Sunday 25 May 2014

Full attendance for MNRA Hi-tea 2014 @ Bukit Kiara

by Dato Frits van Dijk

It was like a gathering in the 90's. All 66 members of the Malaysia Nestlé Retirees Association (MNRA) who registered, got together at Bukit Kiara Equestrian Club for High Tea. ( Thank you Dato' Dina for the use of your membership ).

Front Row from left to right: Ekkehard & Emilie van Leemputten, Puan Sri Suzy & Tan Sri Ernest Zulliger, President Ms Leong Ming Chee, Dato' Frits van Dijk and Datin Jeng, Nimal Koswanage, Datin  Kalsom Taib

This was not a " Together for a Billion " rally, but simply a relaxing afternoon with friends and colleagues to bring back memories of how we at that time achieved that First RM 1 bio in sales ( Nestlé Malaysia is now moving towards sales of RM 5 bio!! ).

With plenty of laughs, hearty makan and numerous door prizes, including an original World Cup 2014 soccer ball donated by Dato’ Dina, all attendees had a great time.

We were honored with the attendance of Tan Sri & Puan Sri Zulliger, who said farewell after 34 years in Malaysia, Eckkehard & Emilie van Leemputten and Nimal & Nanda Koswanage.

It's been ages since we last met, says Tan Sri Zulliger.

The MNRA Committee, with its fearless leader Ms Leong Ming Chee, is doing an outstanding job in keeping the Nestlé spirit alive and well in the Nestlé retirement community. Keep up the good work.

Next gathering : on the golf course!!

The lucky winners....

Dr Zawiah Hashim gets her wish and wins an Original Worldcup 2014 Football


One of the winner, none other than our MNRA Hon. Treasurer

Long Time No See....
Happy ladies catching up with each other.

More photos.....

Friday 2 May 2014

Minutes - AGM 14 March 2014

Thumbs Up for 4th MNRA AGM
by Leong Ming Chee

Like all AGMs, there were preparations for the meeting to ensure all goes well with the Members.
The 4th MNRA AGM was held on Friday, 14th March 2014 at the MAGGI® Kitchen at Surian Tower. Well attended by 60 Members with Puan Zainun Abdul Rauf representing Nestle Malaysia MD Mr Alois Hofbauer.

The President Ms Leong Ming Chee gave a presentation on 2013 activities showing the
good results of what was achieved.

• Membership increased by 36% from 251 members to 359
• Local MNRA Chapters launched in Johore Bahru, Malacca, Penang and Kuching
• Hi Tea gathering at De Palma Hotel Shah Alam
• New activity “Bowl For Fun” for Members and Employees of Nestle Malaysia
• 3rd Stepping Forward Walk for Wellness
• Improved communication with Members via Newsletter , MNRA Blog and created MNRA
identity with a new logo

Lady President.. "better things to come.."

The Vice President Encik Ariffin Buranudeen briefed on the dialogue we have on continuous basis touching mostly on Staff Purchase issues, 
Updates by VP, En Ariffin

replacement of Nestle Retirees Identity Cards,  Nestle Scholarship for Retirees

increased to 10 per year, requests for practical training with Nestle factories/offices. Unfortunately, we have not been successful on Medical discounts for Retirees as this is now handled by a 3rd party MyCare.

For 2014, the focus will continue to be on recruitment, introducing new activities which are
relevant to Members and to have continuous dialogue with Nestle Top Management.

The meeting also received and adopted resolutions and amendments to the constitution:
Article 4.3
     To organize social activities for its members via the establishment of local chapters, when necessary.
Article 5.3
     Associate Members are widow or widower of the Retirees of the Company  who have passed away, and ex Nestle staff who have served more than 10 years in the Company but left the Company due to restructuring and have attained 55 years of age.

Puan Zainun announced an increase for the yearly financial grant to MNRA from RM 5,000 to RM 8,000.
Added to this, the Management has suggested to set up an Emergency Fund for those Retirees
who are in need of this. This fund is to be approved eventually and managed by MNRA.
All members applauded to this announcement, which indicated that there is still a lot of care for the

The meeting continued smoothly with thumbs up from all around and positive feedback received.

Catching up ....

More photos....

Please go to the following link to see more  photos taken by Mr Lim Kim Sun during our meeting.

MNRA Kuantan Region

Kuantan joins the ranks of MNRA Local Chapters
 by Chan Chiau Khiang

YES, on Sunday 13th April, I  took a little trip to my hometown KUANTAN where I was born and bred. There, I served Nestle as Branch Manager from 1981to 1985 at the time when our Prime Minister was then the Mentri Besar of Pahang.

It is only apt that I help inaugurate  a new chapter for MNRA. After a few months locating our Retirees from Kelantan, Trengganu and Kuantan we finally met on that Sunday. No doubt, it was a small group of only 8 people. Unfortunately, Kim Chew Meng and Wan Seman could not make it this time.

It was indeed nostalgic and meaningful  to catch up. We noted that  all are happy and doing fine --with Mamat bin Embong having already 7 grandchildren and Rosman bin Abdullah, a "towkay" now supplying goods to offshore ships. Well done. Others are happy homemakers with children going to universities. What more can we ask for.

The Retirees attendance were the following:
1.  Simon Toh ( Elected as Chairman)...............Kota Baru
2.  Halimah Bte Majid (Elected as Secretary)...Kuantan
3.  Mamat Bin Embong.....................................Kuantan
4.  Rosman B. Abdul Rahim.............................Kuantan
5.  Abd. Halim B. Mohammad..........................Kuantan
6.  Cher Ah Chat..............................................Kuantan
7.   Sum Kung Ping...........................................Mentakab
8.   Abdul Rahman bin Taib…………………….Kota Baru (joined later)

Very sadly too we spoke about a few who had left us namely 
1. Noor Musa.........................Sales Kuantan
2. Sulaiman bin Md. Yasin.....Sales Mentakab (driver- saleman and a good golfer)
3. Zambri bin. Yusoff...............FPO Kuantan
4. Kamarruddin Karim.............FPO Kuantan
5.Mat Nawi bin Yusoff............Van Driver Kota Baru
6. Adnan bin Md. Jali..............Sales Kota Baru
7. Mohd. Abdul Wahab bin Abdullah....FPO KB
In our prayers, we remember our dear brothers who had walked with us in promoting
Nestle and its products in the eastern corridor.

Welcome Kuantan and all our friends to MNRA.

--as two could not make it ----viz KIM and Wan Seman
the others --came from all over KB /KT/KTN/Mentakab
--vis Simon Toh --KB
Mamat Embong--KT
Rosman Abd Rahim--KTN
Cher Ah Chat --KTN
Halaimah Majid -KTN
Halim --KTN
Sum Kum Peng --Mentakab