Friday 20 March 2015

A New Term, a New Committee - AGM 2015

A New Term, a New Committee  by Ariffin Buranudeen

Stability and change was in the air on March 11th, at MNRA’s AGM for the term 2015
to 2017. The morning started off with the usual noisy catch - ups and “long time no see” greetings hurled across the Maggi Kitchen, when Retirees happily greeted each other and exchanged news and opinions about on many topics, themselves included !

The AGM kicked off with an opening speech from the Managing Director Mr. Alois Hofbauer,
who touched upon how the business was progressing. Highlights included a 4% growth in 2014,an increase of the Nestle Consumer Foodbasket share to 15%, Nestle Confectionery now overtaking a key competitor, and the domestic business doing well, despite tough challenges.

Mr Alois briefed members on Nestle business 2014 and future outlook

A big challenge was the drop in the export business, due primarily to export markets now building their own manufacturing facilities. All the above said, however, 2015 is expected to be tough and a “survival year”. 

On a topic close to our hearts, GHRD Director Ms Uzma Butt explained how the Pension Fund is managed and funded, and the process of Pension reviews. Uzma shared that the Pensions Board will meet in late March 2015 and discuss pension concerns raised by Retirees. More news thereafter !

Ms Uzma updated members on Pension Fund and clarified issues raised

Elections were next, with two reminders from Mohd Shah Hashim – “choose carefully and wisely” and “don’t change a winning team”. 54 Retirees present voted in exactly that – a new committee for 2015-2017, comprising a good mix of old and new.

President                                Ms Leong Ming Chee
Vice President                        En Ariffin Buranudeen
Honorary Secretary                Ms Lau Phaih Yean
Asst Secretary                        Ms Teoh Gim Eong
Treasurer                                Mr Lim Ho Choy
Committee                              Mr Lee Chee Poo
Committee                              Mr Chong Min Sin
Committee                              Mr Freddie Kuah Cheng Hock
Committee                              Mr Rama Rao
Committee                              Ms Yang Kalsom Omar
Committee                              Ms Zaiton Mohamad

En Mohd Shah: " Don't change a winning team"

MNRA Committee 2015-2017 happy to serve you, if the camera has a delay button,
it will catch the smile on Ho Choy too

In her maiden speech of the new term, Ming Chee pledged her and the team’s efforts to serve the Retiree community, to continue with activities that foster networking, closeness and caring, and to play an effective communication role with Nestle management, for the betterment of Retirees.

 A BIG BIG THANK YOU to Nestle Malaysia for its RM 10,000 donation to MNRA !

Thank you for your attendance....

 Full minutes of meeting, go to 

Thursday 12 March 2015

Celebrate to Welcome 2015 and the Year of the Goat

by Leong Ming Chee
It would seem that the Retirees are always getting together for a big meal or makan.
It is true as when we did a survey amongst them on 25th Jan 2015, it was confirmed that
the most preferred activity was lunch/hi tea.
Food galore for you to choose
To welcome 2015 and to celebrate pre - Chinese New Year, MNRA organized a Sunday
 Lunch cum Hi Tea at Armada Hotel on 25th Jan 2015. Well known for its wide spread of
food variety and discounted rates for Senior Citizens, we were not surprised that 153
members registered and were treated to this food galore by MNRA. This was our biggest
 turnout for our activity so far.


 Friends from the factories
Ms Uzma Butt, Encik Adnan Pawanteh and Mr Kumaran Nowuram graced the occasion
and met many of the Retirees, many they had not met for many years.
Adnan updating and entertaining members

Choy, Ming Chee and Kumaran 

Nimal and Nanda Koswanage with Belinda and Madi
Opportunity was taken to get suggestions of what activities Members preferred.
1. Get-together like Lunch/Hi Tea
2. Health talks and health checks
3. Stepping Forward Walk for Wellness
4. Factory visits
5. Day Trips

Exchange of greetings aloud, laughter  and praises of the food assured the MNRA Committee that it was a big success. But many continued to linger on to continue their chats with friends, even after lunch was over.
Our grand dame - Mrs Liew Aing Suan ,Mrs Lee and  Mrs Lily Koay 

First time attendance for Yap Neng Tuang with Liew Chee Siang and Lim Ho Choy

The Charlie Angels of 2015

Say cheese....