Zumba, cook and play at Stepping Forward Walk for Wellness
By Leong Ming Chee
Close to 150 MNRA members and their families in their sports shoes did the zumba , dancing to the tune of New York , New York , songs from Mama Mia and many more . A cloudy sat morning on 8th Augsut 2015 was perfect for this event, joined by Mr Alois Hofbauer and Puan Zainun Abdul Rauf.
After the warming up exercise, we started the walk round the Taman Jaya lake T followed by cooling down exercise and then breakfast served by MILO, NESTLE Breakfast Cereals and MAGGI sampling vans. Before too long, we had MAGGI Nasi Goreng contest where all participants tried their skills as Masterchefs and telematches requiring accurate aiming, balancing, speed skills in order to secure some prizes.
It was a fun morning where all enjoyed themselves through participation, watching others and meeting old friends after a long time.
Our thanks specially to Nestlé Management and all the Businesses who contributed generously with their product samples for our goody bags.
More photos...
click on the following link...
Sunday, 27 December 2015
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Retirement Plans
Something for you to share with the young ones....
23-Year-Old Explains His Plan For How To Retire At 40
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
MNRA Newsletter - 2015 Oct
23rd October 2015
Dear Members,
Aren’t we glad that we held our big event Stepping Forward Walk For Wellness in August and not now. The haze is getting to all of us and is most unhealthy. And now the outbreak of Typhoid in KL. I hope that we are all taking care of ourselves and our families – wear masks when going out, drink lots of water and keep ourselves clean, avoid eating in dirty public places, boil your water and home-cooked meals are always the best.
We are delighted to report to you a couple of activities held in the last 2 months.
1. Stepping Forward Walk for Wellness 8th August 2015
After a year’s absence, MNRA came back in full force at Taman Jaya. Close to 150 MNRA members and their families in their sports shoes did the zumba, dancing to the tune of New York , New York, songs from Mama Mia and many more . A cloudy saturday morning on 8th August 2015 was perfect for this event, joined by Mr Alois Hofbauer and Puan Zainun Abdul Rauf.
After the warming up exercise, we started the walk round the Taman Jaya lake, followed by cooling down exercise and then breakfast served by MILO, NESTLÉ Breakfast Cereals and MAGGI sampling vans. Before too long, we had MAGGI Nasi Goreng contest where all participants tried their skills as Masterchefs and Telematches requiring accurate aiming, balancing, speed skills in order to secure some prizes.
It was a fun morning where all enjoyed themselves through participation, watching others and meeting old friends after a long time.
Our thanks to Nestlé Management and all the Businesses who contributed generously with their product samples for our goody bags.
2. MNRA KUCHING held a get – together in MIRI on 25th September 2015
To ensure we get to see all the members, Raymond Teo- Chairman of MNRA Kuching gathered his team to organize a trip to Miri to visit two of our long time retirees – Mr Foo Shin Shui and Ms Brigette Law who were unable to travel to Kuching for the last 2 occasions. To make this a reunion of friends, they also invited our partners and friends from Jasra Harrisons and Harrisions who travelled from as far as BSB, Brunei and Bintulu…what a wonderful get-together in a homely and relaxed environment offered by Salleh Ibrahim.
Salleh with his gracious wife cooked up a delicious meal which filled our stomachs, complete with desserts, cookies, fruits and of course NESCAFÉ.
As friends of Mr Foo and Brigette could not visit them in Miri, a special card with wishes and memorable photos plus a homemade soap (courtesy of Lau Phaih Yean) were presented to them.
The function attended by Ming Chee and Ho Choy was made even more special when we made market visits with Shirley Teo –field sales executive in Miri, visiting Malaysia’s first oil pump up the hill and we were able to sample many different kinds of Sarawakian /Miri foods. Despite the haze worsening that day, all of us managed to arrive home safely in Kuching and KL . Terima Kasih to the MNRA Kuching team and friends who made this possible.
3. Dialogue with Nestlé Management
The dialogue continues with Nestlé Management. We are following up with them on a booklet for the Retirement Scheme and what are the benefits for the beneficiaries. As this is going to be a full and complete exercise which spells out details, it will take some time. MNRA Committee has offered to help look at the final draft and provide inputs.
4. Annual Nestlé Hi Teas, Dinners, Family Days organized by Head Office and the Regions
These functions are organized by Nestlé Head Office – Group Corporate Affairs. Many Retirees are confused that these are organized by MNRA. They are not! If you have been left out in these functions or wish to change your location of joining , example change from HOU to Shah Alam factory, you need to contact GHRD HOU Attention Encik Meor Zulkarnain Abdul Tarmizi (email: meorzulkarnain.ahmadtarmizi@my.nestle.com TEL 03 79656046) or Jamaliah Sharuddin Shafie. (email: jamaliah.sharuddinshafie@my.nestle.com TEL 03 79656237).
5. Our Best Moments in Nestlé
We wish to call out to all Retirees to submit memorable stories and pictures so we can post on our blog http://mynestleretiree.blogspot.com. Mr Lim Hock Cheng from Penang was given a special award for submitting memorable pictures which are now posted in our blog.
6. Wellness Visits
We visit members who are not well with a small gesture of fruit basket, home made cake, get well card, etc. Recently, we visited Messrs Yeo Eng Seng and Wong Chi Peng. But both are okay now
7. Member Get Member Drive
There are at least another 500 Retirees who are not yet members. Please help us to recruit new members. From now until 31st December 2015, for every successful member you recruit, you will receive a RM 10 AEON voucher. Application forms may be obtained from our Secretary Ms Lau Phaih Yean.
8. Nestlé Staff shop
The announcement when the staff shop is closed will be announced in our blog http://mynestleretiree.blogspot.com
9. Next Activities
(a) MNRA North (Penang/Ipoh region) Lunch on 22nd Nov 2015 at
Restoran Simpang Tiga, D-3 Greentown Square, Jalan Dato’ Seri Ahmad Said, 30450 Ipoh. Contact Persons are Jerry Lee Ooi Beng 017 4037218, Mohamad Noor bin Mohd 012 435 4397, Chang Fook Weng 012 7042350
(b) MNRA members get-together at Pak John Steam boat on 28th Nov 2015 located at Lot LG-13A & LG-15, Lower ground Floor E Curve, Jalan PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara. Please see form attached.
(c) Visit to Sri Muda factory sometime in December 2015 or Jan 2016.
(d) Visit o Chilli Farm in Kelantan subject to approval after Chinese New Year.
(e) Launch of Sabah MNRA – to be announced soon. This effort is being led by Jason Chong in Kota Kinabalu, Hp 019 851 6278
Let us try to close the year with some events and start the year anew with a big bang. We hope to see you at Pak John’s and Ipoh.
Wishing you all in good health and cheerful spirits.
Leong Ming Chee - President Lau Phaih Yean - Hon. Secretary
For more information and latest articles by MNRA members , we encourage you to log into our blog http://mynestleretiree.blogspot.com
1. My Unforgettable Experience – The Mountains are waiting for me by Chan Soon Fatt.
2. A Journey through the Himalayas – Annapurna Circuit by Sin Ming Keong
Both articles relate their own experiences and a sharing of true life experience, with beautiful pictures and sceneries.
Kita amat bertuah dapat menjayakan acara Stepping Forward Walk For Wellness pada Ogos dan bukan sekarang, memandangkan jerebu yang mampu menjejaskan kesihatan kita. Tambahan pula dengan wabak deman kepialu di Kuala Lumpur. Saya harap kita semua ambil langkah menjaga kesihatan kita dan juga kesihatan keluarga tersayang. Pakai topeng (atau mask) jika keluar rumah dan minum banyak air masak, jaga kebersihan diri, kurangkan makan di kedai-kedai dan terbaik ialah makan masakan sendiri di rumah.
Kami laporkan aktiviti-aktiviti yang dijalankan 2 bulan yang sudah.
1. Stepping Forward Walk For Wellness 8 Ogos 2015
Setelah setahun mendiamkan diri, MNRA/PPNM kembali dengan penuh semangat di Taman Jaya, Petaling Jaya di mana seramai 150 ahli dan keluarga mengambil bahagian dengan memanaskan badan dengan senaman mengikut rentak zumba bertemakan lagu New York, New York, Mama Mia dan lain-lain. Encik Alois Hofbauer dan Puan Zainun Abdul Rauf memeriahkan lagi acara dengan dikurniakan cuaca yang baik.
Selepas senaman memanaskan badan, kami mula berjalan mengelilingi tasik Taman Jaya, diikuti oleh sarapan sihat - MILO, NESTLE Breakfast Cereals dan MAGGI. Pertandingan MAGGI Nasi Goreng diadakan dimana para peserta mempamerkan bakat terpendam Masterchef mereka. Sukaneka yang mencabar diadakan untuk dimenangi hadiah-hadiah menarik.
Pagi yang sungguh menyeronokkan dan membolehkan ahli dan keluarga yang mengambil bahagian, menjadi penonton dan juga bersiratulrahim dengan rakan-rakan.
Kami ucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada pengurusan dan penaja-penaja yang bermurah-hati menaja program ini melalui pensampelan dan saguhati kepada kesemua peserta.
Bagi memastikan kesemua ahli dari Sarawak dapat hadir, Raymond Teo selaku Pengerusi MNRA/PPNM Kuching uruskan perjumpaan di Miri untuk membolehkan pesara Encik Foo Shin Shui dan Cik Brigette Law hadir bersama. Kedua mereka tidak dapat hadir dalam 2 perjumpaan yang diadakan di Kuching sebelum ini.
Untuk memeriahkan lagi majlis ini, mereka juga jemput rakan niaga dan sahabat-sahabat dari Jasra Harrisons dan Harrisions yang sanggup datang dari BSB, Brunei dan Bintulu. Perjumpaan yang sungguh meriah dan santai diusahakan oleh Salleh Ibrahim dan Soraya, isteri tersayangnya di kediaman mereka. Soraya menghidangkan masakan enak,siap dengan pencuci mulut, buah-buahan dan kuih muih. Majlis diakhiri dengan minuman NESCAFE.
Sebagai tatapan pada kenalan dari Kuala Lumpur yang tidak dapat hadir pada perjumpaan ini, sekeping kad ucapan disertai dengan gambar kenangan telah dihasilkan dan Lau Phaih Yean juga menghadiahkan sabun mandi buatan sendiri untuk En Foo dan Cik Brigette.
Majlis yang dihadiri oleh Leong Ming Chee dan Lim Ho Choy ke Miri menjadi lebih bermakna dengan lawatan kerja bersama Shirley Teo (Field Sales Executive Miri) ke pam minyak pertama di Malaysia yang terletak di atas bukit. Kedua mereka juga berkesempatan merasa berbagai makanan Sarawak dan Miri. Ribuan terima kasih kepada MNRA/PPNM Kuching dan rakan-rakan yang telah menjayakan program ini.
3. Dialog Bersama Pengurusan Nestle
Dialog bersama Pengurusan Nestle berterusan. Kami sedang berusaha untuk menghasilkan sebuah buku kecil Skim Pesaraan dan manfaat untuk waris. Memandangkan bukukecil ini akan merangkumi kesuluruhan initi pati melibatkan pesara, ia akan mengambil masa yang panjang untuk disiapkan dan AJK MNRA/PPNM akan membantu dalam hal ini.
4. Minum Petang Tahunan Nestle, Makan Malam Dan Hari Keluarga (Annual Nestle Hi Teas, Dinners, Family Days) Kelolaan Ibu Pejabat (HOU) dan Cawangan (Regions)
Kesemua majlis diatas dikelolakan sepenuhnya oleh Hal Ehwal Korporat Kumpulan (Group Corporate Affairs) Nestle Head Office. Ramai pesara yang keliru dan menjangkakan ini semua adalah kelolaan MNRA/PPNM. Sekiranya anda tidak dapat jemputan menghadiri majlis-majlis ini atau ingin menukar tempat majlis, seperti tukar dari HOU ke Kilang Shah Alam, anda perlu hubungi GHRD HOU, Untuk Perhatian Encik Meor Zulkarnain Abdul Tarmizi (email : meorzulkarnain.ahmad@my.nestle.com atau telefon 03-79656046) atau Puan Jamaliah Sharuddin Shafie (email : jamaliah.sharuddinshafie@my.nestle.com atau telefon 03-79656237).
5. Detik-Detik Terbaik Di Nestle (Our Best Moments In Nestlé)
Kami mengalu-alukan penyertaan dari pesara untuk menghantar gamba-gambar detik-detik terbaik semasa berkhidmat di Nestle supaya kami dapat memuatkan dalam blog kami http://mynestleretiree.blogsport.com. Encik Lim Hock Cheng dari Penang telah dihadiahkan cenderahati diatas usaha beliau menyertai program ini di mana gambar detik-detik terbaik beliau dimuatkan dalam blog di atas.
6. Lawatan Kesejahteraan
Kami menziarahi ahli-ahli yang kurang sihat dan kami bawa bersama buah tangan seperti buah-buahan, kek, kad ucapan dll. Baru-baru ini kami menziarahi Encik Yeo Eng Seng dan Encik Wong Chi Peng. Kedua-dua mereka sekarang sedang baransur pulih.
7. Program Ahli Mendapakan Ahli (Member Get Member Drive)
Ada sekurang-kurangnya 500 pesara yang belum lagi menjadi ahli. Kami memerlukan kerjasama tuan/puan untuk menrekruti ahli baru. Mulai sekarang hingga 31 Disember 2015, baucher AEON bernilai RM10.00 akan diberi kepada mereka yang dapat merekrut setiap ahli baru. Borang Ahli boleh didapati daripada setiausaha MNRA, Cik Lau Phaih Yean.
8. Nestle Staff Shop
Sila rujuk kepada blog kita http://mynestleretiree.blogspot.com untuk pengumuman waktu operasi.
9. Aktiviti-Aktiviti Seterusnya
a. MNRA/PPNM Utara (Penang/Ipoh) – Makan Tengahari
Tarikh : 22 Nov 2015 (Ahad)
Tempat : Restoran Simpang Tiga, D-3 Greentown Square, Jalan Dato’ Seri Ahmad Said, 30450 Ipoh.
Hubungi : Jerry Ooi Lee Beng 017 4037218
Mohamad Noor Bin Mohd 012 4354397
Chang Fook Weng 012 7042350
b. MNRA/PPNM (Lembah Kelang) – Makan Tengahari
Tarikh : 28 Nov 2015 (Sabtu)
Tempat : Pak John Steamboat, Lot LG-13A & LG-15, Lower Ground Floor, E Curve,
Jalan PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara.
Rujuk kepada borang yang dilampirkan.
c. Lawatan Ke Kilang Sri Muda
Tarikh : Disember 2015 atau Januari 2016
d. Lawatan Ke Ladang Cili, Kelantan
Menunggu kelulusan. Tarikh : Selepas Tahun Baru Cina, 2016.
e. Pelancaran MNRA/PPNM Sabah – akan diumumkan kelak.
Jason Chong dari Kota Kinabalu akan menerajui program ini. Beliau boleh dihubungi di 019 8516278.
Bersama-samalah kita menutup tahun ini dengan berbagai acara yang telah dirancang dan bermula tahun baru dengan lebih banyak lagi aktiviti-aktiviti. Jumpa anda di Pak John Steamboat dan di Ipoh.
Kami akhiri dengan ucapan salam sejahtera dan sihat-sihat selalu.
Leong Ming Chee - President Lau Phaih Yean - Hon. Secretary
Untuk keterangan lanjut dan berita terkini oleh ahli MNRA/PPNM, sila layari blog kami http://mynestleretiree.blogspot.com
1. My Unforgettable Experience – The Mountains are waiting for me by Chan Soon Fatt.
2. A Journey through the Himalayas – Annapurna Circuit by Sin Ming Keong
Kedua-dua artikel di atas berhubungkait dengan pengalaman mereka dan perkongsian pengalaman sebenar diiringi dengan gambar-gambar dan pemandangan indah
Dear Members,
Aren’t we glad that we held our big event Stepping Forward Walk For Wellness in August and not now. The haze is getting to all of us and is most unhealthy. And now the outbreak of Typhoid in KL. I hope that we are all taking care of ourselves and our families – wear masks when going out, drink lots of water and keep ourselves clean, avoid eating in dirty public places, boil your water and home-cooked meals are always the best.
We are delighted to report to you a couple of activities held in the last 2 months.
1. Stepping Forward Walk for Wellness 8th August 2015
After a year’s absence, MNRA came back in full force at Taman Jaya. Close to 150 MNRA members and their families in their sports shoes did the zumba, dancing to the tune of New York , New York, songs from Mama Mia and many more . A cloudy saturday morning on 8th August 2015 was perfect for this event, joined by Mr Alois Hofbauer and Puan Zainun Abdul Rauf.
After the warming up exercise, we started the walk round the Taman Jaya lake, followed by cooling down exercise and then breakfast served by MILO, NESTLÉ Breakfast Cereals and MAGGI sampling vans. Before too long, we had MAGGI Nasi Goreng contest where all participants tried their skills as Masterchefs and Telematches requiring accurate aiming, balancing, speed skills in order to secure some prizes.
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The young joins the seniors for exercise |
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Hello from all of us. Next time, you come too. |
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Make sure we pour all the water into the bottle |
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Balance , balance……. |
Our thanks to Nestlé Management and all the Businesses who contributed generously with their product samples for our goody bags.
2. MNRA KUCHING held a get – together in MIRI on 25th September 2015
To ensure we get to see all the members, Raymond Teo- Chairman of MNRA Kuching gathered his team to organize a trip to Miri to visit two of our long time retirees – Mr Foo Shin Shui and Ms Brigette Law who were unable to travel to Kuching for the last 2 occasions. To make this a reunion of friends, they also invited our partners and friends from Jasra Harrisons and Harrisions who travelled from as far as BSB, Brunei and Bintulu…what a wonderful get-together in a homely and relaxed environment offered by Salleh Ibrahim.
Salleh with his gracious wife cooked up a delicious meal which filled our stomachs, complete with desserts, cookies, fruits and of course NESCAFÉ.
As friends of Mr Foo and Brigette could not visit them in Miri, a special card with wishes and memorable photos plus a homemade soap (courtesy of Lau Phaih Yean) were presented to them.
The function attended by Ming Chee and Ho Choy was made even more special when we made market visits with Shirley Teo –field sales executive in Miri, visiting Malaysia’s first oil pump up the hill and we were able to sample many different kinds of Sarawakian /Miri foods. Despite the haze worsening that day, all of us managed to arrive home safely in Kuching and KL . Terima Kasih to the MNRA Kuching team and friends who made this possible.
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real pleasure to meet all our friends – Nestle and Harrisions/Jasra Harrisons
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Specially handmade soap and a greeting card from friends in KL for Mr Foo and Brigette |
3. Dialogue with Nestlé Management
The dialogue continues with Nestlé Management. We are following up with them on a booklet for the Retirement Scheme and what are the benefits for the beneficiaries. As this is going to be a full and complete exercise which spells out details, it will take some time. MNRA Committee has offered to help look at the final draft and provide inputs.
4. Annual Nestlé Hi Teas, Dinners, Family Days organized by Head Office and the Regions
These functions are organized by Nestlé Head Office – Group Corporate Affairs. Many Retirees are confused that these are organized by MNRA. They are not! If you have been left out in these functions or wish to change your location of joining , example change from HOU to Shah Alam factory, you need to contact GHRD HOU Attention Encik Meor Zulkarnain Abdul Tarmizi (email: meorzulkarnain.ahmadtarmizi@my.nestle.com TEL 03 79656046) or Jamaliah Sharuddin Shafie. (email: jamaliah.sharuddinshafie@my.nestle.com TEL 03 79656237).
5. Our Best Moments in Nestlé
We wish to call out to all Retirees to submit memorable stories and pictures so we can post on our blog http://mynestleretiree.blogspot.com. Mr Lim Hock Cheng from Penang was given a special award for submitting memorable pictures which are now posted in our blog.
6. Wellness Visits
We visit members who are not well with a small gesture of fruit basket, home made cake, get well card, etc. Recently, we visited Messrs Yeo Eng Seng and Wong Chi Peng. But both are okay now
7. Member Get Member Drive
There are at least another 500 Retirees who are not yet members. Please help us to recruit new members. From now until 31st December 2015, for every successful member you recruit, you will receive a RM 10 AEON voucher. Application forms may be obtained from our Secretary Ms Lau Phaih Yean.
8. Nestlé Staff shop
The announcement when the staff shop is closed will be announced in our blog http://mynestleretiree.blogspot.com
9. Next Activities
(a) MNRA North (Penang/Ipoh region) Lunch on 22nd Nov 2015 at
Restoran Simpang Tiga, D-3 Greentown Square, Jalan Dato’ Seri Ahmad Said, 30450 Ipoh. Contact Persons are Jerry Lee Ooi Beng 017 4037218, Mohamad Noor bin Mohd 012 435 4397, Chang Fook Weng 012 7042350
(b) MNRA members get-together at Pak John Steam boat on 28th Nov 2015 located at Lot LG-13A & LG-15, Lower ground Floor E Curve, Jalan PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara. Please see form attached.
(c) Visit to Sri Muda factory sometime in December 2015 or Jan 2016.
(d) Visit o Chilli Farm in Kelantan subject to approval after Chinese New Year.
(e) Launch of Sabah MNRA – to be announced soon. This effort is being led by Jason Chong in Kota Kinabalu, Hp 019 851 6278
Let us try to close the year with some events and start the year anew with a big bang. We hope to see you at Pak John’s and Ipoh.
Wishing you all in good health and cheerful spirits.
Leong Ming Chee - President Lau Phaih Yean - Hon. Secretary
For more information and latest articles by MNRA members , we encourage you to log into our blog http://mynestleretiree.blogspot.com
1. My Unforgettable Experience – The Mountains are waiting for me by Chan Soon Fatt.
2. A Journey through the Himalayas – Annapurna Circuit by Sin Ming Keong
Both articles relate their own experiences and a sharing of true life experience, with beautiful pictures and sceneries.
Kita amat bertuah dapat menjayakan acara Stepping Forward Walk For Wellness pada Ogos dan bukan sekarang, memandangkan jerebu yang mampu menjejaskan kesihatan kita. Tambahan pula dengan wabak deman kepialu di Kuala Lumpur. Saya harap kita semua ambil langkah menjaga kesihatan kita dan juga kesihatan keluarga tersayang. Pakai topeng (atau mask) jika keluar rumah dan minum banyak air masak, jaga kebersihan diri, kurangkan makan di kedai-kedai dan terbaik ialah makan masakan sendiri di rumah.
Kami laporkan aktiviti-aktiviti yang dijalankan 2 bulan yang sudah.
1. Stepping Forward Walk For Wellness 8 Ogos 2015
Setelah setahun mendiamkan diri, MNRA/PPNM kembali dengan penuh semangat di Taman Jaya, Petaling Jaya di mana seramai 150 ahli dan keluarga mengambil bahagian dengan memanaskan badan dengan senaman mengikut rentak zumba bertemakan lagu New York, New York, Mama Mia dan lain-lain. Encik Alois Hofbauer dan Puan Zainun Abdul Rauf memeriahkan lagi acara dengan dikurniakan cuaca yang baik.
Selepas senaman memanaskan badan, kami mula berjalan mengelilingi tasik Taman Jaya, diikuti oleh sarapan sihat - MILO, NESTLE Breakfast Cereals dan MAGGI. Pertandingan MAGGI Nasi Goreng diadakan dimana para peserta mempamerkan bakat terpendam Masterchef mereka. Sukaneka yang mencabar diadakan untuk dimenangi hadiah-hadiah menarik.
Pagi yang sungguh menyeronokkan dan membolehkan ahli dan keluarga yang mengambil bahagian, menjadi penonton dan juga bersiratulrahim dengan rakan-rakan.
Kami ucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada pengurusan dan penaja-penaja yang bermurah-hati menaja program ini melalui pensampelan dan saguhati kepada kesemua peserta.
Bagi memastikan kesemua ahli dari Sarawak dapat hadir, Raymond Teo selaku Pengerusi MNRA/PPNM Kuching uruskan perjumpaan di Miri untuk membolehkan pesara Encik Foo Shin Shui dan Cik Brigette Law hadir bersama. Kedua mereka tidak dapat hadir dalam 2 perjumpaan yang diadakan di Kuching sebelum ini.
Untuk memeriahkan lagi majlis ini, mereka juga jemput rakan niaga dan sahabat-sahabat dari Jasra Harrisons dan Harrisions yang sanggup datang dari BSB, Brunei dan Bintulu. Perjumpaan yang sungguh meriah dan santai diusahakan oleh Salleh Ibrahim dan Soraya, isteri tersayangnya di kediaman mereka. Soraya menghidangkan masakan enak,siap dengan pencuci mulut, buah-buahan dan kuih muih. Majlis diakhiri dengan minuman NESCAFE.
Sebagai tatapan pada kenalan dari Kuala Lumpur yang tidak dapat hadir pada perjumpaan ini, sekeping kad ucapan disertai dengan gambar kenangan telah dihasilkan dan Lau Phaih Yean juga menghadiahkan sabun mandi buatan sendiri untuk En Foo dan Cik Brigette.
Majlis yang dihadiri oleh Leong Ming Chee dan Lim Ho Choy ke Miri menjadi lebih bermakna dengan lawatan kerja bersama Shirley Teo (Field Sales Executive Miri) ke pam minyak pertama di Malaysia yang terletak di atas bukit. Kedua mereka juga berkesempatan merasa berbagai makanan Sarawak dan Miri. Ribuan terima kasih kepada MNRA/PPNM Kuching dan rakan-rakan yang telah menjayakan program ini.
3. Dialog Bersama Pengurusan Nestle
Dialog bersama Pengurusan Nestle berterusan. Kami sedang berusaha untuk menghasilkan sebuah buku kecil Skim Pesaraan dan manfaat untuk waris. Memandangkan bukukecil ini akan merangkumi kesuluruhan initi pati melibatkan pesara, ia akan mengambil masa yang panjang untuk disiapkan dan AJK MNRA/PPNM akan membantu dalam hal ini.
4. Minum Petang Tahunan Nestle, Makan Malam Dan Hari Keluarga (Annual Nestle Hi Teas, Dinners, Family Days) Kelolaan Ibu Pejabat (HOU) dan Cawangan (Regions)
Kesemua majlis diatas dikelolakan sepenuhnya oleh Hal Ehwal Korporat Kumpulan (Group Corporate Affairs) Nestle Head Office. Ramai pesara yang keliru dan menjangkakan ini semua adalah kelolaan MNRA/PPNM. Sekiranya anda tidak dapat jemputan menghadiri majlis-majlis ini atau ingin menukar tempat majlis, seperti tukar dari HOU ke Kilang Shah Alam, anda perlu hubungi GHRD HOU, Untuk Perhatian Encik Meor Zulkarnain Abdul Tarmizi (email : meorzulkarnain.ahmad@my.nestle.com atau telefon 03-79656046) atau Puan Jamaliah Sharuddin Shafie (email : jamaliah.sharuddinshafie@my.nestle.com atau telefon 03-79656237).
5. Detik-Detik Terbaik Di Nestle (Our Best Moments In Nestlé)
Kami mengalu-alukan penyertaan dari pesara untuk menghantar gamba-gambar detik-detik terbaik semasa berkhidmat di Nestle supaya kami dapat memuatkan dalam blog kami http://mynestleretiree.blogsport.com. Encik Lim Hock Cheng dari Penang telah dihadiahkan cenderahati diatas usaha beliau menyertai program ini di mana gambar detik-detik terbaik beliau dimuatkan dalam blog di atas.
6. Lawatan Kesejahteraan
Kami menziarahi ahli-ahli yang kurang sihat dan kami bawa bersama buah tangan seperti buah-buahan, kek, kad ucapan dll. Baru-baru ini kami menziarahi Encik Yeo Eng Seng dan Encik Wong Chi Peng. Kedua-dua mereka sekarang sedang baransur pulih.
7. Program Ahli Mendapakan Ahli (Member Get Member Drive)
Ada sekurang-kurangnya 500 pesara yang belum lagi menjadi ahli. Kami memerlukan kerjasama tuan/puan untuk menrekruti ahli baru. Mulai sekarang hingga 31 Disember 2015, baucher AEON bernilai RM10.00 akan diberi kepada mereka yang dapat merekrut setiap ahli baru. Borang Ahli boleh didapati daripada setiausaha MNRA, Cik Lau Phaih Yean.
8. Nestle Staff Shop
Sila rujuk kepada blog kita http://mynestleretiree.blogspot.com untuk pengumuman waktu operasi.
9. Aktiviti-Aktiviti Seterusnya
a. MNRA/PPNM Utara (Penang/Ipoh) – Makan Tengahari
Tarikh : 22 Nov 2015 (Ahad)
Tempat : Restoran Simpang Tiga, D-3 Greentown Square, Jalan Dato’ Seri Ahmad Said, 30450 Ipoh.
Hubungi : Jerry Ooi Lee Beng 017 4037218
Mohamad Noor Bin Mohd 012 4354397
Chang Fook Weng 012 7042350
b. MNRA/PPNM (Lembah Kelang) – Makan Tengahari
Tarikh : 28 Nov 2015 (Sabtu)
Tempat : Pak John Steamboat, Lot LG-13A & LG-15, Lower Ground Floor, E Curve,
Jalan PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara.
Rujuk kepada borang yang dilampirkan.
c. Lawatan Ke Kilang Sri Muda
Tarikh : Disember 2015 atau Januari 2016
d. Lawatan Ke Ladang Cili, Kelantan
Menunggu kelulusan. Tarikh : Selepas Tahun Baru Cina, 2016.
e. Pelancaran MNRA/PPNM Sabah – akan diumumkan kelak.
Jason Chong dari Kota Kinabalu akan menerajui program ini. Beliau boleh dihubungi di 019 8516278.
Bersama-samalah kita menutup tahun ini dengan berbagai acara yang telah dirancang dan bermula tahun baru dengan lebih banyak lagi aktiviti-aktiviti. Jumpa anda di Pak John Steamboat dan di Ipoh.
Kami akhiri dengan ucapan salam sejahtera dan sihat-sihat selalu.
Leong Ming Chee - President Lau Phaih Yean - Hon. Secretary
Untuk keterangan lanjut dan berita terkini oleh ahli MNRA/PPNM, sila layari blog kami http://mynestleretiree.blogspot.com
1. My Unforgettable Experience – The Mountains are waiting for me by Chan Soon Fatt.
2. A Journey through the Himalayas – Annapurna Circuit by Sin Ming Keong
Kedua-dua artikel di atas berhubungkait dengan pengalaman mereka dan perkongsian pengalaman sebenar diiringi dengan gambar-gambar dan pemandangan indah
Saturday, 3 October 2015
Boosting retirement fund
TheStar - Business News
Boosting retirement fund
Saturday, 3 October 2015
EPF Member’s Investment Scheme an option to enhance retirement savings
FINANCIAL advisors have stressed the importance of retirement planning as early as possible so that one can live a comfortable life after retirement.
One of the apparent benefits to start early is the effect of compounding and that can make a huge difference in one’s retirement fund.
To achieve that desired outcome, planning is important as everyone may have a different goal.
Understanding the importance of giving its members the options to achieve their goals, the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) has introduced Member’s Investment Scheme (MIS) in November 1996.
What is EPF Member’s Investment Scheme?
This is a voluntary scheme that provides the option for EPF contributors to transfer part of their savings from their Account 1 at EPF to invest through the appointed Fund Management Institution (FMI) under the scheme.
“Members on a voluntary basis and at their own risks may transfer part of their savings from Account 1 into FMI of their choice to optimise the investment of their EPF savings for potentially higher returns, at acceptable level of risks, thus providing them with enhanced savings upon retirement,” EPF quantitative and performance analysis department head Badrul Hisham Dahalan tells StarBizWeek.
Instead of the one fund and one strategy provided by EPF, members have the option to choose the FMIs of their choice to meet their investment goals.
“But first of all, the member should understand his or her risk profile and they have to take the initiatives to understand and monitor their choice of investments,” he says.
Under the scheme, members are only allowed to invest through the 27 FMIs appointed by EPF. That means they cannot invest directly in the market under the scheme.
The types of FMI appointed are unit trust management companies, asset management companies and Lembaga Tabung Haji. A unit trust management company manages the unit trust fund management while an asset Management Company manages private mandate.
The list of appointed FMIs can be found at EPF’s website.
To be noted, fees and charges apply for the services of these FMIs and it can vary from one to another.
Charges include initial service charge, which EPF has capped for FMI to charge members up to 3%.
“Members are urged to read the offering documents issued by the FMI and understand all the costs incurred and risks involves when investing,” says Badrul.
How does EPF safeguard members’ interest?
As the EPF’s vision is to be a world-class social security organisation providing the best retirement savings for Malaysians, safeguarding the integrity of the scheme becomes a priority.
It ensures there will be no leakages in members’ retirement savings by putting in place framework and guidelines governing the FMI. If the FMI is found to have breached the guidelines, it will take stern actions against the FMI.
Depending on the gravity of the breach, it can give warning, fine, suspend or terminate the said FMI.
As part of its supervision over the FMIs, the FMIs are also required to submit reports on a monthly and a quarterly basis or as and when required.
More importantly, EPF will have a yearly evaluation of the funds offered under the scheme. This is done together with the Federation of Investment Managers Malaysia (FIMM), a self-regulatory organisation for the investment management industry that is recognised by the Securities Commission.
Those funds that do not meet the minimum criteria will be suspended until they meet the minimum threshold of the qualifying criteria.
On top of that, EPF will conduct an annual audit on FMI to examine their compliance with the EPF guidelines and operating in the best interest in relation to the scheme.
To be an eligible FMI, the company has to be incorporated in Malaysia, licensed by the Securities Commission, possesses at least three years performance track record and has not adverse record.
FIMM CEO Nazaruddin Othman says the organisation will continue to work closely with EPF for check and balance of the FMIs.
How to start and choose a fund?
Before a member considers participating in the MIS, he or she has to find out whether he or she is qualified to transfer part of the savings in EPF Account 1. A member must have at least RM5,000 of basic savings in his or her Account 1 and must not reach 55 years of age on the date of submission to EPF.
A member can check the account balance at any EPF Smart Kiosk nationwide by using member’s Mykad, refer to latest EPF statement or log in into EPF website (www.kwsp.gov.my) via i-Akaun if a member is a registered i-Akaun user.
A member may invest 20% from the member’s savings in excess of the basic savings amount required in Account 1 (refer to table for age and basic savings required).
The minimum amount of investment under the unit trust mandate is RM1,000 while for the private mandate, it may require a larger sum of money. Investment can be made once every 3 months and through one FMI at a time. Subsequent investment can be made through the same or other approved FMI.
As a rule of thumb, the calculation of the amount of money that can be used to invest under the scheme is as such: (Account 1-basic savings) x 20%.
Once the member fulfils the eligibility, he or she can choose the funds that he or she would like to put the money in.
“There are various funds under the scheme made available for the members to choose from based from their risk profile,” Badrul says.
Of the 336 funds listed under the scheme, 220 funds are qualified to be offered for period 2015/2016.
For unit trust funds, there are equity funds, bond funds, mixed asset funds, money market funds, property trust fund and they are available in conventional or shariah compliant fund to suit the various risk profiles of members.
For private mandate, members may choose to have their investment managed by the eligible asset management companies.
These funds need to achieve a three-year simple average consistent return rating of 2.00, sourced from mutual and hedge fund analytics provider Lipper, which has a scale of 1 to 5.
To help members choose the funds, the EPF has introduced Members Investment Scheme Information Portal on April 2015.
The portal provides information on unit trust funds and FMI appointed under the scheme including the funds status and funds’ performance.
Moreover, members can compare funds under the same category, their board of directors, investment committee, dividend/bonus paid and other information.
“All EPF members with i-Akaun can surf the portal for free. The portal only provides information on unit trust funds to facilitate members’ investment decision making,” he says adding that the portal, which is managed by an independent licensed party, does not serve to promote any unit trust funds or fund management institutions.
His advises members who choose to participate in the scheme to be clearly guided by the fund’s prospectus.
The prospectus is the fund’s selling document and contains valuable information such as the fund’s investment objective or goal, principal strategies for achieving the goals, principal risks of investing in the fund, fees and expenses and past performances. It also identifies the fund’s manager and advisers and describes how to purchase and redeem the fund’s units.
“The member should read and understand the content of the prospectus and if in doubt, always consult a professional financial adviser,” Badrul adds.
Members are not allowed to withdraw any amount from the money invested through the FMI i.e no leakages. In the event of any income distribution or profit deriving from his/her investments under the scheme, it will be reinvested. If the investment is liquidated (redeemed), all amounts including returns from the investment must be credited into the members Account 1 at EPF. There is no mandatory period determine by the EPF for a member to redeem his/her investment under the scheme.
If the appointed FMI is terminated or removed from the list of appointment, the FMI is required to liquidate the EPF member’s investment with them and return the invested amount to member’s account in EPF within the stipulated time and manner as outlined in the guidelines.
EPF will release its control on the invested amount by the FMI when a member reaches age 55 or has made full withdrawal under leaving the country, incapacitation, pensionable employees and death withdrawals. Claims or resale of the invested units will be managed by the member or next-of-kin directly with the FMI.
“We aim to create the awareness of the existence of this option but members can always choose to have their funds managed by EPF. At the end of the day, we hope EPF contributors will have adequate savings for their retirement,” Badrul emphasises.
More than 780,000 members have participated in the scheme and he hopes that the awareness of the scheme increases.
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
A Journey Through The Himalayas
Annapurna Circuit Trek
by Sim Meng Keong 24.8.2015
As the saying goes “The world is a book, those who do not travel, read only a page”. Travel not only enlightens our senses and broadens our minds, it creates a healthier perspective about life when we experience new things, meet different people and culture.
Trekking Himalaya is one item in my bucket list. So when Soon Fatt invited me in June 2014 to join him and his two friends for the Annapurna Circuit Trek, I immediately seized the opportunity to see this part of the world which offers challenging and fascinating landscape. It was a perfect timing to embark on this 18 days journey as my request for early retirement from Nestle has just been approved at that time.
We planned to travel to Nepal for the Annapurna Circuit Trek in Sept/Oct 2014 as this is the best season for trekking. The weather is sunny and warm with outstanding views but the nights are slightly cold.
As I have no prior experience in mountain trekking, I soon started my intensive training (with guidance from Soon Fatt) by climbing Bukit Gasing every Sunday for three months before the trip.
Brief Summary of our ACT (Annapurna Circuit Trek)
The actual trek took us 18 days to cover the circuit of 300km route around the Annapurna mountain range. Our starting point was at Besisahar. We stopped at several villages along the ACT before reaching Thorong-La Pass which is a mountain pass that stays as the highest pass in the world with an elevation of 5,416 metres (17,769 ft) above sea level in the Damodar Himal, north of the Annapurna Himal, in central Nepal. We trekked till Nayapul before being driven to Pokhara and thereafter to Kathmandu where we ended our ACT.
Throughout the ACT, we were captivated by the magnificent sceneries with snow-capped mountain, raging rivers and waterfalls, enchanting forest, beautiful farms and villages and its friendly people.
Below is our day-to-day itinerary.
Day 1 : Arrival at Kathamandu
We arrived at Kathmandu Airport in the evening. We were swiftly checked into our hotel by the tour agents who organised the ACT. We did our last minute shopping for gloves, down jackets and other accessories. After that we had our delicious Thakali dinner.
Day 2 : Kathmandu to Besisahar (180km)
After an excellent breakfast, we were driven in a van for almost 4 hours through the foothills of Himalaya to Besisahar. We rested after the long journey.
Day 3 : Besisahar to Ngadi (14km)
After a hearty breakfast, we set off at 7.30am and we walked for 3 hours and 30 minutes before reaching a guest house in Ngadi where we stayed overnight. We were lucky to have made it to the guest house just before the heavy rain.
Day 4 : Ngadi to Jagat (20km)
After a solid warm-up first day trek, today’s walk began with an easy winding path from Ngadi. We trekked for more than 5 hours across suspension bridge, steep climbs and farm terraces before we arrived at Jagat where we stayed overnight. Magnificent views of the raging waterfalls and river on our route to Jagat.
Day 5 : Jagat to Dharapani (27km)
Next morning we set out to Dharapani. The journey took us 5 hours 30 minutes across suspension bridge over the raging Marsyangdi River and steep climbs before reaching our destination. We stayed at a guest house that has the beautiful view of the raging Marsyangdi River.
Day 6 : Dharapani to Chame (17km)
From Dharapani onwards, the vegetation, the local inhabitants and the general landscapes go through a gradual change as the air gets cooler, the trail then climbs through forests and to the alpine region passing through farms, orchards, waterfalls and beautiful pine forest. We camped at Chame after some 6 hours of good walking.
Day 7: Chame to Pisang (19.5km)
From Chame, we continued on the gradual path up to a bridge, from the bridge a short steep climb through the pine forest brought us to the top ridge of the Pisang village. We arrived at Pisang village after trekking for 4 hours 15 minutes and enjoying the beautiful scenery.
Day 8 : Pisang to Manang (16km)
From Pisang onwards, we kept hiking with constant views of the high snow-capped peaks. The walk climbed more steeply now. On reaching the top, we stopped at a ridge to get our view of the Manang valley. On our way to Manang, we passed through several smaller villages. After 5 hours of walking we arrived at Manang where we stayed for 2 nights to enable us to acclimatise the high attitude.
Day 9 : Rest Day to acclimatise at Manang
A necessary day to rest, acclimatise and explore Manang. I had my first attempt to taste a Yak steak for dinner. I found the meat tough for a steak.
Day 10 : Manang to Yak Kharka (11.5km)
After a wonderful time at Manang, the trail from here leads to a slow climb for an hour, after the last village of Manang and the track gently winds up offering inspiring views of the Annapurna II, Gangapurna and Tiloche. After trekking for 3 hours 30 minutes along the scenic route we arrived at Yak Kharka.
Day 11 : Yak Kharka to High Camp (10km)
Our climb gradually leads to a ridge before descending to the headwaters of the Marsyangdi River and crossing via a wooden bridge. We stopped at Thorung Phedi for lunch before our steep climb to the High Camp. The trail from Phedi follows on the winding gravel path as the walk in the beginning can be quite strenuous on the steep zigzag path for an hour and a half before we reached the High Camp. We had an early rest as we had to wake up early the next morning before 4am.
Day 12 : High Camp to Muktinah via Thorung-La Pass (16km)
Today was the big day as we found ourselves going through the highest point of this trek over Thorung-La. We started very early in the morning before the break of dawn after a quick breakfast of oat and tea, so that we could reach the top of the pass before the chill wind started blowing. After 3 hours of slow and strenuous walk due to low oxygen level and the cold air, we reached the height of 5,415 meters at Thorung-La. It was a triumphant moment especially for me. The views of the high Himalayan scenery was simply stunning.
Snow-capped mountain peak near Thorung-La Pass. This is the area where more than 40 trekkers perished during the snow storm in Oct 2014 just after we passed by this area a week earlier.
The descent from Thorung-La was steep and rough. From here, we took a longer route to descend to the sacred village of Muktinath. We stayed overnight at Muktinath.
Day 13 : Muktinath to Marpha (27km)
After the strenuous day as it was hard on the knees to Muktinath, our journey carried on with a 1,200m of descent to the Kaligandaki river valley floor. From here onwards, the valley became very windy in the afternoon. The scene along this route was awesome. Another 2 hours of gentle trails we reached the large town of Jomsom where we had our lunch.
Another two hours of easy walk from Jomsom towards the south east brought us to Marpha for the overnight stop.
Day 14 : Marpha to Lete (22km)
From Marpha, the walk was very enjoyable following the Kaligandaki River downstream. Soon we reached another charming village of Tukuche. After another 3 hours of walking we arrived at the village of Lete for our overnight stay.
Day 15 : Lete to Tatopani (26km)
It was a pleasant walk from Lete to Tatopani amidst the beautiful surroundings, terraced paddy fields and the beautiful waterfall of Rupsi Chhare. After 5 hours 30 minutes of walking, we arrived at Tatopani, a nice village with large hot spring pools just by the bank of Kaligandaki. Overnight at Tatopani.
Day 16 : Tatopani to Ghorepani (17km)
After a wonderful time at Tatopani and immersing ourselves in its warm pools, our trek continued towards the east on a gradual trail crossing suspension bridge over the Kaligandaki River and uphill climb. The climb was quite steep to the top. After a strenuous 5 hours of walking, we arrived at Ghorepani where we rested early as we had to wake up early the next morning to get the best view of the sunrise at Poon-Hill.
Day 17 : Ghorepani to Tirkhedhunga (17km)
Just before 5am, we hiked up for more than an hour to the top of Poon-Hill at 3,195m attitude. We experienced a stunning and beautiful sunrise with superb panorama view over the Dhaulagiri-Annapurna to Mt. Manaslu range.
After a busy photo session, we returned to the camp at Ghorepani for breakfast. From Ghorepani we walked on a downhill path passing through cool shade of forests and small villages till we reached Banthali.
After lunch, we continued on a gradual trail for a short period and then a long descend from Ulleri village on the stone paved steps all the way to the suspension bridge at Tirkedhunga and finally to our guest house where we stayed overnight.
Day 18 : Tirkedhunga to Nayapul (9km)
After a lovely morning at Tirkedhunga, a beautiful walk took us on a gradual downhill path most of the way passing through rural farm villages and great views of cascading waterfalls nearby before reaching Nayapul. From Nayapul, we hopped into a taxi for an interesting scenic drive of less than two hours to Pokhara for our final stop before getting back to Kathmandu.
I would consider the Annapurna Circuit Trek experience a great personal achievement. I have learnt to be more discipline and independent and more confident in what I can achieve by viewing obstacles as just part of my life for me to move forward. This challenging back-to-nature experience, the beautiful sceneries and the friendly people of Nepal will forever remain in my memory.
by Sim Meng Keong 24.8.2015
As the saying goes “The world is a book, those who do not travel, read only a page”. Travel not only enlightens our senses and broadens our minds, it creates a healthier perspective about life when we experience new things, meet different people and culture.
Trekking Himalaya is one item in my bucket list. So when Soon Fatt invited me in June 2014 to join him and his two friends for the Annapurna Circuit Trek, I immediately seized the opportunity to see this part of the world which offers challenging and fascinating landscape. It was a perfect timing to embark on this 18 days journey as my request for early retirement from Nestle has just been approved at that time.
We planned to travel to Nepal for the Annapurna Circuit Trek in Sept/Oct 2014 as this is the best season for trekking. The weather is sunny and warm with outstanding views but the nights are slightly cold.
As I have no prior experience in mountain trekking, I soon started my intensive training (with guidance from Soon Fatt) by climbing Bukit Gasing every Sunday for three months before the trip.
Brief Summary of our ACT (Annapurna Circuit Trek)
The actual trek took us 18 days to cover the circuit of 300km route around the Annapurna mountain range. Our starting point was at Besisahar. We stopped at several villages along the ACT before reaching Thorong-La Pass which is a mountain pass that stays as the highest pass in the world with an elevation of 5,416 metres (17,769 ft) above sea level in the Damodar Himal, north of the Annapurna Himal, in central Nepal. We trekked till Nayapul before being driven to Pokhara and thereafter to Kathmandu where we ended our ACT.
Throughout the ACT, we were captivated by the magnificent sceneries with snow-capped mountain, raging rivers and waterfalls, enchanting forest, beautiful farms and villages and its friendly people.
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The Annapurna Circuit Trek covers a total of
Below is our day-to-day itinerary.
Day 1 : Arrival at Kathamandu
We arrived at Kathmandu Airport in the evening. We were swiftly checked into our hotel by the tour agents who organised the ACT. We did our last minute shopping for gloves, down jackets and other accessories. After that we had our delicious Thakali dinner.
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Delicious Thakali dinner
Day 2 : Kathmandu to Besisahar (180km)
After an excellent breakfast, we were driven in a van for almost 4 hours through the foothills of Himalaya to Besisahar. We rested after the long journey.
Day 3 : Besisahar to Ngadi (14km)
After a hearty breakfast, we set off at 7.30am and we walked for 3 hours and 30 minutes before reaching a guest house in Ngadi where we stayed overnight. We were lucky to have made it to the guest house just before the heavy rain.
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The team posing for group photo just before
starting off on our ATC journey
Day 4 : Ngadi to Jagat (20km)
After a solid warm-up first day trek, today’s walk began with an easy winding path from Ngadi. We trekked for more than 5 hours across suspension bridge, steep climbs and farm terraces before we arrived at Jagat where we stayed overnight. Magnificent views of the raging waterfalls and river on our route to Jagat.
Day 5 : Jagat to Dharapani (27km)
Next morning we set out to Dharapani. The journey took us 5 hours 30 minutes across suspension bridge over the raging Marsyangdi River and steep climbs before reaching our destination. We stayed at a guest house that has the beautiful view of the raging Marsyangdi River.
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The raging Marsyangdi River
Day 6 : Dharapani to Chame (17km)
From Dharapani onwards, the vegetation, the local inhabitants and the general landscapes go through a gradual change as the air gets cooler, the trail then climbs through forests and to the alpine region passing through farms, orchards, waterfalls and beautiful pine forest. We camped at Chame after some 6 hours of good walking.
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Multiple Waterfalls enroute to Chame
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Our guest house
in Chame
Day 7: Chame to Pisang (19.5km)
From Chame, we continued on the gradual path up to a bridge, from the bridge a short steep climb through the pine forest brought us to the top ridge of the Pisang village. We arrived at Pisang village after trekking for 4 hours 15 minutes and enjoying the beautiful scenery.
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Marsyangdi River along the route to Pisang
From Pisang onwards, we kept hiking with constant views of the high snow-capped peaks. The walk climbed more steeply now. On reaching the top, we stopped at a ridge to get our view of the Manang valley. On our way to Manang, we passed through several smaller villages. After 5 hours of walking we arrived at Manang where we stayed for 2 nights to enable us to acclimatise the high attitude.
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Scenic spot along the route to Manang
A necessary day to rest, acclimatise and explore Manang. I had my first attempt to taste a Yak steak for dinner. I found the meat tough for a steak.
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Our trekking team having dinner at the guest house
in Manang
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The view from our guest house of the Gangapurna
mountain range
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Admiring the Annapurna massif
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Manang town site on the mountain edge
After a wonderful time at Manang, the trail from here leads to a slow climb for an hour, after the last village of Manang and the track gently winds up offering inspiring views of the Annapurna II, Gangapurna and Tiloche. After trekking for 3 hours 30 minutes along the scenic route we arrived at Yak Kharka.
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Mountain range along the route to Yak Kharka
Our climb gradually leads to a ridge before descending to the headwaters of the Marsyangdi River and crossing via a wooden bridge. We stopped at Thorung Phedi for lunch before our steep climb to the High Camp. The trail from Phedi follows on the winding gravel path as the walk in the beginning can be quite strenuous on the steep zigzag path for an hour and a half before we reached the High Camp. We had an early rest as we had to wake up early the next morning before 4am.
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Scenic stop enroute to Thorung Pedi, 4450m
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Steep ascend from Thorung Pedi to High Camp
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View from High Camp
Today was the big day as we found ourselves going through the highest point of this trek over Thorung-La. We started very early in the morning before the break of dawn after a quick breakfast of oat and tea, so that we could reach the top of the pass before the chill wind started blowing. After 3 hours of slow and strenuous walk due to low oxygen level and the cold air, we reached the height of 5,415 meters at Thorung-La. It was a triumphant moment especially for me. The views of the high Himalayan scenery was simply stunning.
Snow-capped mountain peak near Thorung-La Pass. This is the area where more than 40 trekkers perished during the snow storm in Oct 2014 just after we passed by this area a week earlier.
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Approaching Thorung-La Pass
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Soon Fatt and Ming Keong at Thorung-La Pass
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Steep Descend from Thorung-La Pass
Day 13 : Muktinath to Marpha (27km)
After the strenuous day as it was hard on the knees to Muktinath, our journey carried on with a 1,200m of descent to the Kaligandaki river valley floor. From here onwards, the valley became very windy in the afternoon. The scene along this route was awesome. Another 2 hours of gentle trails we reached the large town of Jomsom where we had our lunch.
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Mirror Lake on the way to Jomsom
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Trekkers applying innovative clothes drying
technique on the way to Jomsom
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View of the valley at Kaligandaki River
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Scenic spot enroute to Jomsom
Another two hours of easy walk from Jomsom towards the south east brought us to Marpha for the overnight stop.
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Marpha town completely whitewashed and free
of animal droppings
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Our homely guest house in Marpha
From Marpha, the walk was very enjoyable following the Kaligandaki River downstream. Soon we reached another charming village of Tukuche. After another 3 hours of walking we arrived at the village of Lete for our overnight stay.
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Our trek enroute to Lete
It was a pleasant walk from Lete to Tatopani amidst the beautiful surroundings, terraced paddy fields and the beautiful waterfall of Rupsi Chhare. After 5 hours 30 minutes of walking, we arrived at Tatopani, a nice village with large hot spring pools just by the bank of Kaligandaki. Overnight at Tatopani.
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Beautiful waterfall of Rupsi Chhare
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Our guest house at Tatopani
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Soon Fatt and Ming Keong at Tatopani’s hot
After a wonderful time at Tatopani and immersing ourselves in its warm pools, our trek continued towards the east on a gradual trail crossing suspension bridge over the Kaligandaki River and uphill climb. The climb was quite steep to the top. After a strenuous 5 hours of walking, we arrived at Ghorepani where we rested early as we had to wake up early the next morning to get the best view of the sunrise at Poon-Hill.
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Steep ascend to Ghorepani
Just before 5am, we hiked up for more than an hour to the top of Poon-Hill at 3,195m attitude. We experienced a stunning and beautiful sunrise with superb panorama view over the Dhaulagiri-Annapurna to Mt. Manaslu range.
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Mountain range seen from Poon-Hill before
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Sunrise at mountain range taken at Poon-Hill
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Mountain range seen from Poon-Hill
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Soon Fatt and Ming Keong at Poon-Hill
After lunch, we continued on a gradual trail for a short period and then a long descend from Ulleri village on the stone paved steps all the way to the suspension bridge at Tirkedhunga and finally to our guest house where we stayed overnight.
Day 18 : Tirkedhunga to Nayapul (9km)
After a lovely morning at Tirkedhunga, a beautiful walk took us on a gradual downhill path most of the way passing through rural farm villages and great views of cascading waterfalls nearby before reaching Nayapul. From Nayapul, we hopped into a taxi for an interesting scenic drive of less than two hours to Pokhara for our final stop before getting back to Kathmandu.
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Clear water stream along the route to Nayapul
Enjoying farewell dinner with our chief guide
and trekking agency team at Rum Doodle, Kathmandu, where we left our Foot Print
before ending our ACT journey at Kathmandu.
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Our Foot Print |
I would consider the Annapurna Circuit Trek experience a great personal achievement. I have learnt to be more discipline and independent and more confident in what I can achieve by viewing obstacles as just part of my life for me to move forward. This challenging back-to-nature experience, the beautiful sceneries and the friendly people of Nepal will forever remain in my memory.
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