elizabeth aka Sally from KL branch coming for 1st time     

Shirley Hew managed to persuade Catherine Wong to come.

Wednesday 27 January 2016


Land Below the Wind Waits for No One

Not wanting to be left behind, MNRA Sabah was launched  on 20th Dec 2015 with the presence of  Leong Ming Chee/Lau Phaih Yean and  from MNRA Sarawak Raymond Teo and Salleh Ibrahim to lend support. Newly elected Chairman Jason Chong and Secretary Thien Kim Siong gave their every effort to round up all the Retirees. The Nestle Spirit of Caring carries on as both of them even provided transport to those who can no longer drive. It is wonderful to see them still having the Nestle Family spirit. 

Seated : Yapp Chee Hen, Mat Sin, Anna Shen, Lau Phaih Yean, Leong Ming Chee
Standing: Raymond Teo, Chin Kui Jin, Thien Kim Siong, Angela Soo, Salleh Ibrahim, Jimmy Wong, Jason Chong

Proud to have one of our pioneer executives for Sabah, Mr Yapp Chee Hen to join us. He fetched Raymond Teo from the airport and together with a few friends , we all visited Anna Shen at her very nice house with lots of flowers and plants.

Visiting Anna Shen at her home

Salleh Ibrahim greeting big sister Anna Shen

Angela Soo from Sabah branch joined the dinner
A lovely view from Rasa Sayang Chalet at Kiansom

Jason and Thien brought Ming Chee and Phaih Yean to Kiansom and Kokol Hill to recce possible get together sites for future gathering. We found a nice “holiday place” with basic facilities up at Kiansom – Rasa Sayang Chalet , where we could stay overnight with our families and even have a BBQ or steamboat given the cool air up there especially in the evenings.

Chalet with a top room and lookout

Phaih Yean not ready to go home
Come 2016, we shall look forward to an outing with Jason and Thien up in the hills . We also hope to organise a trip to Kinabatangan, Sandakan where we can participate in Project Rileaf planting trees along the river and estuary.


MNRA - Northern Region.....
A Celebration of Friendship at Restoran Simpang Tiga

On a very sunny 22 November 2015, Northern Region organized a joint lunch for Penang and Perak Retirees at Restoran Simpang Tiga, Greentown Square, in Ipoh where 32 Nestle retirees gathered. Many including Mrs Yang Choong Fu, Ho Lai Chan, Chew Poh Choo joined the MNRA function for the first time. Our ex colleague Hanifah Jaafar , a non member came to join in this gathering. From Central region, we were joined by Michael Ang, Chew Lye Hock and Oon Ping Tiong who wanted to meet up with their sales colleagues and from the Committee , we had the President, Vice President accompanied by Lau Phaih Yean , Rama Rao , Yang Kalsom and Zaiton Mohamad.

Happy Northern Region Retirees with visitors from KL

It was an rejoicing, memorable event where many have just met after 10+ years. A  lot of hugs, handshakes and greetings were shared plus many exchanging contact numbers. Such events can only touch hearts and happiness scented the whole event room.

All were briefed on the latest developments with MNRA and there were suggestions to have outings, durian party in Penang, etc…. So we shall look forward to the forthcoming events in 2016.

Northern Region Chairman  Mohamad Noor bin Mohd Taib
 welcoming Chang Fook Weng as Secretary and thanked
Jeery Ooi Lee Beng (outgoing Secretary) for his contributions.

Mohamad Noor bin Mohd Taib remained as Chairman – Northern Region whilst Chang Fook Weng was elected as the new Secretary for 2016.

All thanks given to Jerry Lee Ooi Beng, outgoing Secretary and Chang Fook Weng who organized the luncheon.
Ladies of the original Infant & Dietetics Team handling   Lactogen, Pelargon, Nan and Infant Cereals
From L to R : Lau Phaih Yean, Mrs Yanf CF, Hanifah Jaafar, Ho Lai Chan and Leong Ming Chee

Two Roses amongst the guys