Sunday 25 December 2016

Nestle Retiree Hi-Tea 2016

Date:    11th Oct 2016
Venue: Paya Serai Restaurant, PJ Hilton


Some of the lucky winners!!
The Memories...

The Invitation....

Saturday 1 October 2016

Educational and fun-filled visit to Kedah Rice Bowl

by Teoh Gim Eong
30 Sept 2016

It was Monday, 5th of September when the Nestlè Retirees made their way to Sungei Petani to start a 3-days educational and fun-filled adventure in Kedah. Some even enjoyed their senior citizen discount by using the train.

The main purpose of this trip was to learn about rice used in Nestlè Baby Cereals. Firstly, we visited the Nestlè Experimental rice station where we saw one month old padi plants in neat plots. At the Nestle Paddy club, we were informed about the 300 padi farmers who are taught environmentally-friendly, innovative agricultural practices to increase yield whilst reducing the dependence on chemicals.  All of these is essential to supply rice that meets the high quality and safe requirements for baby cereals. 

Nestlè  Experimental Rice Station       

                             Gim Eong examines  one month plants
Bags of dukong and langsat awaiting us 

                     Enjoying the fruits in light drizzle   

Rice Mill Ban Eng Hin 
Raw harvested padi is sent to the rice millers. At Ban Eng Hin Rice Mill in Kerpan, we were overwhelmed by the mountain of raw padi and saw the machines used to remove the outer husk and some dust and stones, to give brown, wholegrain rice.

 Mountain of Raw Padi

Following this de-husked rice, we visited Nina Maju Sdn Bhd. Polished white rice is obtained by removing the bran layer. We were impressed by the high technology machines to remove stones, threads, discoloured grains, metal fragments, chalky grains as well as dust to produce clean rice grains.

       Mr Tan Chor Eeow (2nd from left) with Nestlè Retirees infront of NinaMaju       
We had earlier visited Feed The Seed Sdn Bhd. which uses agricultural `waste’ to produce biodegradable products. Padi straw and husk, sugar cane fibres, empty palm fruit fibres are used to produce disposable plates and trays which are all certified food grade by the relevant international bodies. There were also trays for frozen pizza which could be used in normal ovens as well as microwave ovens. Mr. Ramaness, the CEO patiently explained the processes involved as well as the interesting products which are exported globally. How encouraging to know that all parts of the padi is used. It is indeed `zero waste’.

Prof. Ramaness (in the centre) with Nestle Retirees, visiting the plant which produces biodegradable packaging materials

Another stop in this `Rice Bowl’ of Malaysia, was the Padi Museum which featured a large display on rice cultivation. Large murals were painted on the walls on the upper level creating a realistic impression of a panoramic view of the Kedah rice fields and surrounding area. A revolving platform took us around these paintings.

Archeological Site Map

Apart from padi, we also visited the Bujang Valley which is an archaeological site, also known as Sungei Batu of about 1100 sq km. Archaeological work has revealed a jetty site, iron smelting/ processing area and also a chandi (temple) area with buildings using bricks that is dated 110 BC, indicating these to be the oldest man-made buildings in

Archeological Site where the  digging is  
South-East Asia. We visited one of the archaeological sites as well as the Bujang Valley Archaeological Museum at Batu Pahat, Merbok. The archaeological collection in the museum confirms that this area was an international trade center frequented by traders from China, India as well as Malays from the archipelago since the 5th Century AD. Relics also display the spread of the Hindu and Buddhism in the South East Asian region between the 3rd and 12th Century.      


           Tamadun Tertua di Asia Tenggara, Sungai Batu

Another stop was KEDA Agrobiz at Jalan Gurun-Sik too view the coffee & herb plantation. Mineral water is also produced here and there are chalets as well as team building facilities. Due to heavy drizzle, we were not able to see much .

Making our way up Gunong Jerai, also known as Kedah Peak, we were rewarded by a magnificent view of the area and cool air. At a height of about 1,100 metre, this was visible from the sea and was used as a landmark by sailors who called it Pulau Serai.

            What a magnificient view at 1000m above sea level

The grounds at Regency Hotel, Gunung Jerai is beautiful and looks very well maintained. We plan to make another trip back here for another get-together in the future.
Beautiful Hydrangeas planted around 

                 Group photo with restaurant at the background

        Lovely garden and compound surround the chalets

What is a trip without food, especially where the Nestle Retirees are involved! There were local fruits like dukong, duku langsat and kampong durians which we enjoyed typical Malaysian-style, i.e. `tepi sawah’ and `tepi jalan’. And the highly recommended `gerai’ for fresh ikan keli and ikan kembong.  Also thank you for the generous hospitality of En. Rahman Senayan for inviting us to a barbecue at his home, as well as June Lim Jun Way for taking some of us for local street food.

This trip had it all! Educational, historical, scenic, gastronomic and in the company of our friends. Many of us look forward to future trips and hope more retirees are able to join in. You don’t know how much you miss!!

Thank you also to Mr. Yong Li Keng and En.Razak of Agricultural Services and to `Feed the Seed Sdn Bhd’, Ban Eng Hin Sdn Bhd and Nina Maju Sdn Bhd for accommodating us. Last but not least to Mr. Chong Min Sin for co-ordinating the arrangements as making last minutes changes to itinerary.

Next to come: MNRA Sabah Gathering at Rasa Sayang Resort, Kokol Hill , Manggatal, Kota Kinabalu – 29th -30th October 2016.

Saturday 24 September 2016

Recruiting New Members

                                                                       15th Sept 2016

Dear Friends,
On behalf of the Management Committee of Malaysia Nestlé Retirees Association (MNRA), we wish to invite you to become a Member. We provide below some information on our Association.

MNRA was set up in 2011 with the following objectives:

• To foster continuous links and interaction with the company
• To have regular dialogue with Nestle Management.
• To provide a platform for social networking to meet old colleagues and meet the new ones.
• To organize social activities for its members via the establishment of local MNRAs in the various regions e.g. Kuala Lumpur, Penang/Ipoh, Malacca, Johore Bahru, Kuantan-East Coast, Kuching-Sarawak and Kota Kinabalu - Sabah.
• To encourage, foster and develop the qualities of goodwill and understanding amongst Members
• To offer assistance to members whenever necessary.

We have 3 categories of membership, namely:

1. Life Members – are employees of Nestlé Malaysia and have retired from the Company according to the records kept by the Company
2. Associates Members - are widows or widowers of the Retirees of the Company who have passed away, and ex Nestle staff who have served more than 10 years in the Company but left the Company due to restructuring and have attained 55 years of age.
3. Honorary Members - are expatriate employees of the Company who have worked and based in Malaysia

To date, we have 450 Life Members, 12 Honorary Members and 13 Associates Members.

Our activities include Lunches/Hi Teas, Wellness Walk including Telematches, Cooking Competition and Bowling  for Members and their families. There are also visits to Nestle Factories, and short trips around Malaysia.

We communicate via 3 Newsletters a year to all members to update them of our activities. Some of these activities are also published in The Nestlè Edge. To check out our membership list, past activities and Committee members, please go to our blog

We would like you to join us as it is a great way to keep in touch with ex colleagues and to reminiscence the good times when we were working together.

Enclosed is the membership form ( and we are looking forward to seeing you at our next activity.

Please ignore this letter if you are already a member.


Lau Phaih Yean
Hon. Secretary


Tuan/Puan Yang Dihormati 
Bagi pihak Pengurusan Persatuan Pesara Nestle Malaysia Nestle (MNRA), kami ingin menjemput anda untuk menjadi Ahlinya.

Kami kongsikan maklumat ringkas MNRA untuk pengetahuan tuan/puan. MNRA ditubuhkan pada 2011 dengan beberapa objektif, iaitu :

• Memastikan terdapat kesinambungan di antara syarikat dengan ahli-ahli MNRA.
• Menjayakan dialog-dialog berkaitan pesara-pesara bersama Pengurusan Nestle
• Menyediakan satu saluran pertemuan di kalangan ahli lama dan ahli baru
• Menjayakan aktiviti-aktiviti sosial bersama ahli-ahli melalui penubuhan MNRA tempatan di Kuala Lumpur, Penang/Ipoh, Melaka, Johor Bahru,  Kuching (Sarawak) dan Kota Kinabalu (Sabah)
• Menggalak dan memupuk sifat setiakawan dan kerjasama di kalangan ahli-ahli.
• Menyediakan khidmat kebajikan yang termampu dijayakan oleh MNRA seperti menziarahi mereka yang kurang sihat.

Keahlian MNRA terbahagi kepada 3 kategori, iaitu :

1. Ahli Seumur Hidup  – kakitangan Nestle Malaysia yang telah bersara dari syarikat seperti yang terdapat dalam rekod simpanan syarikat.
2. Ahli Bersekutu/Associates Members – balu atau duda kepada pesara yang telah meninggal dunia;  bekas pekerja Nestle yang telah berkhidmat dengan syarikat lebih dari 10 tahun dan diberhentikan khidmat disebabkan penstrukturan syarikat dan telah mencapai usia 55 tahun.
3. Ahli Kehormat/Honorary Members –ekspatriat syarikat yang pernah berkhidmat di Malaysia.

Terkini, terdapat 450 Ahli Seumur Hidup, 12 Ahli Kehormat dan 13 Ahli Bersekutu  .

Aktiviti-aktiviti merangkumi Makan Tengahari/Minum Petang, bowling, acara kesihatan “Wellness Walk’ termasuk sukaneka dan pertandingan memasak untuk ahli dan kaum keluarga. MNRA juga menganjurkan lawatan ke kilang-kilang dan lawatan sambil belajar di dalam negara.

MNRA juga mengeluarkan Berita MNRA sebanyak 3 kali setahun untuk berkongsi maklumat dengan ahli-ahli. Sebahagian daripada maklumat ini terdapat di dalam The Nestle Edge.  Untuk mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut lagi perkembangan MNRA, sila layari blog MNRA iaitu

Kami ingin menjemput anda untuk menjadi ahli MNRA sebab kami yakin ini adalah satu-satunya saluran yang terbaik untuk kita semua mengeratkan siratulrahim di kalangan rakan-rakan sekerja samada sudah bersara atau masih berkhidmat lagi.

Kami lampirkan borang keahlian( untuk tindakan segera tuan/puan.  Jangan lepaskan peluang keemasan ini untuk menjadi ahli MNRA.

Sila abaikan jemputan untuk menjadi ahli, sekiranya anda telah menjadi ahli MNRA.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Yang benar

Lau Phaih Yean

Friday 23 September 2016

MNRA Kuching get together on 19th- 20th August 2016

by Lau Phaih Yean

Our event started with a warm welcome by the Factory Manager En Razif and his team to Kuching factory on 19th August 2016. After a brief presentation, we visited the MAGGI® noodles plant and then the Nestlè ice cream plant.

The tour concluded with us tasting the freshly made ice cream, which tasted so good that each of us had 2 drumsticks, plus tea prepared by the team. It was the Retirees’s first visit – thank you Encik Razif and team for making us feel so welcome and although some of us just met, it was as if we have known each other for years – must be the Nestle family bonding!!

This time the outstation members stayed at Basaga Holiday Residences . It is a small beautiful hotel in Jalan Tabuan. I was told it was an old school converted into a boutique hotel. It has such nice and green surroundings, with old and beautiful trees providing agoos shades everywhere. In the evenings, the cool air surrounds the courtyard, swimming pool and open air restaurants. The good thing about it is it is so reasonably priced @RM106 per night per room. Check it out if you are ever in Kuching.

In the evening our President, Ms Leong Ming Chee, hosted a dinner for the Kuching team with Harrison’s manager Mr Matthew Sim and former mnager Mr Teo Ho Tee. It was a very nice dinner with great food and company. Although the dinner started off with us on one table and 3 other tables that we considered strangers, we ended up as friends. At the next table an uncle was celebrating his 70th birthday…even a birthday cake was shared with all of us.  All because we were all cheering Datuk  Lim Chong Wei who was playing against LinDan. For each point won by Datuk LCW, we cheered loudly. Sports really do unite all of us. 

The next day 20th August, our “meeting” started at 11:30am with Raymond informing us the passing of FPO Mathew Teng and a minute of silence for him.

Raymond announced that he is stepping down as chairman and a new chairman Lawrence Batin was elected with Bernard Sim as secretary.
  With the “election” over we were then treated with a  sumptuous lunch, ang pows for all, lucky draws and door gifts.  The door gifts and lucky draws were sponsored by  messrs Tong Ting Huat, Vincent Chong, Harrison’s and Nestlè.

We wish to extend our thanks to Nestlè  Branch Manager Mr  Dave Bawa,  Ms Ann Hii from the factory for attending our lunch  plus  Messrs Jason Chong from KK, Sylvester Lim  and Koh Dau Kwong from KL who flew in to support our event.     

Thank you Raymond and Lawrence for organising yet another enjoyable get - together and we wish the new team to continue to foster friendship amongst the Retirees.


Wednesday 29 June 2016

Nestle Scholarship 2016

3rd Aug 2016.... Breaking news...
Kindly be informed the submission timeline has been extended to  1st Sept 2016 as agreed by Scholarship Committee


To print, right click on Form and select "Print Target".....

MNRA Newsletter - 2016 June

To print, right click on the form and select "Print Target"...


Saturday 11 June 2016

3 1/2 minutes, Old Geezers

Just a note to share with those above 50. Health Advisory for all:

YB Dr Daroyah Alwi wrote: Assalam .. I want to share very good tips - for those who are awakened from sleep to urinate. It is important to note!!!

Experts always say: Each individual must take note of the 3 x 1/2 minutes. Why is it important?

3 x 1/2 minutes is a FREE practice but will greatly reduce the number of SUDDEN DEATH. Often this occurs during the day when an individual who still look healthy, but died the next night. Often we hear stories of people, yesterday I was chatting with him, why did he suddenly die?

The reason is that when you wake up at night to go to the bathroom, this is often done too quickly: immediately we stand when the brain is still lack of blood flow.

Why "3 x 1/2 minute" is very important? Because of the ECG pattern (Electro Cardiogram). Note: The ECG pattern of a normal person during the day & in the middle of the night when awakened by the urge to urinate, can change. Because of getting up suddenly, the brain will be anaemic and causes heart failure due to lack of blood.

To avoid this, it is advisable to practice "Three 1/2 minutes, " which are:

1. When waking from sleep, lay in bed for the first 1/2 minute
2. Sit in bed for the next 1/2 minute
3. Lower the leg, sitting on the edge of the bed for the last 1/2 minute

After 3 x 1/2 minutes, brain will not be anaemic and heart will not fail, thereby reducing the possibility of a fall or sudden death when a person wakes up during midnight as we often hear.

Share with people we know to avoid this from happening. It can occur regardless of age, young or old. Sharing is Caring. If you already know, regard this as refresher.



And they ask---Why Retire?  Those of you who have not, can see why we love it!!

Question:  How many days in a week?
Answer:    6 Saturdays, 1 Sunday 

Question: When is a retiree's bedtime? 
Answer:    Three hours after he falls asleep on the couch.

Question:  How many retirees to change a light bulb? 
Answer:    Only one, but it might take all day. 

Question:  What's the biggest gripe of retirees? 
Answer:    There is not enough time to get everything done.

Question:  Why don't retirees mind being called Seniors? 
Answer:    The term comes with a 50% percent discount.. 

Question: Among retirees what is considered formal attire? 
Answer:    Tied shoes. 

Question:  Why do retirees count pennies?
Answer:    They are the only ones who have the time.

Question:  What is the common term for someone who continues to work and refuses to retire?
Answer:    NUTS!

Question:  Why are retirees so slow to clean out the basement, attic or garage? 
Answer:      They know that as soon as they do, one of their adult kids will want to store stuff there. 

Question:  What do retirees call a long lunch? 
Answer:      Normal 

Question:  What is the best way to describe retirement? 
Answer:    The never ending Coffee Break. 

Question: What's the biggest advantage of going back to school as a retiree? 
Answer :    If you cut classes, no one can call your parents.

Question: Why does a retiree often say he doesn't miss work, but misses the people he used to work with?
Answer:    He is too polite to tell the whole truth. 

Question: What do you do all week?
Answer:    Monday to Friday; Nothing, Saturday & Sunday I rest.

Share this one with all the retirees that you know.
I'm sure they can relate to some of them! 
AND, If you have not yet retired, look what you have to look forward to.
Happiness is a voyage, not a destination,
There is no better time to be happy than.. NOW

Saturday 28 May 2016

Nestle Retirees get up close and personal to MAGGI® Chillies

 by Chong Min Sin

It is 17th March 2016 and excitement fills the air as 19 Nestle retirees took to the country road from Besut to Pasir Putih in leisurely convoy to visit the MAGGI® Kebun Dapur in Kampong Gong Kulim, the Chillies Collection Centre at Bukit Awang and a Chilli farm at Kg Chegal, Gaal, Kelantan.

At the MAGGI® Kebun Dapur, Mr Yong Lee Keng, Nestlé Agriculture Services Manager explained the objectives of the research facility, the science behind growing not only chillies but also other spices to complement chillies in the kitchen – hence the name Kebun Dapur. Other than chillies, participants were surprised to see research being conducted on other spices and plants like kesum, serai, pandan, groundnuts, sorghum…..

The refreshing iced nira kelapa (coconut nectar) – freshly harvested from coconut trees nearby – was indeed very much welcomed on a hot day. Participants were also rewarded with various seedlings from the nursery.

At the Chillies Collection Centre at Bukit Awang, Pasir Putih, participants witnessed quality control in the chilli supply chain in action, including the storage, sorting and destalking of chillies before delivery to Nestle Factory. Some participants had a nice cooling-off period in the cold room.

At the Chilli Farm in Kg Chegal, Gaal, participants were thrilled to see so many healthy chilli plants in one place (first time for many!). The local farmers expressed gratitude in learning best agricultural practices for sustainable farming of high quality chillies from Nestle Chilli Club and also for being chilli suppliers for MAGGI®  products.  Indeed it is Nestle CSV in action.


An outing is not complete without shopping and a pit stop was made at a local keropok lekor outlet where participants witnessed how the local delight is prepared. Products just flew off the shelves.

Thank you Mr Yong and En Annuar of PPK for the educational adventure.